I, Racist

Posted by $ prof611 9 years, 7 months ago to Culture
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"White people, every single one of you, are complicit in this racism because you benefit directly from it."

Found this article on Facebook, and was horrified! I am not complicit in anything that I am not a part of. What do you think?
SOURCE URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-metta/i-racist_b_7770652.html

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    Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
    Yes, and you are an oppressor of the world since you are a US person, benefit from it, and even as an "abused" minority live better than 99% of the planet's population.

    The sooner people stop talking about this, the sooner it will go away...assuming one really wants the excuse to go away.

    Pull your pants up, put your hat on straight, stop talking like you had a stroke and participating in other intentionally polarizing culture.

    Notice the Asian minorities that are in the US, fewer generations than you, are the highest earning ethnic group in the US, higher than whites! How did they do it? By hard work, education and participation in the system, not by fighting the system and complaining.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 7 months ago
      Well said. +1.

      The only reason this perceived racial inequality exists is because the race hustlers won't let it die. They continue to inflame the passions by inventing circumstances which don't exist. Know why they love situations like Ferguson? Because the dead person can't talk and tell them they are stupid and it's easy to persecute a single person because you can assassinate their character by mob!
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  • Posted by nsnelson 9 years, 7 months ago
    A liberal friend of mine posted this. I commented with this:

    This is well written; successfully manipulative. I find myself identifying with Mr. Metta's white aunt. By the end I feel sorry for being white. Either I have to admit to being racist, or I deny it and confirm being ignorant about being racist (kind of like the accusation that "you are being defensive": any reply confirms the claim).

    And he is right: he does come across angry. I would have just said bitter, until he started cussing over casting decisions in some movies.

    He calls her upwardly mobile; well so is he. She racially profiles? That is what he just did to her. She lives in a white neighborhood; many blacks live in neighborhoods with mostly blacks, and some blacks live in neighborhoods with mostly whites. Does this have to be called racism, rather than, say, individual choices for financial or location reasons or to be near friends? This is not good reasoning; maybe it's projection.

    He makes some sweeping generalizations about police officers. No doubt there is some injustice that happens, but I suspect it is not caused merely by racial prejudice as much as he thinks. Perhaps there is more justification than he is willing to admit (i.e., maybe there really is a disproportionately higher percentage of black criminals than white; you can't apply affirmative action to the criminal justice system). https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iGTUcS-...

    Is he really denying that minorities can be racist too (by the way, his preemptive ad hominem, "any intelligent person," can go both ways)? Racism is simply judging and treating people according to their skin color or ancestry, rather than on his individual merits. You do not have to be the majority oppressor to operate on racist principles. You can be an individual making private racist decisions, or you can be a minority who has the coercive Government's ear.

    The solution to racism, which is nothing but a crude form of collectivism, is to champion individual rights. Government enforced racism was wrong when it violated the rights of blacks, and the same principle is not less wrong when it violates the rights of whites. Law-enforced racism is wrong even despite good intentions.

    Initially, the argument against slavery was based on equal individual rights. Slavery was wrong because no man has the right to violate another man's rights. Now they are not fighting for individual rights, but more racism, just in their favor this time. They have forsaken that moral argument, and now are pushing for the same principle that kept them in bondage for so long: racial quotas (racism) enforced by the State's gun.

    This is where I initially thought the article was going, when I saw the title and the opening parable. "I, Racist," I thought he was going to say, "Yes, racism is a problem, and I am being racist when I judge everyone (blacks and whites) as a big collective." That vision did not last long.

    On another note, this same concept applies to homosexual non-discrimination laws. They don't want just equal rights; they want to violate the religious rights of Christians. Just ask the numerous bakers, photographers, planners, facility owners, even pastors, who are being sued and fined (and more) for refusing to participate in these religious ceremonies. (And this affects me personally.) And that's what they want. Probably not all. But a few activists, which is enough. They'd rather have us out of business (and worse) than be allowed to discriminate based on our values.

    I believe that private citizens ought to be allowed to discriminate with how they use their property (including their business), even over race or religion or sexual orientation. Refusing to serve someone does not violate their right. If people don't like this discrimination, they should resort to social ostracizing or boycotting. Instead, most people are only too eager to appeal Government and its guns to enforce their own version of discrimination.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 7 months ago
      I strongly agree, because in my experience, pretty much all so-called racism or sexism cases are brought by people who earned the bad treatment they got by bad behavior. The law should not be protecting them from the consequences of their actions.
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    • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 7 months ago
      I commented on that site about the irony of the author's generalizations in the way he criticized generalizations.

      Sounded, in the end, like a liberal's lament of 'beat me up because I haven't cured poverty and world hunger all by myself.'

      The problems are extremely complex, yet everyone wants and looks for 'simple, immediate curative solutions.'

      And get pissed when their attempts fail, repeatedly, to make a positive difference.

      Reminds me of Jew-stereotyping and -bashing. Yep, lots of Jews ARE successful and wealthy. The Jewish culture and history also is one of many generations of valuing and pursuing knowledge and education. Go figure. Now people beat up on Asians for outperforming whites AND blacks in business, in college and by many other measures. Go figure.

      I found the article repetitious and it didn't seem to move towards any suggestions of positive actions that could reverse the trends of what he was complaining about.

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  • Posted by tkstone 9 years, 7 months ago
    Complicity is a choice. By his definition he is complicit in slavery because somebody somewhere is being forced to make some product that impacts the world economy. I wonder if his frustration is not better aimed at crony capitalism and the world of political favor. I have witnessed first hand active racism. It still exists(As being aimed at Blacks and Hispanics), but the same attitude follows class divisions. The plantation mentality is alive and well in the old south whether you are black or white. It all gets down to forgetting that we are individuals, not part of a group. Why can't the author see that saying all whites are racist is racist. We can't act as a group only as an individual. Recognizing that is what made America great to start with. It was recognized fully, but imagine if it were. We can not begin to fathom the heights we as a species could reach if individuals were free to follow our own path and create what we want to create. The American Experiment was only a laboratory example compared to what the world could become with the freeing of the human mind.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 7 months ago
    I am tired of all this race stuff. I say to black people- GET OVER WHAT HAPPENED 200 YEARS AGO. I didnt ship your great grand daddy tight pack on a boat from Africa, so get off my case. You are who you are NOW, and I am who I am NOW. I dont owe you anything, and you dont owe me anything either.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago
      Well said. This is exactly my mental response when reading about anyone who wants "reparations" for something that happened before they were even born.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 7 months ago
    Yes, Obama always blames whitey, why shouldn't other racists of color do the same?
    No rational thought required.
    Choosing employees on the basis of ability is racist.
    Choosing friends, neighbors on the basis of individual traits is racist.
    Racism is the answer for all the plights of the non white.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 7 months ago
    Typical statement from a looter trying to make sure the GQ (Guilt Quotient) remains high, to keep the back bent and the head hung low...

    Having known (and having worked with) a high per-capita percentage of Racists (impossible not to do so in Oakland) I read racist crapola like this and dismiss it out of hand.

    It's blatantly apparent these looters have no clue what racism really is, and assign their own self-aggrandizing superiority-based bully-pulpit daffynition to it.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
    What does a Catholic Priest have in common with Jewish and Italian mothers? Answer: They all spread guilt, especially to those closest to them. That is what being born a racist because you're white is all about. Write it off as silly if you want, but Hitler used an even sillier proposition as an excuse to kill more than 6 million people.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 7 months ago
    From my point of view, the only people benefitting from racism are people of color.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 7 months ago
      Even most of them don't benefit. Just a few, well paid professional fight-provokers like Al Sharpton do.
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      • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 7 months ago
        I have to disagree, and I can quote one example of which I have concrete knowledge. At the public dental school in Georgia, if you are a black person applying for admittance to the school, a full 1.0 is added to your GPA. Therefore, a white person with a GPA of 3.8 is considered equal to a black person with a GPA of 2.8. Now I could argue that the black person is not being done a favor, as experience in the school shows that those with the low GPAs do very poorly.
        By the way, a white person with a GPA below 3.0 is not even considered for admission, whereas black people with as low as a 2.0 have been admitted.
        The thing that pisses me off is that the more qualified applicants are denied in favor of the less qualified. Progressive heaven!
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        • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 7 months ago
          I agree, but is there some end game where the guy or gal with the artificially inflated entrance GPA finally graduates and for some startling reason, can only land a job at lower pay than the Uninflated GPA student?... and then starts a class-action suit to get the higher pay?

          Morons and unintended consequences all around. Sad.
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          • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 7 months ago
            Plusaf, once someone graduates from dental school, their class standing is irrelevant unless they want to apply for specialty training. The old joke is, What do you call the guy at the bottom of the class? Doctor!
            In any case, the ones to suffer are the patients who go to the inferior dentist and get poor treatment. I venture to say that the excellent black dentist suffers also, as people can wonder: did he deserve this degree, or is it an affirmative action degree?
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            • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 7 months ago
              What goes around comes around, and karma will bite 'em in the butt every time...

              Like the guy who's getting fired and takes his case to the HR manager...
              "You're firing me because I'm a minority!"
              Response from HR:
              "No, we HIRED you because you are a minority; we're firing you because you're a F-ing INCOMPETENT."

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  • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 7 months ago
    Its people like the author of this article who continue to add to the perceived "racism" in this country. By promoting his viewpoint, he adds to whatever problems the black minority(13%) of this nation experience. He is preaching division by pointing out the differences between the races. Definitely not helpful to anyone.
    Its all "whiteys" fault solves no problems and adds to no discussions.
    What would be helpful to his community would be sermons on self-fulfillment and achievement irregardless of the perceived obstacles to personal success. Get off the plantation and bust your butt to get where ya want to be in life.
    So tired of hearing about all this crap from the left.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 7 months ago
    Wow. This guy is really hung up on the fallacy of the racial divide. He invents and twists the situation to fit his own narrative and then attempts to superimpose that on everyone else - especially those whom he prejudges because of the color of their skin. Instead of taking people as they are, he assumes an ulterior motive to be inborn in them as a result of their skin tone.

    In short, this man has persuaded himself that the colored glasses he wears are representative of reality. Won't it be a shock to him when the glasses come off.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 7 months ago
    No such thing as race. It's a progressive invention. But what really sticks out here is the Brain only entities spouting this nonsense. Those of us that are beings that have a brain, a conscious and a mind must realize that these creatures have chosen not to be human, not to engage their conscience or their mind, they need the comfort of a collective an must lash out at those that remind them of how stupid bicameral they are. MANkind consists of one race, 1 of 4 blood types, two arms, two hands, two feet, two eyes and two ears; one nose and one mouth...and the last one should be duck taped shut on those that use it saying stupid things.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 7 months ago
    It is sad what is happening in our country because of skin color. It's ridiculas this should be erupting now with a President of color in the WH. I have had only good experiences with people of color. Both men were from the Caribean Islands. One was a giant of a man standing 6'5" he look like he lifted weights. But had a warm and infectiuos personality an excellent mechanic, the other was a skinny machinist from Jamaca in his twenties. He was just a fun guy, he could turn metal on a lathe faster than anyone I knew. Maybe, these men were from the islands they saw themslves differently. I sure did, they were wonderful coworkers and I loved working with them I looked forward going to work because I knew they would be there.
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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 7 months ago
    Two points:

    1) I found it interesting that Mr. Metta claims that individual white people tend to think in terms of being an individual while individual black people tend to think in terms of being in a group. If true, perhaps he should examine those claims and possibly find a solution therein.

    2) Mr. Metta claims that when white people move to the suburbs (to areas more "white") that their motivation is inherently racist. I would submit that perhaps some of these people are not motivated by internal feelings of racism, but instead by the exhaustion of recognizing the futility of living in a society where their only default status is one of a racist (outright or crypto) no matter what they might say, think, or do.
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  • Posted by $ root1657 9 years, 7 months ago
    The Author seems not to understand the story of the Good Samaritan at all. In historical context the Samaritan was the oppressed minority, and the injured man was of a different class. In the story, it is this 'dirty', hated, lower class man who is the only one to stop and help the injured man, when many of the injured man's own class were going right by.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 7 months ago
    Reverse Racism. Nothing else. As long as people tolerate any form of racism it will never cease to exist. That includes racism's main proponent the US Government.

    Not in spoken nor written word nor in deed zero tolerance.

    The other issue is blanket condemnation and presumption of guilt. I am NOT responsible for anything before my birth and probably not responsible for the hypocritical racists, sexists, and religious intolerants that raised me.

    I AM responsible for my own actions and beliefs since then. This individual is complicit in racism for whatever reason and for what benefit I cannot and do not care to fathom.

    Another reason not to vote for the Government Party.

    I think the term for what I wrote is ''uppity''

    That is indeed true.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago
    Thank you, everyone. I posted this because I thought you should read what some misguided people are saying about racism. I predicted your response to this article would be negative, but am overwhelmed by your unanimity.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 7 months ago
    This is "social justice" AKA "identity politics" taken to its absurd conclusion.

    In theory, those people want MLK's dream: an "identity free future" in which each person will be judged only by his own actions and the character (or lack of) that they show.

    In reality, the SJWs' [1] whole concept of validation is built on the supposed fact that they're victims -- just because they're black, or female, or what have you -- and the "identity free future" is a promise pushed off into a future never-to-be-reached, just like the USSR's notion of "true communism." The actual state they'll build if they win is similarly parallel -- a "dictatorship of the protected classes." We're not all the way there yet (though employment law already is), but one or two more terms of Democratic administrations and we will be.
    [1] "SJW" stands for Social Justice Warrior, and it's what they're being called by the growing number of people who are fed up with them.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 7 months ago
    I feel bad for this guy. . what a tough time he must face
    when it comes time to find his ass with both hands. -- j

    p.s. my wife, who grew up in Buffalo, NY, praises her
    upbringing there and damns it down here (her family moved
    to tennessee when she was 9) because the races and
    ethnicities were harmoniously mixed up there, and
    she was responsible for the civil war, down here. -- j
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  • Posted by imissnumber3 9 years, 7 months ago
    Hmmm..... let's see, who is leading the Executive branch of the most powerful nation on Earth.:
    President - Barack Obama
    National Security Advisor - Susan Rice
    Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations - Susan Rice
    Former Attorney General - Eric Holder
    Current Attorney General - Loretta Lynch
    Secretary of Homeland Security - Jeh Johnson

    Someone clearly needs to get their head screwed on straight.
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