Background check contractor accused of massive fraud
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years ago to News
Well, as this unravels, I'm interested to see who else may have slipped notice. And really, in so pleased my tax dollars went to this inept company.
I've seen this repeatedly in the past few years - something goes bad, and it's "Blame the Scapegoat" time. No one has or will shoulder any responsibility for anything - it's always "Their" fault.
Big difference between that and producers and objectivists, who will say "Yep, we did it, now lets move on." Could you imagine an objectivist take on the whole thing - Yep, we allowed these failings to happen, here's what we will do to fix it. Whos fault is it? How will wasting time and effort doing that change anything? So lets move FORWARD.