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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 5 months ago
    The only rational change to Social Security is to substantially reduce benefits promised to those not currently retired, and to reduce benefits to those currently retired.
    Start immediately reducing promised benefits by at least 50% to everyone under 50 years old including elimination of all medical benefits for future retirees currently under 50.
    Hire Donald Trump to renegotiate the social security contracts with all current retirees.
    After all, Donny is such a great negotiator, he should enjoy the challenge.
    Offer to erect a statue to any non-politician who can finance the future costs in another better more equitable way (in the city of the winners choice.)
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 5 months ago
    " it is critical that we fight to protect and expand Social Security"
    It's about 15% now, if you count Medicare. I wish they'd give a number in the letter of what far they'd want to expand it. Do they mean to 20%, 25%? Why write about it without tell us how much more they want?
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
      The important question I did not see asked goes like this.

      Since LBJ every dime that went in and was not used to make SS payouts went to the General Fund and was used to buy votes. Now the general fund has to make up the difference because they didn''t allow for Baby boomers nor the effect their contrived housing crash and ethanol scam would have on a. jobs and b. early soc. sec.sign ups.

      they miss their slop.

      Are they saying or are they not saying if we raise these rates we will not raid the accounts anymore?

      Also how will they replace in the economy the extra dollars both the employer and the employee will have to shell out for more pig food to support this scheme?

      that's money that won't go to raises, bonuses, new equipment etc. etc. etc. and it's money that won't be spent buyng from other businesses.

      The aqrrogant gall of these blood sucking politicians knows no boundary.

      And you are still going to vote for them?????

      For shame....and yes I expect the lap dogs of the left under Boehner will sell out righ ton schedule.

      Between hillary's idiotic plan to raid private business and private employees an dher enhanced taxes and this POS which should be marked DOA we won't have to have another 1776. We will belong to another country.

      How much do theywant? All and they want it now! how much should they have?

      20 to 50 with no time off for good behavior.

      to finish... it doesn't matter how much they say they want today. it will change by tomorrow or next week. We really need a recall and a redefinition of Senators and Representatives as employees of the home state. i would start calling them temporary delegates of the State of ----- and referring to them as Congressionals.
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