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  • Posted by jtrikakis 9 years, 5 months ago
    SS is a tax. Your contributions are forced on you. I started to collect SS at 64. I was told I could make about $16K a year until I reached 66. I made more than that and was told SS over paid me, and then in turn stop paying me until my over payment was cleared. Today I started to get my benefits back. So let's look how this played out 1) they took my money close to 50 years without my permission 2) told me They over paid me (with my money) and then stopped giving me my money back until my debt was paid 3) my payments are taxed.
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    • Posted by xthinker88 9 years, 5 months ago
      None of it is your money. Once they took the tax it stopped being yours. What you receive now is from the taxes taken from others.

      I've always had a thought that I thought was interesting. Nobody who chose not to have children should be allowed to collect social security. I love all of these DINK couples that run around on cruises all over the world. Why should my children have to pay for them to get social security later.
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      • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
        Yes and no. It's true there is no money in the fund just I.O.U.s That started with LBJ.

        Social Security has to do with retirees not children of retirees. It used to assume it was for the destitute then became a program for everyone in a great vote buying scheme. Either way Grandpa and Grandma are just as affected by the left wing socialist progressives dollar devaluation scheme as any one else without the ability to continue working to make up the difference. The SP's plan is to impoverish the nation except of course for their own offshore accounts. Then of course there was the great population stabilization drive, another SP initiative so exactly why are you prosecuting Grandpa and Grandma unless it's a wish to see them die earlier?
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 5 months ago
    Pure Con

    Some basic math will prove it very definitively.

    If you work at $10.00 per hour for 40 hours per week for 40 years and average 6% on your investment saving what the government gets for Social Security and Medicare you would have over $1 million dollars to retire on. The interest alone would provide an income equivalent to $28 dollars an hour for the rest of your life with the principle left to provide to your children.

    You have no principle with SS and you have $2000 a month verses $5000 a month based on current benefits and the numbers above.

    Any way you slice it, that is a con, and a very profitable one since they simply blew the money on who knows what and now the only way to pay it out is to steal it form the next generation of workers.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      Or have the elder generation die ahead of schedule. There is noting nice about the whole scheme. It's population control on a scale greater than Rachel Carson ever achieved.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
    Old Dino with some health issues now lives off his retirement plan and secondarily his SS. Should my SS go poof for any reason, I'll be hurting.
    There are lots of senior citizens who worked all their lives and refused to mooch in the same boat.
    This fact should not be taken out of the equation should a big time fix be made.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 5 months ago
    With the current social security tax rate including the part that the employer pays as part of your compensation at 12.4% that's a significant portion of the money that you could otherwise invest for your own retirement.

    It is far too large of a percent as a premium on a subsistence survival for the truly destitute.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      Somewhere I read if parents put aside one thousand dollars at standard bank interest rates when the baby was born at 65 they would be a millionaire. Didn't quite work but then I didn't do compounded daily but it was an education. The problem was keeping the government's fingers out of the goodies and eventually the FDIC limit was another issue. So urban legend or what was the correct amount. Use post WWII baby boomer date of say 1945 or 1946 plus 65 years.
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 5 months ago
    Social Security is essentially a ponzi scheme. The whole foundation rests upon the bedrock of there being 35 workers in the system for every retiree. In order for the system to work, three things must be and remain true: 1) The birth rate must remain constant or increase. 2) The death rate must remain constant or increase. 3) the number of people entering and remaining in the workforce must remain constant or increase. Any violation of any of these three premises would lead to dire consequences. A violation of any two would prove fatal to the system. We currently have consistently violated all three. Couple that with short-sighted administrations who saw that there was a surplus when times were fat...and they immediately started give away programs and tapped into the surplus without any regard of lean times, such as now.

    Now add to that the concept of Keynesian economics, which requires inflation to work. It's all smoke and mirrors, because if tomorrow it will take $2 to purchase what $1 will buy today, who cares if you're growing at 100%? Relatively speaking, you've gotten nowhere. In fact, you're actually falling behind, because if government is taking 27%, the dollar amount you're losing to taxes is increasing exponentially.

    All this to say, Michael, that none of this is your fault. That of course is meaningless, because it most definitely is your problem. And sadly, rich man, poor man, begger man, thief...we're all in the same bind.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      Even or especially Keynes said the limit on borrowing from future generations is the ability to pay the interest. Either that was ignored or it was replaced by repudiation of the debt.

      I'm guessing 1964 as the start point of it's change in imiportance.
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      • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 5 months ago
        The current bumper crop of fiscal illiterates seem to feel that the limit on borrowing can be ignored because at a nominal 3% inflation rate, we'll "grow" our way out of debt. In fact, when you read some of the proposals for new spending, that's exactly the calculus that they use and you'll see the expression 'revenue neutral' meaning they want us to believe that this new scheme won't cost us a dime. In fact, we'll probably make money on it! Of course, this ignores the fact that compounding works in BOTH directions.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
          Whats the latest claim for debt as percentage of GDP? i could use a good laugh. When that comes up ask for percentage of NDP?
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          • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 5 months ago
            I saw something on that just the other day. They're claiming that it's 'only' 70%. It' projected to be 140% by 2025, and that's higher thangreece today.
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            • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
              70% of Gross Domestic Product? Is that the debt or debt service. "Only?" Now I'm having my laugh,
              140% I can hear repudiate repudiate a train on loose spiked tracks. On the other hand the boomers will be 80 or 79.or whatever. Light at the end of the LMAO tunnel!!!
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      So now we know why the latest dollar devaluation scheme was so drastic. They want to increase number 2. I'm only half laughing at that.
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      • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 5 months ago
        All kidding aside Michael, if you try to apply these Keynesian principles to what you see government doing, the dots seem to get easier to connect.

        Case in point: My Father was at Pearl when they hit it, so he had a pretty up-close idea about the realities of war. My time was Vietnam, a war that Dad passionately hated. When I joined the Navy, Dad (who told me that if my draft number was low, take off for Canada. I'll worry about the law.) said, "Don't you get it, son? They're trying to kill you!" Think about that...war increases the death rate, so it's good for Social Security...less people collecting at the far end, and lower unemployment rates at home. Now doesn't that put a whole new wheel on the wagon when we consider our wars in the sand box going on for 15 years?

        By the way...I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, odds are it's a duck and we'd be fools to believe otherwise.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
          Sometimes you have to know where they are coming from and where they are going to understand why you should get out of the way. When you think about it - it's pretty vicious.Nothing conspiratorial about it. It's in your face and very open A Ponzi Scheme run by racketeers called Government.

          Baby Boomers throwing things out of whack? They had decades and decades to prepare for that How is it the kids fault when he was born?

          Nor do I think it a failure but a success if you take the view point of those who ran the scam.
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        • Posted by xthinker88 9 years, 5 months ago
          Well. It's a pretty quiet duck then. Considering we lost more people as a percent of the population in an average month in WW2 than we have lost in these wars of the last 14 years.
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  • Posted by BYJR 9 years, 5 months ago
    Part 1 of 2:

    Thank you Mr. Aarethun for asking this question. I have been an objectivist for over 40 years, and a productive, hard working individual for at least that long -- yet I find myself in a situation not dissimilar to your own. I'm a survivor, and no matter what, I will find more work, and will continue to work without complain (unless I find myself working for suppressive and evil beings).

    However, what troubles me even more than my situation, is the unbelievably glib, harsh, even cruel responses that came back from your question. Although Miss Rand could get pretty angry at times and rightfully so (I saw her in person a few times in the 1970s), in general I always thought of her as a very positive, encouraging, and very NON cynical being.

    After reading some of the responses to your question, I am almost embarrassed at level of venom and cynical cruelty that came back.

    By the way, you didn't fail. The world went wrong, not you. But you see... that's what a TEAM is for -- to SURVIVE all the crap that the damn universe dishes out, that an individual might not be able to handle on their own, no matter how able they are.

    I don't give a damn what the intentions of the original Social Security architects were, nor what those of today's politicians are - be it just a political ploy for votes or not. I look at Social Security as a SURVIVAL point.

    Every great organization, team, army, company -- any super successful and strong group for that matter -- has always had a motto which every member has taken very seriously, which goes something like "No man left behind", "if you go, we go", or a 1000 different variations that all say the same thing.

    Does this means they are all socialists and communists and the group is everything and the individual nothing? Of course not! Such great groups all through history valued the individual as much as we do. But they also valued the power of a highly connected, super competent team of individuals - especially when the going got seriously tough.

    So instead of snickering and snarling at how incompetent and evil and false the Social Security System is, how about we look at it this way?

    We have a 300 million people team that makes up a country that very dictator, communist, facist, suppressive person, and psycho would like to wipe off the face of the Earth. This includes those who live within the county itself -- both as citizens and non-citizens -- who hate their fellow man because their insane, and especially hate anything that has to do with freedom, self worth, volition, or anything that advances such concepts in our citizens.

    Not to mention that the planet itself and the universe itself, likes to toss a few natural disasters our way.

    So being a smart, competent, reliable, success-driven team of 300 million people who refuse to give in to all the above-named crap, and insist on surviving as sane, free, thriving individuals, decide as a group to create a 300 million people driven "insurance system" - to help any of our fellow team members when "shit happens". We do this by all agreeing that when we do work, we contibute an agreed upon percent of what we make each time we receive exchange for our work, to the SURVIVAL INSURANCE fund that is available when needed. Too old to work (or too infirm), work simply not there anymore, natural disasters, war, politically created disasters, you name it, the insurance fund will possibly be available. But only on a LIMITED basis.

    Of course, knowing we are surrounded from the outside and from within by those who are very much of a different mind -- whether super evil and despotic or just plain lazy and stupid -- we would as an intelligent team of able individuals in the greatest country on planet Earth, have to design and institute some super strong CONTROLS, so that all this insurance fund money was not abused and wasted.

    By doing this, we honor those who have worked hard but have reached a point where they simply cannot work any more -- or for whom work simply is no longer available -- or perhaps even just as a reward of being productive members of the 300 million person team for 6-7 decades without complaint. Plus they paid into the fund, didn't they.

    No welfare. No hand-out. Just team-driven, team agreed upon, insurance.

    A sane solution in an insane world.

    [Continued in Part 2]
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