Imposing a minimum wage?
Posted by dreamersmith 11 years, 1 month ago to Government
What a crazy idea! The market will dictate what people must be paid for the work they perform...only a State that puts mediocrity on a pedestal would give a handout for trying hard rather than for producing much!
"Observe that any social movement which begins by “redistributing” income, ends up by distributing sacrifices" Ayn Rand
I stumbled on it this am and found that it made the point that wages were none of the government's business better than anything I had ever seen or read. As I watched, I really did not know where it was going but by the end I realized that "exploiting" factory laborers in China is going to lead to explosive capitalism in China and left unchecked it will change the world more than the experiment in America in the period between the Civil War and 1913.
Then make the stupid liberals explain why we can't do it.
This has been demonstrated mathematically and in the real world. If you have to double everyones wage, or at a minimum increase it by a significant amont (say 30%), you will not be able to raise prices to cover that so you (a business owner) will cut costs where possible. That is usually staff (real honest to g_d people will be let go.
It's pretty simple really. If you raise the cost of the inputs (labor is an input), you must raise the cost of the output as well. So those $5 value meals become $6 - not because the meal got any better mind you, but because the person behind the counter somehow merited the raise just by being there.
What the economically clueless don't understand is that the minimum wage has two significant effects: it increases the basic cost of nearly all goods (again - to cover the rise in input costs) called INFLATION and it puts the unskilled out of jobs.
Oh, and if someone points to some studies which purport to show that raising the minimum wage had no effect, please ask them to cite their studies. More than 80% of Economics textbooks cite these studies to be discredited reaffirm the points that raising the minimum wage is far more detrimental than beneficial.
I'm sure that if Wesley Mouch were a real person, he could set us ALL straight.
And, those that tell the truth "religiously" are the atheists - LMAO.
Actually, I've yet to see a liberal/progressive tell the truth, if truth is reality. They all see things as they wish them to be, not as they are.
Is Robbie your actual first name, by the way? That thought just occurred to me.
I was mainly referring in the latter part of my post to businessmen I've met over the years, with no reference to political persuasion. 1/3 of them are very truthful. 1/3 of them are truth when it comes to owing them money. And 1/3 of them you just can't trust:)