Dishonest arguments: Gay Marriage

Posted by jceockwood 9 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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The way the gay marriage issue is put forth it is debatable. Should a gay couple be granted the same rights and obligations of marriage as heterosexual couples? After much thought I’d have to come down on the yes side of that one. But that is not the real intent here. As a Baptist one could not demand nor would one be allowed to have a catholic wedding in a catholic church. No one would come to your defense for your outrageous demand and certainly the Supreme Court would never hear the case. Catholic Priests perform catholic weddings in catholic churches for members of the Catholic Church. No one would say you’re being denied the right to marry who you want to. If you want a Christian wedding you need to find a church commensurate with your faith, become a member and then ask them to perform the ceremony. Following this logic now having the right to be deemed married by the state it is a gay couple’s obligation to find or create an institution commensurate with their beliefs to perform the ceremony. But that is not what they want nor was that ever their intent. The argument as defined by their actions is an act of aggression toward persons of an opposing view. They ask not for the right to marry but for the right to demand the conformity of others. Many if not all of the left’s agendas are couched in this same dishonest way and we need to start calling them on it.

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  • Posted by MTHarpooner 9 years, 7 months ago
    Exactly right! This was never about equal protection under the law. When offered civil unions to take care of that, the people driving this train said, "Thanks, but nope. We are not stopping until we can force Christian religious leaders to perform the marriage rites in a church setting, even if it totally means using the power of the government to destroy their religious beliefs. And if you disagree, you're a bigot." Note that they won't ever say that Muslims must adhere to these rules. Their endgame is to destroy Christianity, as evidenced by the new calls to end tax-free churches and for legalized polygamy. Next up: legal incest.
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