Rand would be appalled
Posted by JGISSD 12 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
This site allows users to rate the comments from other posters, and if enough people gang up on a given poster, it hides that poster's comments from view.
This "group think" is precisely the opposite of what Rand advocated, where producers such as me who do the work to put my views out there are destroyed by collectivist thought.
This site doesn't value Rand's principles, it values doing whatever is necessary to "win". It represents everything destructive and evil about American-style Capitalism today: Those with the power establish the rules, and lock everyone else out of participation.
This "group think" is precisely the opposite of what Rand advocated, where producers such as me who do the work to put my views out there are destroyed by collectivist thought.
This site doesn't value Rand's principles, it values doing whatever is necessary to "win". It represents everything destructive and evil about American-style Capitalism today: Those with the power establish the rules, and lock everyone else out of participation.
And you can't complain about the site not valuing Rand's principles when you've made it clear that you hate those principles (and, I believe, the people who hold them).
Everyone on here has been more than tolerant with your sophistry and disinformation. If your ideas are not resonating (which should not be a surprise to you, unless history starts anew everyday for you) then maybe it's time to check your premises and see where your error in thinking lies.
We are truly blessed.
I'm also glad we are all able to bond together into this collectivist hotbed, where individualism is discouraged in any cases that conflict with the majority of the group.