Rand and the Mystics
Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
"As products of the split between man’s soul and body, there are two kinds of teachers of the Morality of Death: the mystics of spirit and the mystics of muscle, whom you call the spiritualists and the materialists, those who believe in consciousness without existence and those who believe in existence without consciousness. Both demand the surrender of your mind, one to their revelations, the other to their reflexes. No matter how loudly they posture in the roles of irreconcilable antagonists, their moral codes are alike, and so are their aims: in matter—the enslavement of man’s body, in spirit—the destruction of his mind." from the Ayn Rand Lexicon
Where would you place President Obama in the above thought? Mystic of spirit? or Mystic of muscle?
Where would you place President Obama in the above thought? Mystic of spirit? or Mystic of muscle?
Obama, like most liberal-progressives, has a very primitive understanding of economics in that they believe money has mystical properties that can be controlled by edict (incantations) rather than market forces. So in that sense he is a mystic of the ephemeral.
Not to put too fine a point on it.
Question to anyone? how did an orphan refugee from eastern Europe make his way across the curtain to immediately attend top drawer university in England add London School of Economics and skate his way on thin ice to present position? Who is he really working for? Or since the 'Soviet Union Collapsed is he just acting as a free agent for the Socialists You get two choices China or the new US Government Party.
Frank Marshall Davis
Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Valerie Jarrett
Henry Kissinger
et al
In 1951, Soros earned a BSc in Philosophy and a PhD in Philosophy in 1954, both from the London School of Economics.[25]"
It seems he did it bootstrap style or does he own Wikipedia?
Not all success stories have laudable endings. this one is just a little bit too perfect for me. helluva it is he's a citizen but not just like the rest of us.
But he is the reason and root cause for same sex marriage. among other unlaudable attacks on this country.
He is the classic combination of Shaman and Hun. However, he reserves his use of force for his own people. The thought of foreign war scares the crap out of him. He reminds me of the big brother who will only beat up his younger brother. Other kids make him wet his pants.
Actually he has state nothing, only rambled on and on. There is a book I love, that is well used for writing college papers.
Title: "How to say NOTING in 500 words."
THAT is what Jeb and the vast majority of politicians do. They say NOTHING in 500 words assuming will either get bored, or distracted and move on.
he does not chose who to reward they are on their own and what they can steal is okay with him.
mystics are confused to start with.
and we have no consciousness. -- j
Obama said, we will crush Al Qaeda and kill Osama bin Laden.
We killed him.
and we have no consciousness. -- j
Will to Power, F. Nietzsche
The following is where I stand and it when becomes available I will be first in line: ".... the production of a synthetic, summarizing, justifying man for whose existence this tranformation of mankind into a machine is a precondition, as a base which he can invent his "higher form of being".(Transhuman).
F. Nietzsche
These people in the above statement/question are "mediocre" at best. Anyone in the Gulch is better than any who we walk amoung. We must integrate ourselves and have the spirit of the Lion. Our "Will" is our own We must be our own center and the "Lord within ourselves". We walk amoung the people alone, they fear and loath us but seek to touch the hem of our coats thinking that they will become an whole. They can't and will not. The mediocre are unable to do this. They are unable to go beyound the flesh.
In short, he doesn't fit into either of the proposed categories because you can not have an 'I' (identity) without conscious awareness. That awareness of yourself creates conscience witch leads to a mind. (brain inside the head and the mind outside the head; the subconscious and awareness of such is your connection to your mind. I do not call him a parasitical humanoid for no reason. LOL
No thanks.
I would say:
Ideology without any reason and logic.
I think you need Consciousness to define existence.
Otherwise humans are nothing more than instinctive animals with no reason, only action/reaction.
Like the Sith and Jedi,the perception of good and evil is totally based on your perspective.
"Evil in the broad sense, which includes all natural and moral evils, tends to be the sort of evil referenced in theological contexts, such as in discussions of the problem of evil...."
I believe it developed among our cave-dwelling ancestors as an evaluation what to eat and what to avoid.
I was simply point out the source of the concept of Good and Evil is a religious notion. I made no further inference.
Hence, the legends of how fire came into mans possession.