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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
    Since I have been a Rand admirer for longer than some of you have been alive, I think I've heard it all when it comes to Rand criticism. I have at one time, defended her and her philosophy from every possible angle to every possible degree. I have met many of the members of "The Collective" and always was impressed by their well studied backgrounds and quick wit. Now, however, I don't bother with the critics, only those who want to learn. Even those who start off negatively, but want to be fair have come to be some of the best young folks to deal with. They almost always surprise me when I hear what they've learned on their own. As to the hard critics both erudite and ignorant, their minds are too closed to bother with, and being in the December phase of my life, they waste way too much of my precious time.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 7 months ago
    Mr. Yiannopoulos get so close, but stays so far. Ayn Rand remains popular because she told the truth. And she shows why the truth she tells is the truth. But of course the Progs don't want to admit that.

    Furthermore, we can identify, in her rogues' gallery, nearly all her critics. They are defending themselves against one who finally attacked them for what they are.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 7 months ago
    I actually enjoyed this article because of one thing - he said that to "sneer" at her, you have to read her and suggested a simple test: ask the critic to name one character, other than John Galt, from the book. I can't wait to try it!

    I also read a couple of long pages of comments, and was struck by one of them: " Lord knows what is says about me, but not only did I get to the end of The Fountainhead, I quite enjoyed it. Much of her philosophy is pretty ruthless, but inasmuchas she believed in the human capacity to be heroic, I think the left could learn a thing or two."
    The idea that one- or 2 - liberals have read her and are still compelled to say something complimentary tells me that black and white does, indeed, make sense.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
    seems to me that Ayn Rand is very important to those who don't or claim to not like her. if she weren't important to them they would never refer to her in any manner. can they name any number of authors who are female combined that come close to her popularity i.e book sales or influence upon a population. NO! I believe it is not important what is said about so long as it is you they are talking about. HOORAY FOR AYN RAND!!!!
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 7 months ago
    The author's description: "Not that the woman herself would care. Rand never worried about critics because she simply didn't need them: Like the heroes in her books, she was anti-fragile, free to believe, say, and do what she pleased because she created something of value that those around her wished to trade for capital. And like Jon Stewart, she dresses up her fact as fiction, and so can get away with saying far more fiendishly wicked stuff than her ideological associates.

    To put it another way, Rand recognized that politics is downstream from culture. So she went for the jugular as an author and philosopher, rather than fannying about treating the symptoms as a journalist or political commentator."

    Ahh, if only those of us that admire her work so much could have and demonstrate half of her intestinal fortitude.

    Txs for posting, Eud. A definite +1
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  • Posted by lnpuco 9 years, 7 months ago
    It is very easy for one to sit on there respective as---, and do nothing that makes any sense at all, than to buck the system. Or we all could go find a vacant valley somewhere and say "to Hell with it".
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 7 months ago
    "Of all the tiresomely self-satisfied rituals played out regularly in the liberal blogosphere, competitive Rand-hating is among the most fatuous and infuriating. "
    I have seen this first-hand, in the blogosphere and my personal life. At my UU congregation someone said to a guest speaker, "Not to put too fine a point on it, but someone of your statements border on something I would expect from Ayn Rand". The man replied, "Well, I would take that as a complement, but that's a discussion for another time."

    Many people have told me I can't be liberal and agree with Ayn Rand. None of them have actually read the books though.

    She is indeed the monster under our liberal beds. As in monster movies, the scariest monsters are the one's around the corner or under the bed that you never face directly.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
      If you are bitten by a flea, do you bother to care about the flea or to put a little Cortaid on it and move on? Most critics are just that. Fleas. They may be annoying but Rand handled it to perfection. Just follow the example of Roark: "But I don't think of you, Mr. Toohey."
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      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 7 months ago
        I see the lefties as taking the same view toward Rand. There aren't enough of us for them to worry about yet.

        When they feel the need to bash Randians as often as they bash the Koch brothers, then I'll feel we're making real headway politically. (Which may not need to happen, if we focus our efforts on Going Galt instead and are successful in doing so.)
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