When will we finally say "enough"

Posted by MelissaA 9 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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The list of offences against our freedoms is growing longer and longer, when are we going to finally say "NO" and stand up for ourselves?

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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 9 years, 8 months ago
    Welcome to the Gulch, Melissa. You asked an open question. No general answer can exist. For myself, I stood up in 1965 when I read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and I never stood down. What you really are asking is another question, entirely.

    We would all like to enjoy massive societal change, a radical renaissance right out of Atlas Shrugged, playing out in less than 12 years, and accelerating in our daily lives, to be climaxed with global laissez faire, a renaissance of reason, and a new industrial age of individualism.

    On the one hand, don't hold your breath… On the other hand, it is happening right now. You know that as the government becomes more desperate, they increase their campaigns of lies, and no one believes them, so they lie more. It is happening right now in the headlines you read and watch. But just like Romulus Augustulus, they are going to maintain their fictions right up to the bitter end… and even so, in point of fact, if you had asked a curate of Gaul in 600 AD about the Roman Empire, he would have said, "Same as always." Reality, of course, would have been different from his perceptions.

    On that same note, the so-called "Dark Ages" saw expanding trade and the extension of learning in new areas. It just was not transmitted everywhere at once, but only accreted locally in many places.

    So, too, now. I live in Texas. If we were an independent nation, we would be the 15th largest economy in the world. It is not perfect, but it is interesting. I live in Austin, nominally a people's republic dominated by a progressive Democrat Party. That said, back in 2008, Brave New Books hosted the largest Ron Paul Meet-up in America. Those trends continue… The Libertarian Party is weak, but libertarianism is strong. That speaks volumes.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
      I wish Texas would leave the UNION, but it wont be allowed to. I live in Nevada, and I would vote for leaving the UNION. We need competition among governments to keep them in line. A federal government that controls everything just makes government worse.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 9 years, 8 months ago
        My loyalties are with the federal union. It might be helpful to think about alternatives such as an independent Texas or dividing California, in the same sense as it might be interesting to consider a grand federal union with Mexico and Canada. However, science fiction aside, the federal union we actually do have is the best arrangement we know. For all of its flaws and foibles, nothing better has been suggested. Do you know the history of the Ionian Confederation? The founders of our republic did.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
          It used to be a good country. I dont agree with that now. Not to say that there is another better one that you can live openly in and have your rights respected. In the USA now you have to live quietly and basically hope to avoid government attention. I feel better now when police and other government representatives are NOT around.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 8 months ago
      I have been toying with the idea of moving to the area just west of Austin. (I want to get past the more humid climate zone that is around Austin.)

      I do not particularly want to move to Texas - I love California, but the more I am around the People's Republic of CA, the more difficult it is for me to deal with that aspect of the local culture here.

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      • Posted by H6163741 9 years, 8 months ago
        We've been researching jobs in Texas for months now. In the back of my mind, I'm afraid they'll secede before we have a chance to get in.
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        • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 8 months ago
          I doubt that they would secede. "The threat is mightier than the execution." Were I them, I would make it evident that I would be able to secede and use that as a lever to dispense with a lot of the Federal laws that are fettering their economy.

          Remaining part of the US, but becoming a huge Free Industrial Zone would attract lots more companies to move there, raising the Texas economy even more.

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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
    The question is how to do it without just lying down in front of the tank and being quietly crushed. Most people will defend their personal rights by defying laws which violate them. Also, people today have little respect for escalating laws as they are defined more and more a part of the criminal element. For me, I have very little respect for our government and its laws at this point. Its all about the chances of getting caught and the penalties.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 8 months ago
    I have been wondering that for a long time now. The Government and its agencies just keep getting stronger. Standing up against them now would be difficult. The IRS alone can destroy the average person. I think it would have to be large masses of people doing something and I just don't think enough people are paying attention.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
      I say we should hide in plain sight as much as possible. We can trade with people who are like minded. We can even pay people with money or goods of our own choosing. And we can do it quietly and let the socialist minded countrymen take down the economy. At least we would survive and be a base for the recovery. Dont look for things at the seashore during high tide. Wait for the water to go out.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
      Remember what happened in AS Quit supporting them and quit enabling them as much as is possible to your situation. for sure don't vote for any Democrat or Republican. if they were worth anything they wouldn't be a Democrat nor a Republican. When the parade comes by turn your back.

      We've talked about a number of ways. One is hit the grass roots level. If you don't have recall get it. if you do have recall use it. If you have the initiative start a petition for cleaning up campaign financing by dirty money. An easy one is a law that states "Those who may not vote may not contribute." and "Money contributed in the geo-political area must be spent that area and may not be spent in any othere area." think it through. it lets you contribute money, time, material to every candidate or position on your precinct ballot or in iyour precincts voters pamphlet. Does not deny free speech but does not deny paid for activities by outsiders. So to contribute you must be registered. but you don't have to vote. Something just tht simple. Would it pass? Probably not but it would get publicity.Then when George and his check book show up picket ...His motto is summed up . i have the right without explanation to buy all your rights without exception. In public meeting see if your moderator will not let them get by with failing to answer a question. If they refuse start quacking" as they duck out. If they set up a campaign booth or hq picket and quack. It's guerrilla warfare. Target any precinct of the 110,000 where you can do that kind of damage. they wil leither make fools of themselves or turn tail and run.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
    The newly-forming Tea Party tried that by showing up in Washington D.C. right after Presidebt O'Pinocchio doubled down on Bush's RINO bail-out with a libtard crony capitalism stimulus package.
    Result? Nancy Pelosi scoffed the grass roots the Tea Party claimed to represent as to be AstroTurf. Then the Tea Party politiely picked up after themselves and returned to their day jobs.
    After that 100% Demorats shoved Obamacare down the throats of 60% Americans who did not want it if my memory serves me correctly.
    By the way, if you are fundamentally Christian, do not even think about selling wedding cakes.
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 9 years, 8 months ago
    Never. We have waited too long. At least this is true of most people including many we call friends. What is the point of "NO" if it only brings your immediate destruction or spending many years in a cage?

    Most people will "go along to get along" and pretend all is right with the world except for this or that group of "whiny" "extremists". They will convince themselves it is so. The number of people that really understand freedom seems to get smaller by the year. The number that can defend it with any philosophical depth is decreasing even more rapidly.

    The poop is about to hit the whirling blades. In the resulting chaos I really don't think freedom is going to be what replaces the largely anti-freedom with freedom veneer of today.

    I hope I am wrong but I don't think that I am.
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  • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 8 months ago
    I've concluded that the reasons humans have survived as long as 'we' have is because we're good at solving problems and challenges.

    The bad news is that most 'solutions' are created only after some situation becomes threatening ENOUGH or unbearable Enough to move enough humans 'off the dime' to react and DO something to reverse the trend.

    So until enough people, citizens, humans have the light go on in their heads that 'something is wrong and really NOT good for us, individually OR as a species, the shit will continue to hit the fan.

    Example, currently: I'm beginning to see inklings that some Muslims are beginning to get pissed off AT ISIS/ISIL for the shit they're putting down... screwing up other groups' feelings about Muslims, so the REAL 'peaceful' ones are getting tarred with the same brush.

    I believe(d) that, until that happened, little 'the rest of us' could do would make any difference.

    Look at any and all 'atrocities' in history, from good old Adolph to Boko Haram... They just keep on a-truckin' until enough people get together and say "ENOUGH, ALREADY!"

    And then they get put down like mad dogs.

    ......That's 'when.'
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
    When we learn to act together. If you do a little Google study on third parties you will see what I mean. Mike mentioned the Libertarians are a bit weak at present. The populists went the same route or were helped down that pathway. Tea Party same thing.

    But if you add them all up along with the non liberal independents and other disenfranchised, disaffected, and disgusted who see their votes, when cast, given to the top vote getter - the very ones they and we and I voted against.

    Worse we see defectors to the ranks of what I call the Government Party both Reublicans and Democrats rather than the those who agree defecting or bolting from those two halves of the left wing socialist movement AND the leader of all the third party and splinter partys (I should add Centrists and Constiutionalists) to say ""know what? lets get our constitution back and then worry about the rest of it." Forget the RINOS. 50% or so of the GOP and 5% of the Democrats (blue dogs etc.) jump up and say "I'm changing affiliation - I'm tired of being a left wing socialist fascist. I'm joining the Consitutional Restoration Party and here is my list of things to do starting with restoring the Bill of Rights and restoring the meaning of the value of a vote.

    Until then?

    We're going to be talking until long after I'm dead. With no Constitution and no voting rights.

    Hell even the military despite their oath doesn't think the population is worth the effort.

    I'm also against voting for the lesser of two evils. I'm not a supporter of evil

    So....there's another viewpoint. Welcome to the Gulch. Where individual freedom is more than jsut a state of mind.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
      My way to show that I dont trust government is to vote OUT every incumbent at every election. At least it prevents these people like Harry Reid for ruling for years and years.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
        As far as I can see the Demos and Dumbos are the incumbents and should be voted out every term as a group. My ex fathe in law said in his county they had no history ofa n honest sheriff so every time they voted the newest one out. They knew the next one would probably be the same but knew the current one was a crook for sure. That's how they kept hope alive.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 8 months ago
    I've concluded that the only way to get America back on track is to start over. There's simply no way to influence enough of America to vote for change - the inertia of the looters is too great at this point. Unfortunately, I think that our country is headed for a massive economic meltdown - currently being pooh-poohed by many of the stock analysts, etc. After that happens the people will be willing to listen because those who will go first are those dependent on the state.
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    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 8 months ago
      I would agree with you but would add. There was never a way to get a majority of all populace to vote for things that are reasonable. This is one the reasons Montesquieu listed for democracy being the worst form of government.

      We would need to start over with voting being a privileged reserved for those that have a share in the country. That privilege was tied to land ownership originally and was the primary reason for the drive of women suffrage movement as far as voting goes, to remove the land ownership requirement.

      Without voting being viewed as a privilege that is to be earned in some way that shows your a stake holder in the country we would be right back where we 100 years after starting over.

      That is the main difference in the definition of a republic verses a representative democracy and it is a key difference between government that will last, and government that will destroy itself and its people over time.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 8 months ago
        Agreed. Originally, voting was only for property owners, with the rationale being that they were the ones who paid the most in taxes and were the most likely to be negatively affected by government attempts at social welfare programs. I think that if property ownership were the key to voting, we'd have a lot fewer progressives in office and welfare programs including housing, etc., would dry up very quickly.
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  • Posted by H6163741 9 years, 8 months ago
    I'm thankful to Donald Trump for calling attention to some of the real issues, as opposed to LGBT, Confederate flag, Redskins... Ad nauseum.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 9 years, 8 months ago
    Melissa, a lot of us have said enough, the last three elections proved it - it also proved we are faced with a treasonous media that supports a rogue administration, congress and judicial branch. We made the mess, it will fall to us to clean it up. It will have to be done district by district, representative by representative. They fear only the loss of power, we must use that tool. http://4thestatemedia.com/?p=438
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  • Posted by philosophercat 9 years, 8 months ago
    Having been an Objectivist for over 50 years the present doesn't bother me as its self destructive structure is the consequence of bad ideas and I now am concerned only with changing those ideas. But people don't change their ideas casually, witness the christians in the Gulch. The problem is first the analytic/synthetic dichotomy which says you cannot have a moral truth from a factual statement hence all moral statements are arbitrary and Hume;s claim that if I cant see it, it is not knowable. My task is the restoration of empirical confidence in the validity of the senses as the basis of all conceptual knowledge.
    Ayn Rand did this beautifully in her epistemology and I merely want to tidy up the science. The result is the glass slipper phenomena, there is only one philosophy which fits the facts of science: Objectivism. No matter how many religions or philosophies try to explain reality only one can fit, one derived from reality itself. So be of good cheer, its only another 10-15 years before the science starts driving the philosophy to rationality and then politically. So if you are younger than me, you will get the benefits. Just hope I keep skiing until my 80's.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
      I think that changes among the populace will only take place when our society collapses, such as it did in Atlas Shrugged. Look at Venezuela today- they still put up with the totally failed socialist ideas and that idiot leader Maduro. Its incredible to me, and I suspect it will have to get that way here too before people see the light.
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  • Posted by H2ungar123 9 years, 8 months ago
    That this question even has to be asked is
    heart-breaking, not to mention embarrassing,
    for America!!
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
      BUT, so many people use the government today to get freebie goodies that I think the country is indeed doomed. We must think about preserving ourselves and like minded people. We should attempt to live together, trade only with each other, and do it quietly in plain sight and stay out of the bulldozers of obama and his henchmen
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  • Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years, 8 months ago
    Hi Melissa A. As Mike Marotta said, this is a very contextual answer for each person. But I've had a few progressive epiphanies over the past few years (and achievements) that make me extremely positive and enthusiastic to say that NOW is the best time to say "enough." Actually, it was yesterday...but that's my ambitious impatience talking.
    The ability and freedom for each of us to become a capitalist and create our own "gulch" (or path to one) is more simple and accessible than ever before. For as long as this video is available on YouTube, here's my story and invitation. Watch it while you can, and proclaim your own decision to say "enough" today, before you procrastinate another day. Brett
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 8 months ago
    Welcome Melissa.

    To answer your qeustion I do not know.

    What it took in colonial America was for the illusion of self government to rendered asunder by the King disbanding the Burgesses (basically an elected congress that ran a state in combination with a king appointed governor) because Americans were pissed off about 15 new taxes (1% tax on 15 items). When the Burgesses were reinstated all taxes but one were removed. The one was to send a message on who was really in control it was the tax on Tea.

    The equivalent today would be if the president used executive power to effectively dissolve congress and then re-established congress with a new something put in place. The nuts are not dumb and have learned from history. They will not do this so that it is obvious. It has been obfuscated out of view. It has all ready happened with president Obama but unlike colonial times people are to blind to even realize it and the reigning authority to wise to openly show or admit it.

    Until the public at large realizes that we largely live in a fascist dictatorship of regulators nothing will change.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 8 months ago
    The problem with saying, "Enough", is figuring out what to do after that. To where does one go to avoid looting statists, and yet not be a total hermit?
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 9 years, 8 months ago
    Proposition 13, in California, in about 1977, was the result of all property owners being impacted to the point of mass response to limit, by law, property tax rates. When "we," on a mass basis, have those loss of freedoms impact us directly; when that last tax becomes the last straw; when a government (local or otherwise), initiates force by coming to the door and you have to choose to comply or respond with force; when "that is outrageous" becomes a daily mantra by the masses, then "we" might be provoked stand up for ourselves. It has been said that politics and legislation won't concern you until it impacts you directly and that is true. The reason that "gun control" is such a hot topic is because that threat impacts each and every gun owner (regardless of reason for owning a gun) directly. The Tea Party was a response to the pressure felt by individuals. Unless and until a significant majority is impacted enough for them to say "enough," things will continue down the road to doom.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
      How about starting by all of us getting together to keep traffic fines from escalating and being inforced by the people who get the money. Keep fine and confiscated money from getting to the cities and police people and DEA. How about all fines go to something that helps us all, like medical research or something like that unrelated to the government.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 8 months ago
    I have been wondering about this since the early 90's. Even then it seemed that any critical mass that would effect major change would depend on how hungry people are.

    And then it would be a chaotic knife edge affair to get a positive result to rise out of the ashes. One wonders if "A Canticle for Leibowitz" isn't absolutely visionary.

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