The mind of the left
Posted by tkstone 9 years, 7 months ago to Government
Sometimes it is good to have a mole on the inside. This article is meant for the political insider. The minions doing the work. The subject of the book cited "Tammany Hall" is quoted as saying, "Political graft is good!" Cuffy Meigs had to have been inspired by this man.
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- 1Posted by jceockwood 9 years, 7 months agoI live in a small area of Democratic control of a traditional conservative east TN. We had a Dem political appointee as commissioner of elections for years but when the state house and senate was handed to the gop that changed. You should have heard the outrage about how the change was purely political. Sure it was, that's how the first guy got the job. Not to worry they smelled it coming and had held the county parks director job open for a year waiting for the change. And wouldn't you know he got a substantial raise from the previous director's salary. The quickest path to a good job here is to be a failed democrat politician.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|