The West Is Nearing a Lockdown
Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 7 months ago to Government
On May 28, 2015, the Department of the Interior released their Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for 98 Resource Management Plans to address sage grouse species across 11 Western States.
If implemented this will be an economic and human train wreck for the Intermountain West.
To summarize in a nutshell, in the time period between the closing of the public comment period for the Draft EIS in 2014, to the May release of the FEIS, the BLM/USFS/USFWS cabal completely changed the maps, the preferred/proposed alternative plans and caught all but 1 of the western State Governors and their people in a blindside of epic proportions. The one State is Wyoming whose RINO Governor Matt Mead cut a deal with the federal agencies to adopt components of the State Plan and reduce the impacts to the oil and gas industry within the State. All of the States had spent millions of dollars, appointed Councils, Technical Teams to develop State plans to manage sage grouse habitat. Ten of the 11 State Plans were summarily brushed aside.
This affects me personally in that I am involved in a gold exploration project here in Nevada. We have been in the process of getting an approved Plan of Operations on public land for over a year. Last year the area of our project was mapped as Low Value Habitat for sage grouse by the fed botanists/biologists. The DEIS maps showed nothing in our area. The FEIS maps now shows half of our project area as Priority Habitat and subject for recommended locatable mineral withdrawals. They in essence are taking our project.
Moreover, they address and limit every area of human economic activity across 65 million acres of public land in the Intermountain West. Everything from mining, oil and gas, utility grade solar, wind, and geothermal, utility corridors, travel management (access), livestock grazing, leasable minerals, fluid minerals, closing rights of ways, you name it.
Arbitrary and capricious just begins to describe what they are doing.
If implemented this will be an economic and human train wreck for the Intermountain West.
To summarize in a nutshell, in the time period between the closing of the public comment period for the Draft EIS in 2014, to the May release of the FEIS, the BLM/USFS/USFWS cabal completely changed the maps, the preferred/proposed alternative plans and caught all but 1 of the western State Governors and their people in a blindside of epic proportions. The one State is Wyoming whose RINO Governor Matt Mead cut a deal with the federal agencies to adopt components of the State Plan and reduce the impacts to the oil and gas industry within the State. All of the States had spent millions of dollars, appointed Councils, Technical Teams to develop State plans to manage sage grouse habitat. Ten of the 11 State Plans were summarily brushed aside.
This affects me personally in that I am involved in a gold exploration project here in Nevada. We have been in the process of getting an approved Plan of Operations on public land for over a year. Last year the area of our project was mapped as Low Value Habitat for sage grouse by the fed botanists/biologists. The DEIS maps showed nothing in our area. The FEIS maps now shows half of our project area as Priority Habitat and subject for recommended locatable mineral withdrawals. They in essence are taking our project.
Moreover, they address and limit every area of human economic activity across 65 million acres of public land in the Intermountain West. Everything from mining, oil and gas, utility grade solar, wind, and geothermal, utility corridors, travel management (access), livestock grazing, leasable minerals, fluid minerals, closing rights of ways, you name it.
Arbitrary and capricious just begins to describe what they are doing.
The Gulch is a veritable treasure house for good phrases.
"wise lawgiver." . makes it just right!!! -- j
Perhaps, I should be kind and attempt to take pressure off the west with a diversion. I could write to the EPA how illegal night time snipe hunts practiced by drinking rednecks and college fraternities now endanger the existence of that most elusive species in Alabama.
Wonder if those pinheads would fall for it. Don't know how much snipe hunting takes place outside of the Deep South.
on a snipe hunt, I looked up the snipe. . there is one:::
needless to say, we didn't find any on that hunt. -- j
Roy Rogers flashlight, after hearing the story. . ebay
is wonderful. -- j
Prairie dogs?
At most we should be protecting a few targeted species that we have decided are specifically worth protecting and have a decent chance of continuing on their own without help some day.
Until we stand up to the real issue the feds will continue this melodrama and the school system is producing minions who will proceed to vote private property out of existence.
Our country is in dire straights.
REI gave 77% of their political contributions to Democrats since 2001.
It's a political appointment.
Jan, loves camping
In May, I was setting up a tent in high wind. What a fight. To help hold it down, I carried a limestone boulder inside. Left hand stretched in there and aggh the tennis elbow went nuts. Its taken weeks for that to go away. And then the knees on the ground and all the bending over setting stuff up and collecting firewood etc. A little wine helps.
(The basis for a good campsite.)
As a chemical engineer, I understand totally the effects of the environmental impact statements, Flootus.
without asking us. . why are we trying to circumvent
her actions, especially with fake science??? -- j
p.s. I am glad to see the list of notables at the
bottom of the 2014 letter.
I don't understand why there isn't any raptors depopulating them or Coyotes. That's right the Coyotes are living in the cities now where the feasting is just fine.
Greens are a spooky bunch, with many of them Gaia worshippers, believing that the human race is a plague that needs to be reduced to a population of no more than 100 million. Of course, they regard themselves as the anointed elite who should of course survive "the culling," as they like to refer to their vision of wholesale slaughter of the human race.
This is beyond "arbitrary and capricious". The people driving the EPA and DOI are just as fanatical as ISIS, in their own way, just more cowardly, leaving it up to dumbass government toadies to do the dirty work.
The obvious question to ask would be: If there is this much habitat throughout the west, how can it be endangered? Ooops, silly me, applying logic again. I forgot all this is emanating from fact resistant humans.