BO is wrong

Posted by kalkalmanek 11 years, 1 month ago to Government
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BO says that it is the responsibility for congress to raise the debt limit. He is so wrong, The responsibility of congress is to protect the US Citizen by passing laws for the good of the country. To spend foolishly and expect congress to approve of foolish behavior by anyone especilly the President is for Congress to stop this behavior and since Congress holds the purse strings, they should lower the debt limit and cut out the wasteful programs that have passed. Like, stop all welfare for those that can work unless they put in a forty hour week doing community service. As for food stamps, a weekly amount of hours doing community service to receive them.

Kal Kalmanek

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  • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
    As to Unemployment weekly payments after receiving 99 weeks of checks sitting watching TV. Congress should pass a law that all further payments will have to be payed back after getting a JOB. This will be an incentive for them to get off the behinds and get a JOB.
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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years, 1 month ago
    I have a siilar post. BO is trying to shove the responsibility of on Congress so his hands are clean in the issue. It id the responsibility of the congress to Pay the bills and manage the spending. It is the responsibility of the executive branch to carry out the laws passed by congress or for the President to veto them. The budget and spending authorizations must be passed by congress and are in fact laws of the land. Of course BO follows what he wants and changes through Executive Orders changes the rest.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 1 month ago
    I strongly agree with the first three sentences.

    I'm generally for food stamps and against other spending, but no matter what, if we don't have support to tax for those things, we shouldn't have them. Every time some evil-doer abroad does something and politicians starts asking what to do, every time we increase prison sentences and every time we do something help needy children or grandmothers, everyone should have to send some money to the Treasury to cover the cost. Then people could make a decision about whether it's worth it.
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 11 years, 1 month ago
    This gets to a fundamental "chicken and egg" question. Congress is responsible for passing a budget that outlines spending. The Executive is responsible for executing on that budget and running agencies of the government within those boundaries of the budget. Neither have done so rationally or faithfully to the intent.
    The Congress 1) Doesn't pass the constitutionally mandated required budget for years on end, 2) Spends funds that were gathered for one purpose on other purposes, 3) When they have passed budgets they have budgeted significantly more than forecast revenues necessitating borrowing.
    The executive 1) Spends more money than appropriated via "emergency powers", 2) Threatens to direct legally mandated spending to discretionary areas so as to default on payments on borrowed funds.
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