The Silence - From Papa Possum - For Independence Day

Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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This Independence Day, my friends, my fellow Gulchers...

Fill The Silence.


The Silence
(Reagan at Reykjavík, for Independence Day)

A Shining City once there was,
that's how it did begin.
Now just a faded point of light
that's rotted from within.
One of a thousand comrades all
locked in a deathward spin.
We call this place “nouveau versailles”:
dim of Light; loud of din.

Cacophonous and gangrenous,
the fetid layers reek,
amid black ties, and champagne flutes,
and plastic columns Greek,
a non-stop marxist bacchanale,
so nouveau versailles chic:
applause, huzzahs, and rhetoric with
demagogic shriek.

So, listen 'neath each landfill lay'r
'neath each whisper and roar,
'neath globalists who hate us all,
'neath democrats' rapport,
'neath weak stockholm republicans,
'neath sycophant press corps,
'neath lobbyists and n.g.o.s,
'neath activists galore,

'neath Senate six year royalty,
'neath House milquetoast elite,
'neath SCOTUS's celebrities,
'neath dear leader's conceit,
'neath e.p.a. belittling,
'neath i.r.s. deceit,
'neath grubers and their wild contempt,
'neath insult and brow-beat,

'neath minions true to our dread king,
'neath u.n. plans askew,
'neath new lysenko “scientists”,
'neath marxist pontiff too,
'neath frances piven's occupy,
'neath treason, plot, and coup,
remains nothing but... the silence...
that's representing... You.

This Independence Day shrug off
their caste for you preset:
marxism, as it ever did,
does slavery beget.
The motto live, “Don't Tread On Me,”
with shout they'll not forget:
like Reagan at Reykjavík,
that silence fill with “Nyet!”

Yes, we are all Refuseniks now,
it's time to All-In bet.
It's time for tides to turn again,
our Dawn and their sunset.
This Independence Day shrug off
their caste for you preset,
like Reagan at Reykjavík,
that silence fill with “Nyet!”

The Silence, Copyright © 2015 Papa Possum


Hear the audio stream here:

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 7 months ago
    Like a thousand shattered paradigms,

    Meteors shower our earth,

    A reminder in Conscious Human Times,

    Of all those that have failed before,

    And those that will fail again,

    Paradigms that suppress conscious beings,

    Will only hasten their own end,

    And cause our universe,

    To start all over again.

    The Fight for Conscious Human Life©
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
    When my eyes and ears hit "stockholm republicans," you should have heard my surprised bark of laughter. Ingenious!
    If you don't mind, I'll be alternating that with RINO when writing posts and replies in the the future.
    Or maybe something like--
    "Those pandering RINO Stockholm hostages, who for committee leaderships serve the White House's favorite water boy, Speaker O'Boohoo etc. . . ."
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