How Can Greece Survive?
If you find this essay interesting, you might want to give my new book, "Not Half Free: The Myth That America Is Capitalist," a try. The essay continues the theme of that book: the accelerating loss of economic freedom, especially in America, and what we an do about it. With a preface by David Kelley, founder of the Atlas Society.
Your diagnosis and prognosis seem spot on.
The ancient Greeks gave birth to democracy. The modern ones demonstrated how one is put to death.
It would be an amazing tale and history lesson for future generations to learn from if they adopted and succeeded with your prescription.
Interestingly, there were riots in Athens yesterday over the new austerity program; I figured that it would take a year before the people squawked...hell, it didn't take 24 hours.
I wonder two things however...
Where is the new bailout money coming from since Germany already said no?
At what point does the EU finally crumble from member states leaving because they refuse to fund more bailouts.