Student Protests Parking Tickets by Paying Fine With 11,000 Pennies

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 2 months ago to Government
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I'm ok with this, someone at least is standing up to stupid government looting. I believe he has a good point and is practicing something we can agree with. The state should not be stealing 80% of the parking fines for other purposes.

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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 2 months ago
    Perhaps we should amend the Constitution so that all fines go to charities (or to the victim, when there is one). If governments can't use them as a revenue stream, they won't be as predatory in imposing them as they are now.

    (Does anyone know of even one case where a fine has been ruled "excessive" under the 8th Amendment?)
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
      United States v. Bajakajian, 524 U.S. 321 (1998), is a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States regarding the Excessive Fines clause of the Eighth Amendment. This case is the only occasion on which the Supreme Court has held that an imposed fine was unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment.

      In 1993, Hosep Krikor Bajakajian had attempted to leave the United States with $357,144 without reporting this to customs officials as required by 31 U.S.C. § 5316, which requires the reporting of all international movements of currency with value in excess of $10,000. The Government sought forfeiture of the entirety of the $357,144. None of the money was found to have been connected with any other criminal action whatsoever. Bajakajian was traveling to Cyprus via Italy, and the cash was intended to pay a debt. He was also initially charged with lying to customs, but this charge was dropped.

      Bajakajian pleaded guilty to failure to report and opted for a bench trial on the forfeiture of the $357,144. A United States district court judge found the forfeiture of the whole $357,144 to be grossly disproportionate and in violation of the Eighth Amendment. He ordered forfeiture of $15,000 in addition to the maximum fine of $5,000 and three years probation for failure to report. Bajakajian had been eligible for six months in prison, but the Judge did not impose this sentence.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
        He could have just taken the money on the bus to Mexico and then flown out of Mexico to where ever. It's not that bulky a package. According to the Treasury Department a million in one hundreds is 10 kilos at .43"thick. US money is 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long; they are .0043 inches thick and weigh 1 gram.

        one third of that would be .144" thick

        Just have to stay out of mordida, dash, and baksheesh prone countries.Which means Greece or turkey to get to Cyprus.
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      • Posted by $ 9 years, 2 months ago
        That actually wasn't too bad for our Imperial wizards. I would say though, that unless it is connected to illegal activity, terrorism, or corruption, you should only have to tell them the amount and leave it at that. It should not be the govts business if you want to haul a million out, if it is legitimately yours. But the moment you tell them you have it, it will be tied up for years proving that it wasn't illegally obtained, or a political contribution. So even honest people try to avoid the rats from knowing they have the cheese. Nice work researching, where did you find it?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
          There must be a way. Gringos buy or used to buy homes down here for up to a million dollars - most are selling for half or less than that. In my current location.I'll hae to speak to the real estate people.

          I'll use a what if. What if I win the lottery. for say $400,000,000.00, I take the 50% option of $200,000,000.00 and pay Federal and State Taxes of 45% combined. Now the account is down to $110,000,000.00.

          I want to put in non-interest producing accounts and do zero investing to keep from screwing with and getting screwed over evry tax season. I cancel my accounts where the regular retirement and SS is deposited. So they can't be paid. If they aren't paid I don't owe any taxes or do I?

          I want to buy a home in Chile and another in Mexico and a third in Norway. Nothing fancy but say $500,000.00 each. Add one in Australia for a total of two million.I open a bank account in each country.

          The lottery folks paid me in cashiers checks.of 25 million each and one for ten million.I some of that in Anderson Federal Credit Union which specializes in people who travel a lot IF you are former military retiree. But it''s all in a non interest bearing account. the other four go to the four countries mentioned into the same type of accounts. No interest. i report the money with copies of all the paper work. Including local taxes on the properties. Obviously I feel safer financially.

          Obviously - Nothing goes to Bank America.

          The question is to which country do I pay one million for instant dual citizenship?

          So far and I stress that if the taxes are paid there is no requirement to keep the funds in a bank or other ...therefore the cashier's checks but perhaps T Bills would work too.Ther requirement is a. don't carry cash through airports and b. report all transactions over $10,000 which include that new tricked out $30,000.00 Jeep with the $50,000 competition bass boat. I assume the dealership Shoot that could be a payment to a contractor for installing a sewer an water line from the house to the street.

          the only quirk is $100 a month automatically goes from regular retirement to Medicare unless I cancel that. No worries I still have 10 million in the US to cover medical bills.

          Where did i find it. googled 8th Amendment supreme court cases most of which were death penalty etc but one or two fit the bill and this seemed to be the best fit.

          Most of what did fit was in the realm of property confiscation and asset forfeitures due to RICO etc. And yes there is a ton of it that's just plain government greed . For example. someone sets up a lab in a motel rented room. Gets busted and the owner of the motel loses the property.

          I found no mention of a growop on federal land causing the same legal response nor on state land for that matter.
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          • Posted by $ 9 years, 2 months ago
            I am not warm and fuzzy about just how you handle money in such a circumstance. Even when you have paid your outrageous taxes at the home site, it seems the moment you want to do as you suggest, and buy the 3 houses, you will have 3 more countries all wanting to take a chunk. Even though our system is supremely complicated and corrupt, the foreign ones I have seen are much much worse. There is a huge hue and cry in a game being developed called Star Citizen, which will sell you a ship to be used in the game. They had to, in order to be a worldwide available game, start charging VAT on all sales to people in those criminal countries that have that barbaric tax. Oh boy! Talk about screaming and whining. It turned into almost a Gulch like thread, with the vast majority telling the screamers, you get what you deserve and vote for. When the company had to start following the foreign requirements, it suddenly went from a wonderful organization to a criminal one in some minds, and some of the accusations were pretty rude. I supported a tiny think on YouTube called Trekyards, that does some interesting breakdowns on starships, and gave them an Intel processor and Motherboard, and I bought the damn motherboard in England (where it was going), I paid 20% no matter what, whether I bought it there or shipped it in. The shipping in was worse, they charged VAT on top of customs. Learned not to do that ever again...
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
              Well I didn't say it was a perfect scheme. I was thinking more about no more income tax and security of the funds which excludes the USA automatically. Hmmm maybe I ought to bank in the caymans or Aruba like Soros? Of course he probably owns the bank. VAT by it's true name is VST. It does nothing to increase value. That's why Mss Lube Job loves it so much.
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              • Posted by $ 9 years, 2 months ago
                Oh yes, I have always gritted my teeth over that name either way, it implies something changed, and the only value increasing is the looting government. Another argument against the social welfare system.
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
                  When you here Benita Pelosillyninnie remember all those embedded taxes already added into any item along the from the miners, loggers, farmers who produced the basic material and those before them who produced their tools, transport etc. all the way down to whatever it is you bought as the end consumer and added in as a hidden tax on you and then she wants to do VAT on top of that? A boon for the Chinese no doubt but death to the producers and workers in this country.i doubt an information based economy or a financial based economy is going to produce that many paying jobs when the same information and financial support is available elsewhere. Hell our corporations can't even afford to answer their own telephones anymore. It will be a tax based economy with no one to pay the taxes nor interested in doing so. But then isn't Pelosi's real aim to destroy the country? Time to turn off the motor and let them sink or swim on their own relying on their own imitiation money.

                  A pipe dream but what if they gave an economy and no one came? For just one day. A national strike from the CEOs on down to the Janitors.Nothing produced, nothing sold, nothing purchased. What if they gave an economy and no one gave a s--t?
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                  • Posted by $ 9 years, 2 months ago
                    Good point. Ever since she sold Obamacare to the highest paying special interest, and held congress hostage until she got it, and then was found to have lied out her butt, I have said she is criminally liable to us for fraud, and all the costs she has burdened us with. But that will never happen, and she will have a good retirement with their free healthcare. And we will pay for everyone elses. I am willing to be the average cost of production would be 20% of what it is when you strip out all the laws, regulations and state imposed middlemen. But that is the only stuff keeping our so called "elected" government in business.
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 2 months ago
    Many years ago, there was a protest over the raising of the tolls on the bridges and tunnels between New York and New Jersey. Drivers decided to pay the tolls in pennies. Some official of the Port Authority of NY & NJ found an obscure law that limited the amount of pennies that could be used to pay tolls to, if memory serves, 24 cents. I assume that it was a valid law because no one ever heard anything about the protest again.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 2 months ago
      There usually is some obscure law to be used, just so the govt can steal faster...and limit the ability of the poor people getting raked over to do anything. Self preservation...
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 2 months ago
        There are enough laws on the books so that you can be either pro or con on the same issue and back it up with a law. I'd vote for any congress that devoted itself to getting rid of laws rather than making more.
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    • Posted by Riftsrunner 9 years, 2 months ago
      I think if the protest was serious, I would have paid in pennies anyway and let the courts decide whether the law was punitive or not (and any fines levied would also be paid in pennies). Pennies are legal tender and if the port authority refused to take them it seems that no matter the law they have to accept them no matter what amount i decided to use for payment.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
    Once upon a time about twenty or thirty years ago a divorceé paid alimony with $300.00 worth of Pennies sent rough the other attorneys office. He was pulled into court and fined for not paying alimony on time. The judge rule and explained "The Penny is the only level of money that is not legal and valid for all debts etc. etc."Your honor would a check suffice?" "If it doesn't bounce and the same for your fine." Then he turned to the ex-wife's attorney and asked "Did you give back the pennies?" "No your honor?" "Then I shall expect to see that amount on your income tax statement."

    Obviously the student were not business majors. My guess would be pre-law.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 2 months ago
    Actually, a similar situation occurred when a man attempted to pay his alimony in small coin, some years ago. A local judge ruled against him, when his ex-wife took him to court, even though it was legal tender.

    Don't think you can automatically win, in these situations...
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