Part I: The Character of 1776

Posted by BradHarrington 9 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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Good Morning Everybody:

It's been quite some time since I've posted at all here... I have had a number of things going on in my life for the last several months that have needed quite a bit of attention, and I apologize for failing to respond to several posters on previous commentaries I've posted.

I don't think I'm ever going to get to that task, but I hereby resolve to pay much greater attention to comment feedback from this point forward, OK?

This is Part I of a tribute to our Founding Fathers; I ran it in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle originally, but I am linking to Parcbench here instead since I was able to include a great picture that I picked out. It was actually written last year... Part II, from this year, will follow shortly.

With Love,
Brad Harrington

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