Transgendering A Toddler Is Child Abuse
Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
I love the way this guy writes as well his willingness to address any 'political correctness' issue in plane language without fear of reprisal.
In this case: “The Day” referenced, is the day they decided to raise their son as their daughter. Just like that, a 3 year old says “I’m sad because I’m a boy” and his parents sentence him to a life as a transgendered person. Rather than tell Jack that being a boy was a good thing, rather than let him know society could not exist without men, rather than explain gender to Jack, deal with Jack’s sadness, or teach Jack how to be a man, these parents did what entirely too many parents do today, and placated him.
They bought him elastic hair bands and gave him ponytails. They, with the help of his pre-school teacher, began discussing what his female name would be. They, being the obviously less than creative people they are, decided to call Jack, Jackie. They bought Jack his own dresses, girl toys, and all the other things parents do when raising a girl."The hateful monsters of this world are the ones who tell sick people not to get better. The bigots are the ones who, in their contempt for humanity itself, encourage and promote a lethal illness. The cruelest and most evil people in this world are the ones who parade mental illness around as a source of pride for political purposes."
"Men should be proud to be men, and women should be proud to be women. Both genders serve incredibly important and necessary purposes in society. Those purposes are different, they are unequal, and they are not always pleasant, but they have led us to become the undisputed ruling species of this planet. Those who would seek to undo this are the same ones who tell us that we should have fewer children because they blame “humanity” for the destruction of “nature” as if human beings were unnatural.
The promotion of transgenderism as some kind of civil rights cause that ought to be championed and paid for by government, is nothing short of a scheme to undo that which makes mankind the dominant species of the Earth. Gender is important, it is involuntary, and it is a positive and healthy feature of the human experience and our survival. The abolition of human gender is the abolition of the human race, I will stand in defiance against it until I am eaten by maggots, as should everyone who has even the slightest respect for humanity."
In this case: “The Day” referenced, is the day they decided to raise their son as their daughter. Just like that, a 3 year old says “I’m sad because I’m a boy” and his parents sentence him to a life as a transgendered person. Rather than tell Jack that being a boy was a good thing, rather than let him know society could not exist without men, rather than explain gender to Jack, deal with Jack’s sadness, or teach Jack how to be a man, these parents did what entirely too many parents do today, and placated him.
They bought him elastic hair bands and gave him ponytails. They, with the help of his pre-school teacher, began discussing what his female name would be. They, being the obviously less than creative people they are, decided to call Jack, Jackie. They bought Jack his own dresses, girl toys, and all the other things parents do when raising a girl."The hateful monsters of this world are the ones who tell sick people not to get better. The bigots are the ones who, in their contempt for humanity itself, encourage and promote a lethal illness. The cruelest and most evil people in this world are the ones who parade mental illness around as a source of pride for political purposes."
"Men should be proud to be men, and women should be proud to be women. Both genders serve incredibly important and necessary purposes in society. Those purposes are different, they are unequal, and they are not always pleasant, but they have led us to become the undisputed ruling species of this planet. Those who would seek to undo this are the same ones who tell us that we should have fewer children because they blame “humanity” for the destruction of “nature” as if human beings were unnatural.
The promotion of transgenderism as some kind of civil rights cause that ought to be championed and paid for by government, is nothing short of a scheme to undo that which makes mankind the dominant species of the Earth. Gender is important, it is involuntary, and it is a positive and healthy feature of the human experience and our survival. The abolition of human gender is the abolition of the human race, I will stand in defiance against it until I am eaten by maggots, as should everyone who has even the slightest respect for humanity."
If you want to have your penis cut off and tucked inside to become some semblance of a women, go ahead. If you want to take hormones so your clitoris becomes a small penis and you want to call yourself man, who cares.
DO NOT EXPECT ME TO PAY FOR IT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. It is YOUR choice, and you do not need to announce it to me as though I even care.
Ohh I am transgender, or I am Gay or I am straight, SO FREEKING WHAT!!!. Do your damn job, keep the place you stick your genitals to yourself and do something productive, i.e. add some value.
Just because I do not care what you do to yourself, does not mean in any way I agree with your doing it.
I just refuse to pay for it or participate in it in any way.
He is a very nice person, and I cross paths with him every month or so. I admire the way, with one superficial life decision, 'he' has totally eradicated all of the social expectations surrounding him: No one tried to make him buy a dress to go to the prom, go on dates. His relatives do not pester him to get married and have 2.7 children.
It is rather elegant, actually. I am not sure if he is really cross-gender or if he has simply found a neat and somewhat amusing way of escaping from the pigeonholing of his life by society in general.
Linguistically, you are correct. It is possible that his cross-gendering is a linguistic and social convention only - I have not inquired.
They just don't want their decision to be thwarted by any government official or group who thinks they're 'wrong' for thinking the way they do.
That's where so many potential libertarians unmask themselves as ordinary Conservatives.
Where, in the link, other than in some of the ranting comments, was there ANY mention of 'demanding that you or anyone else PAY for it?!'
If you have not seen these demands,and things that HAVE happened I have to ask. Where have you been since 2009?
People have been getting sex changes for many years, they just had to pay for it themselves. NOW they can have you and me pay for it. Gee thanks Obama you jackass.
That is part of why costs for you and I keep going up.
I do not care if you want to cut off your penis and have it sown to your forehead and you call yourself a rainbow unicorn.
But I do expect you to bear the 100% total cost yourself for your DECISION!!!
No, I'm not a Democrat or a Liberal.
I support private insurance contracts between individuals and companies, paid for BY the Individual, to cover whatever the hell they want covered (or not covered.)
I was morbidly obese and discovered that, between BCBS and Medicare, I could get the appropriate surgery for a lot less out-of-pocket than if I'd walked into the bariatric surgery office and said, 'sign me up and here's the cash.'
I took advantage of laws, regulations and opportunities already on the books.
If you don't like the rules, work to change them, but don't beat me or anyone else for taking advantage of completely legal options.
I know a guy who loves the full medical insurance, retirement plan and tons of other perqs he gets for working just a few months out of the year... like January through April. All that free coverage and benefits for working maybe 1/3 of a year. And he's a conservative/libertarian!!!
How can you DO that, I asked! 'Because it's legal and available, and the IRS is willing to hire me EVERY YEAR to help them.'
Now, bug off.
My issue is with Government MANDATING coverage due to some specific groups who think it is their right to TAKE from others by force using Government mandates to take the product of MY labor by force to satisfy their personal CHOICE.
If you have entered into a voluntary contract between an insurance company whose VOLUNTARY coverage is part of the value you pay for fine. BUT Government has taken that VOLUNTARY aspect completely out.
Also You and I can get the same IDENTICAL coverage, yet I have to pay $1678/mo, and you only pay $648/mo depending on your personal income? That is STEALING the product of MY labor. No different than if you were forced to pay $6.00 per gallon of gas while the welfare mooch pays 50 cents for the same gallon.
That is NOT objectivist that is called being a Looter and/or Moocher.
If you don't like the laws, work to change them and enlist others to help. Don't criticize me...
Criticize them that's voted to elect and re-elect the 'people' who write and pass the legislation you don't like.
You can either have Results or Reasons For Not Having Results, and the Choice is YOURS.
I simply replied to your statement which implied I was just ranting (with no proof, just innuendo) about groups wanting to force others to pay for their personal decisions.
Do you recall writing this? Oh..never-mind no need to recall, here is it.
"Where, in the link, other than in some of the ranting comments, was there ANY mention of 'demanding that you or anyone else PAY for it?"
Maybe the software here put one of my comments close to one of yours, helping you infer that my response was to your post, because there have been many times I've asked exactly that "who demanded YOU pay for it" question when folks explicitly made that complaint.
Whatever. But no guilt felt here... sorry.
I prefer individual health insurance contracts between people and companies.
End of problem... And are those suicides not the RESULT, just possibly, of the way the 'average American' treats or relates to SRS folks?
Which is the cause? SRS or warped mores and interpersonal treatment of others?
I'm glad to hear of your support for private and individual contracts.
By the way, congratulations for your freedom.
Sometimes I'll write "Our Animal Farm more than equal elite betters" for better clarity.
Of course the George Orwell Animal Farm more than equal animals were the pigs.
But Body dysmorpic disorder like how one buys a car or how stars form seem to be a little outside their concerns or abilities to comprehend at that point.
Not logical... conclusion drawn from your beliefs and prejudices. I don't have those prejudices so I can't make those assumptions or draw those 'conclusion.'
I'm familiar with your expressed attitudes towards all things LGBT related, and you assume too far in relation to any beliefs and prejudices of mine relating to those issues on a deeply personal and individual level.
I do believe that gender cues are more subtle than some here seem to realize, and I accept that if a child is persistently happier in a different role, then that would be integral to their personhood. However, a chance comment by a child is not the basis for drastic action.
I do point out that a boy dressing up like a girl is more strongly disapproved of than a girl being boyish. That's cute. It reflects the male domination in our society, that men are a standard for women to live up to. We have not come close to sociological equality. Equality is an issue when a woman wants to be a firefighter or a jet pilot. Equality is not a problem when a man wants to be a chef or a tailor. Men hold a status that can be challenged. Women do not.
My wife once said that sometimes in meetings, she views people as brains on spinal columns, like seahorses. It may come to that, but we have a long way to go…
Y'all are SO funny!
I got a driver's license at 16, could vote at 18, could not drink until 21, age of sexual consent varies from state to state. My great-grandmother was married at age 14.
I don't expect a definitive answer here - in fact, I doubt there is one. But "every child is different" doesn't help get us closer to the answer. Is there another, more definitive way of determining maturity?
Socially and culturally, I think it varies all across the possible spectrum and I doubt there's any certain measurement. Personally, I think that here in the US, that we've been infantilizing our youth for decades now, particularly since the 50's, to the detriment of all.
Good question. +1
In casual conversations with friends and relatives, I've suggested that men DO 'mature' later than women... by ten years or more!
And most men don't really 'hit their prime' of having their heads screwed on frontwards until they're somewhere in their early or mid 40s. :)
My kids gave me a t-shirt that sums it up: Growing old is mandatory; Growing up is optional!
He who dies with the most toys still dies, but may have had a bit more fun on the trip...
Or not.
Want to do that with your kids--go ahead. Want to do it with mine--don't try it!!
Why do y'all keep injecting that into the "discussion"?!
Oh, sorry... I realized why...
I think that any desire to surgically and hormonally alter one's physical appearance, beyond certain defect or injury caused conditions, is a mental disorder that effects one's life in numerous damaging ways.
Anything that follows from the work of John Money, a monster of Nazi Doctors' proportions, is just flat wrong.
And/or link to double-blind controlled experimental data that in any way proves that what you Think is based on reality and not your opinion.
If you can tell the difference... I can.
As to the study, I still reference the study indicated in the article as a good starting point and one of the latest.
"Transgenderism is a body dysmorphic disorder. A person, for whatever reason, feels uncomfortable in their own skin. You see similar things in anorexic people who are insanely thin, but have an irrational fear that they are obese. Telling Jack that he can be a girl, is like telling an anorexic that they are fat and should not eat. It is an abusive, sick, terrible, and depraved thing to do to a person if they are a stranger, and for a parent to do it to a child is arguably as bad as sexually molesting them. Child sexual abuse victims have a greater chance of leading a healthy life, than do transgendered people."
ALL of those comments are ASSERTIONS that presumably are correct in the author's mind, but contain no link or proof as to their veracity.
The statements are 'true' because the author believes them to be true and he's based his 'argument' on that 'obvious truth' without proving it.
If lots of people agree with him, THAT is 'consensus' and consensus (or 'agreement') is NOT a proof.
And to ASSERT that taking bold steps to 'correct' a young child is "abuse" is projection, at least until they've interviewed a LOT of 'children' who've BEEN THROUGH that process and can describe their own feelings and conclusions about the effectiveness OR desirability of such "corrective action."
You may not LIKE something for a whole slew of reasons, but that, too, is not [pardon the concept...] an Objectivist-based reason to legislate against it. If it is, it just proves that laws are the result of consensus and Truth is not part of the equation.
The only reference to consensus is your's.
You're obviously not interested in the referred study of the suicide, attempted suicide, mental health, and other issues after SRS--apparently only in being a contrarian on this issue of transgenderism. But this is the study mentioned:
John Money's purported research and published work on labelling humans with grammatical category (gender) in 1955 based on his study of hermaphrodites, followed by his experiment in the John/Jane(?) case study (medical and professional quackery, malpractice, and evil nearing that of Nazi Dr.s), and his advocacy of SRS has been soundly disputed by the subjects of his research in 1997, and professionally. It appears that the Swedish study strongly supports that refutation.
This strike 1.
And it's "yours" not "your's"...btw... FIFY.
I have no trouble acknowledging data on suicide, etc., among post-SRS people, but to conclude or imply that societal pressure is not a factor but having had SRS IS the predominant driving force is also illogical.
This is getting too funny.
In response to your last post...
"In YOUR Never-So-Humble Opinion..."
That said, though, the fact is that "sissies" and "tomboys" are often not just phases kids grow out of - and the longterm choices do not yet resonate well within our society. While adults manage well enough, tweens and teens have it pretty hard. High school is a harsh environment. I grant, though, that we have made much progress.
No one has asked so far, but how long will it be before the procedure(s) are covered by government insurance? Then, we will all pay. To date, every elective procedure has an advocacy group vying to get their pet project covered one way or another. AAARGH!!
Personal responsibility for anything and everything is obsolete. And politicians are some of the worst examples.
What's "normal" in the Beltway is insane anywhere else. I wonder, since congress' approval rating is down in the 'teens, if they actually are aware of what jerks we think they are.
I categorically reject what the author says about gender roles being important. I say they should be abolished. Just treat people equally. Don't look at their group. If they're into things normally associated with the opposite gender, who cares. Contrary to what the author says, following gender roles has not led to human greatness. Human greatness comes from allowing individuals to express their own unique attributes without regard to group membership.
If any of that seems to strong for you, go back to grade school and start over again with general science and biology--and wear a skirt, not a kilt, a skirt. I just get really tired of purposeful ignorance and fools that want to take any opportunity to demonstrate it.
Especially when my "Male Stuff gets stuffed in Girl Stuff."
And the author nor I, are arguing about what toys children play with or how long their hair is, nor is the discussion about tomboys or sissyboys. You obviously didn't read the entire article including the referenced study of the mental and mortality success/failure of trans gender sex reassignment surgery.
No-one is apparently 100% certain of the derivation of body dysmorphic disorder, but it is a significant mental disorder resulting in anorexia, limb amputation, and sex reassignment surgery, not to be confused with hermaphrodite conditions and some of the barbaric treatments of sex assignment (not reassignment) surgery for those humans.
The problem started with a discredited sexologist named John Money, a man deserving of the term monster, as applied to the Nazi Doctors of fame. He's the one, in 1955, that introduced the term gender to the general language as descriptive of roles or expressions of the sexes. Prior to that date, gender was commonly used to denote grammatical categories. Through his studies of hermaphrodites, he developed the ideas of sex reassignment surgeries and he destroyed the lives of at least one family, the John/Jane case that he based much of his revelations upon claiming success. His role in that stupendously failing, in my opinion criminal, experiment only came to light in the late 90's and early 2000's.
By that point, many in the LGBT and socially progressive communities had accepted and adopted the idiot's reasoning and beliefs. And their belief systems, to a large extent, are based on that man's errant work.
Sorry to make a joke about something serious, but if you had mention the "infamous sexologist Dr. Money" I would have a guessed it was a stage name for a rapper. I'm really ignorant about that.
As to Dr. (?) Money, read up him. He was a medical/mental monster.
Relying on a fraud and quack for support of an entire industry to take advantage of or to influence or induce the mental disorder of Body Dysmorphic Disorder just emphasizes the fallacies of belief systems over actual science and facts of reality.
It is, definitely, child abuse.
The only thing worse than that movie was the fact they made sequels.
(1) The challenges to gender roles are not post-millennial inventions. Simone de Beauvoir THE SECOND SEX (1949). Betty Friedan THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE (1963). MS. MAGAZINE (1971). This has been a long time coming.
(1A) It parallels the civil rights movement in the USA, and properly so. (It is deeply meaningful that Major League Baseball was integrated before Brown v. Board.) Some see the present course as decadent but to me, it is an Age of Reason built upon a Renaissance. The post-industrial society and information era were constructed on the foundation of 19th century capitalism. (Yes, I know about the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax, just as after the Renaissance, we had intervening wars of religion, before the Enlightenment.)
(2) What does it mean to be a "man" or a "woman"? Those roles are socially constructed, and they changed over time and place. As I pointed out before Karl Marx wrung his hands over the way capitalism took women out of the home. Isaac Asimov called the typewriter the greatest liberator in history. I point out that the first telephone operators were boys, but women replaced them for all the right reasons. I have written here also about women telegraphers. Is there any reason that a man cannot stay home and raise the kids while the wife who earns more works outside the home?
(3) More deeply, consider that blogger Christopher Cantwell believes that being a man means stifling his emotions. In the first place, that repression is a blanking out, a refusal to identify reality. Your emotions are the sum total expressions of your lifelong ideas. Negate them and you deny yourself -- which many men do -- with disastrous psychological consequences.
(3A) Alternately, I grant that not letting your emotions run away with you is often a good path. Heroism is overcoming your fears. Do women not get to enjoy the same strength of character? Would she not be a "real woman". History is replete with women who showed courage on the battlefield - and who were no less wives and mothers.
(3B) Is womanhood then synonymous with wifehood and motherhood? Must a man be a husband and father to be a man? These questions are over 50 years old. Mostly, they have been answered by two generations who reject the Victorian role models.
(4) Those role models were eroded by capitalism. The machine age removed the advantage of physical strength and delivered the advantage to intelligence. Since women are statistically more intelligent than men, it follows that a truly free society would be a mirror image of ours, with women in marginal control of most things and men marginally in supportive roles, a world of Dagny Taggarts and Eddie Willerses.
(5) A couple of months ago, I read through 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson. The novel was flawed on several grounds, but I accept his sociological assumption that gender and sex would be fluid. By analogy, you could not go back to 1715 and explain America today as a land without five grades of nobility and no royal house. … A land not just with no national church, but one where 20% of the people express little or no religious affiliation. … A land where most people spend many hours each day writing letters to each other…
"The machine age removed the advantage of physical strength and delivered the advantage to intelligence. Since women are statistically more intelligent than men, "
Averages don't matter when assessing individuals. Each sex might be better than the other in some area on the average, but usually there's more variation from individual to individual. In the US Asians do better on engineering test than African Americans, but I know many stark counter examples. We wouldn't say, "Engineering is a task suited for Asians."
Intelligence isn't the dominating factor in control, and really it almost never is. It is the desire, or even obsession, with being in control which is the dominant factor. Men and women would have to have the same interests as well as the same desire in the same proportion in order for your argument to stand a chance at being correct.
We know these are not the same across the sexes. We are wired differently, and are hormonal key different. These facts ensure there is no normal distribution to naturally occur.
Male hormones bias men toward dominating behavior. Female hormones do not.
The world is not a place where mistaken notions of different groups with different background, culture, hormones, gut biomes, and many other traits will be "proportionally represented". It doesn't happen in nature, and there is no reason to believe it should happen.
As for the decision being made by a child -- I would not go along with doing the surgery until the subject is an adult and makes his/her own choice. But just dressing and living as the new identity is harmless, and it's stupid to call it child abuse.
In my thinking, he's Mike--not gay Mike, and I treated him as Mike his entire life from his birth to his death, which wasn't a terribly long time.
And had Mike been labelled as gay Mike at 31/2, his life would have been immeasurably worse than it was.
I still fail to see Ludditeness.
sex; it might have something to do with hormones,
or body chemistry. I don't know. But that decision
should not be made by a child. A sex change oper-
ation should not be done until the person is an a-
dult, and decides. And such a person should
not be allowed to go into the bathroom of the
other sex, (other than as a janitor or plumber,
etc.) until such operation has been performed.
I should not have to argue on this list that it is OK to sidestep societies dictates and create your own definitions.