Oh, that's how it works...
Posted by AmericanGreatness 9 years, 7 months ago to Politics
You just say, "I'm done". In his defense, I wouldn't want to talk about my support for amnesty and not calling out the criminal activity of illegal immigrants either... or Common Core.
questions are being asked more directly, of both him and his compatriots. -- j
Trump's rise, and that of Bernie Sanders make it obvious that the American voter is tired of pandering liars.
Go Trump go. Go on to other politically incorrect issues and drop your bombs.
The next candidate MUST have a "secure the border first, period" position, and he clearly doesn't. Chastising Trump for his truthful comments said it all. Plus his support for Common Core... perhaps he and Hillary should run on the same ticket.
If Trump can shine a spotlight on Jeb's jackassery, I'm all for it.
Getting really loud and noticeable may be the only way to derail the Killary Kool-Aide machine.