Obama, dictator of the United States of sheep

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 1 month ago to Government
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I think this said what a lot of people feel, and have expressed here, but which has not made much noise elsewhere. Sadly, this is where we are as a nation.
SOURCE URL: http://patriotupdate.com/articles/government-obama-obama-obama/

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  • Posted by richrobinson 11 years, 1 month ago
    When Bush passed the Patriot Act and changes were made for our "security" I worried then what would happen when the left was back in power. I expected it to be the Clintons but this is what I imagined. We are at the brink.
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  • Posted by jrberts5 11 years, 1 month ago
    It may not help but I called my the two senators from my state and the representative's office in my district today and suggested the idea that a bill be introduced providing for legislative oversight or approval of executive orders before they could be enforced. That would not solve the overall problem but it might slow it down.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 1 month ago
    "In other words, if Congress goes along, Obama will allow them to PRETEND to still be Congress."

    This is how it happened in the Roman Republic.

    If I were voting for an executive with dictatorial powers, I'd choose President Obama, but I do not want an Exec Branch with dictatorial powers. No one should. This is a severe problem. It's certainly not peculiar to President Obama. I hope for a confrontation between the President and Congress that results in clear definitions to the limits of executive power.

    I find so many things here to be nonsense: conspiracies, political messages hidden in school curricula, denying science in favor of wishful thinking. Executive overreach is a real threat to liberty. I wish I knew something to do about it. There will probably be protests near me as soon as it's a Republican following the precedent set by President Obama.
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  • Posted by eskslo 11 years, 1 month ago
    Hearing the words "Obama" and "allow" in the same sentence so many times is laughable. It still amazes me that anyone takes him seriously
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    • Posted by mminnick 11 years, 1 month ago
      It doesn't matter whether ou take him seriously or not. He is the President, he has assumed powers via Executive Orders (EOs) that have not been effectively challenged by The Congress and the People of the Uniyted States. If and when the people speak and Congress gets a backbone his power grab will continue.If it goes on long enough, there will be none left with the will or power to oppose a future president that abolishes the Constitution in favor of Executive Orders (Read dictatorial decrees).
      Note. There is a historical parallel. First please note, I am not repeat not calling anyone a NAZI by whyt follows. The techniques has been used by almost all dictators and would be dictators sinced the Spartans fought the Athenian.
      Step1. remove some slight freedom and say it is for the national good or the good of the people. Make sure it is in a time of crisis (Reichstag Fire) Find a scapegoat (The Communists) repeat ad infinitum until only the shell of the Constitution remains. Declare that the old outmoded document is obsolete and replace with a new "constitution" drafted and implemented by the "LEADER". This is what the NAZIs did in Germany, This is what Pericles did in Athens and this is what Julius Caesar did in Rome. These men represented the final step in the process we are seeing start to unfold here in the United States.
      Seen to it logical conclusion, the individual will cease to matter and the state (Dictator, King, what have you) will decide what any individual may have or not have.
      This country is too great to allow this to happen and I hope has the sense to get the congress to act ..
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    • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
      I think therein lies the problem. No one took him seriously enough. Now we are in a terrible position, not only in a national sense, but on the international stage as well.
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      • Posted by H2ungar123 11 years, 1 month ago
        Has America ever been in such danger
        before? It's just mind=blowing what has
        happened - or ALLOWED to happen - to our
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        • Posted by mminnick 11 years, 1 month ago
          The progressives have been working to get to this point for over a century. They had and have a plan for the advancement of their beliefs and will work it until it becomes the law of the land.
          Both Roosevelts, Wilson , Johson to name a few progressive presidents. The culmination of this line is Obama and if the country is not careful Hillary will be the penultimate progressive president. after that is will be just one small stepp for man, one huge fall for mankind (apologies to Neil Armstrong).
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          • Posted by H2ungar123 11 years, 1 month ago
            I so appreciate this! Does much to dissipate
            the mind-fog but at the same time is most
            frightening, more so when one thinks of
            Hilary possibly taking over. Lord, hear our
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