ObamaNo-Care or The Un-Afordable Un-Caring Act

Posted by Ibecame 9 years, 7 months ago to Economics
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They still haven't released the information on all of the people that were cancelled by the insurance companies (which appears to be more than they signed up).

They don't include the number of people that were reduced below 30 hours and were dumped off of insurance.

The big one that the "Investigative News Reporters" seem to be ignorant of is that many of those that are signed up were on Medicare, or Medicaid originally but switched. This is because the the ACA is a better or at least cheaper plan than Medicare/Medicaid.

Its time to state the truth; "America has the WORST health care system of any developed country." I am ashamed of it.

I remember when: I used to belong to a Co-Op and didn't pay a deductible, there was no limit to coverage, I got a check back in time for Xmas for the money the Co-Op didn't use based on how healthy I kept myself.

Now- Deductibles run up to $9000.00 and the average family plan is now up to just under $17,000. Now of course we "get" to pay a separate Co-pay for each test and each drug when it used to be one per visit.

Then the Insurance companies lobbied with the government to run the Co-Op's out of business. They had to pay income tax, while Insurance companies don't. Co-Ops had to cary a huge reserve and were not allowed to invest, while insurance companies were treated like banks with only small reserves, and huge investments. What ever happened to "Truth, Justice and the American Way" let alone a level, fair playing field.

This of course was "For the Public Good."
SOURCE URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/26/charts-health-care-costs-americans_n_2957266.html

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