Greece, Germany, and a Real-World Version of Atlas Shrugged

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: General
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Atlas Shrugged is playing out all over the world. Greece is an excellent example of what wI'll eventually happen if the moochers and looters are the decision makers.
SOURCE URL: http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/danieljmitchell/2015/07/17/greece-germany-and-a-realworld-version-of-atlas-shrugged-n2026516

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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 2 months ago
    Best example of the outcome of socialism in recent history! So wonderfully match Ayn's Nostradamus--esque novel it is scary.

    I have a friend that says "You aren't rich enough to be a republican", to which I respond, "We as a whole aren't rich enough for a democrat". (our discussion should properly read fiscal conservative vs socialist, but you get the point).

    I have another flaming liberal democrat prior business associate (he got fired as a general manager ... shocking). His first month on the job he put up a sign in the first parking space "General Manager". His replacement, fiscal conservative, great leader took it down, and parks wherever. Beyond fiscal policy, the other difference between these guys: Leadership! I would tease the liberal guy "How is your republican parking space", or "Looks like everyone turns into a republican when they get a little power". He would smile and say nothing, until his divisions numbers came crashing down...
    Just is such a wonderful example of what progressives and liberals really do. They get power, distribute wealth in accordance with some well-meaning, untested theory and they indulge lavishly, thinking "our little cream from the top is due us for what we did for the needy". What do real leaders do? They move the whole organization forward, effective and productive, and take their compensation from the improvements!

    I see the ruling Greek party in the same light. They were elected on a platform of non-austerity, and they cannot allow themselves to accept (or people see) that the prior party was correct. "We can't afford it"

    Boy do I wish one of the US POTUS candidates would take this platform and run with it!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
    Reading the article, I was laughing as I read the moocher plea for David Cameron to explain why he wanted people to suffer.
    Putting myself in Cameron's shoes, the first two words that sprang into Old Dino's mind began with a "f" followed by a "y."
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 2 months ago
    Although I think that Germany is making a political statement, they will do another bailout so their politicians wont be blamed for immediate results from Grexit. They will pay for it by printing euros and making their own citizens pay through inflation of the euro. Its disgusting. Greece should be dumped unceremoniously and allowed to fail. Just like Venezuela. Amazing how these people expect to be taken care of somehow.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 2 months ago
    Readers of Atlas have been pointing out what is happening economically to the world since the 50s. It is reality, and reality can be evaded, kicked down the road, and not dealt with, but eventually it will catch up to you and you will pay the price. The longer the evasion, the higher the price.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 2 months ago
    I was particularly struck by how china responded to their financial collapse; they told the CEO's that they could not go bankrupt and told the stockholders that they could not sell their stock!
    Sounds just like Atlas Shrugged to me!
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