Atlas Shrugged as a Miniseries

Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 10 years, 8 months ago to Entertainment
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I've read this Philosophy/Political Science masterpiece several times. I've highlighted so many incredible quotes and passages. Although I'm enjoying the movies I wonder if someone will truly do this masterpiece justice someday by making a miniseries that will encompass more of the book and its ideas.
For those that are a bit older (ahem) and remember when TV could make incredible miniseries like The Winds of War of War and Remembrance you can see the potential in this medium. However, with the direction the country has taken this is beyond a thin hope.
But one CAN hope.
Who is John Galt?

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  • Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 8 months ago
    The way the left screams and has tantrums, they would most likely bully away most sponsers. If sponsers would stand up and realize we are the many, a lot of more conservative and honest programming would be developed. We need to start being just as publicly vocal as the extreme left.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 8 months ago
    I have already proposed a tv series based on the Atlas Shrugged world. The series would tell stories of other people affected by or invited to join the strike. The characters and events of AS would be woven into the backdrop of the stories.

    I've also mentioned AS:TAS. I think this would be a very worthwhile thing.
    Atlas Shrugged: The Animated Series would be CGI-based, and aimed at telling the story to young people.
    It's the young people whose minds we need to straighten.
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    • Posted by $ EitherOr 10 years, 8 months ago
      I'm with you on the animated series but hey- it doesn't just have to be for young people. ;)
      And I'm advocating for an anime series rather than cgi - it would have more longevity that way (and could be cheaper).
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  • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 8 months ago
    Screw broadcast TV, or even the cable networks. Do it on Hulu or Netflix. Or, probably even better distribute with Amazon's video service. Yes, you would have to pay for the episodes. But, it has already been shown that people will pay for quality. Also, mini series might still be to limiting of a format. Make it a couple of seasons and have to room to pace it right. A load of extra dialog would need to be written, but with the space a very good job could be done.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 8 months ago
    What if someone did a reimagined miniseries focused on the political intrigue about rank-and-file workers? Some of it could focus on motor plant workers who turned against one another as they competed for the best sob story. Somehow it could tie in with people in the other places Dagny went searching for the motor. It could also related to the small towns that were facing politically-biased rationing toward the end of the book. There's a lot of material for good writers to draw from. And it would not be open to the criticism that it focuses on top executives instead of the rank-and-file.
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  • Posted by $ WillH 10 years, 8 months ago
    I don’t know that a miniseries like that could even happen. They would have a hard time finding advertisers and sponsors. There are MANY companies that are, at least in public, adopting the self-destructive policies and attitudes of the looters and moochers. The production of quality products and services is taking a backseat to public popularity externally and leveraging diversity and affirmative action internally.

    I think the only sponsors that would have the stroke AND finances to pull of something like this would be the firearms industry, and most of them are keeping their heads down preferring to advertise exclusively within the firearm community. It’s a shame really. I would love to see a PSA from a company like Ruger talking about the Supreme Court decision stating that police are under no obligation to protect anyone and that personal protection is a personal responsibility. I think gunmakers are just too concerned about being targets of liberal looters right now.
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  • Posted by Marty_Swinney 10 years, 8 months ago
    Have it done as a self-limiting, three-year series. Take one season for each of the three parts of the book. Each chapter can be told in depth in 2 or 3 hour episodes. If necessary, take 2-3 episodes to tell each chapter. The chapters themselves are already subdivided within the book, so this would not take too much editing to accomplish. A television series is much better suited to telling the story of Atlas Shrugged; besides, Rand loved television! If it airs on a commercial network, then the chapter subdivisions, where possible, could "break" after the commercials air. Sponsorship might be something of a roadblock,but maybe the Koch brothers could chip in!
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  • Posted by MikeJoyous 10 years, 8 months ago
    I'd love to see a miniseries of AS *if* it's really good. The movies have good parts in them, but the movies, taken as a whole, are only fair. I know that Rand, when the producer of Godfather wanted to do AS, insisted upon having absolute ultimate control of what appeared on the screen. This was refused, so Rand just went away from it:(
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 8 months ago
      Yeah, she was somewhat of a control freak with her baby. Which is surprising for someone who wrote screenplays and worked with directors. You would have thought that she would understand that different media require different approaches and some people are better at bringing forth a vision on film that those who do so on paper cannot necessarily do themselves. A bit of her arrogance, I guess.
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      • Posted by MikeJoyous 10 years, 8 months ago
        Hi Robbie,
        Yep, Rand was strongly into control but she was always able to take a seat backwards and judge a product, independent of her old ideas about it. I'm thinking now of "We The Living," the Italian version of her book. Though the Italian folks stole her book-as-movie, when Rand saw the movie that was produced, she let herself love it.:)
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      • Posted by EconomicFreedom 10 years, 8 months ago
        >Yeah, she was somewhat of a control freak with her baby.

        Most writers (aside from full-time, professional screenwriters) are. That's why some of them go into directing in the first place — to have control over how their work gets translated to the screen.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 8 months ago
    I would love to see it as a mini series. The scripts would be closer to the novel that way (I would think) . Lets hope the really rake in on the movie to be able to consider it
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