The Will to Live
Posted by anarchistbanjo 12 years, 5 months ago to Philosophy
Acquiring the will to live is an important step toward self-empowerment and mastery of our physical lives. Not everyone has it. How can we achieve this strength of will? There is an instinct or primal will to live deep within each of us. It is the collective will of the human species to survive into the future, to grow and expand.
We are a part of the human race and there is within us something that wishes the human race to physically survive. There is something that wants the human race to be alive billions of years into the future when our sun goes nova and dies out.
There is within us something that wants the human race to expand beyond planet earth, to explore the stars and other galaxies. Something that wants humanity to build miraculous cities beneath the oceans and on top of the highest mountains. Something that wants us to go ever onward in the face of overwhelming opposition.
There is something within us that delights in healthy bodies with fine athletic ability. Something that delights in competence, problem solving and new challenges. Something that wants the human race to take the next evolutionary step toward physical perfection.
That something is the WILL TO LIVE. Why is this will to live so strong in some people and weak in others? When confronted with obstacles and strong adversities why do so many people give up? More important why do those few not give up?
Our society encourages reliance on "outside" help and discourages self-reliance. We are encouraged to remain passive and let others do our thinking and our living for us.
But at any cost, do not let us actively and physically take steps toward making our world a better place. Don't tell people they must take baby steps before they can run. Don't tell people a goal must be small and attainable at first.
Show people great heroes and tell them, "Look, you can do that too!" But forget to tell them hard work is involved. Sell everyone the easy route to success that never works.
We are a part of the human race and there is within us something that wishes the human race to physically survive. There is something that wants the human race to be alive billions of years into the future when our sun goes nova and dies out.
There is within us something that wants the human race to expand beyond planet earth, to explore the stars and other galaxies. Something that wants humanity to build miraculous cities beneath the oceans and on top of the highest mountains. Something that wants us to go ever onward in the face of overwhelming opposition.
There is something within us that delights in healthy bodies with fine athletic ability. Something that delights in competence, problem solving and new challenges. Something that wants the human race to take the next evolutionary step toward physical perfection.
That something is the WILL TO LIVE. Why is this will to live so strong in some people and weak in others? When confronted with obstacles and strong adversities why do so many people give up? More important why do those few not give up?
Our society encourages reliance on "outside" help and discourages self-reliance. We are encouraged to remain passive and let others do our thinking and our living for us.
But at any cost, do not let us actively and physically take steps toward making our world a better place. Don't tell people they must take baby steps before they can run. Don't tell people a goal must be small and attainable at first.
Show people great heroes and tell them, "Look, you can do that too!" But forget to tell them hard work is involved. Sell everyone the easy route to success that never works.