Awesome. One problem with their diagnosis of Washington, D.C., however: there aren't many brains there to eat! If there are zombies that live on hot air, however, the politicians are in deep trouble.
I live in Arizona, and man alive it's going to be a Zombie Shoot!!! I hope all the liberals here become Zombie feed. I think I'm going to buy alot of those shotgun incindiary shells. I can see it now Flaming Zombies.
This just explains just so many things I have seen? They must be a special "protected" class over here because you can't solve the problem the way Hollywood does. Although satisfying, Hollywoods solution wouldn't be a very Objective solution anyway.
I love this! It further inspires me to move 13 miles to NH I've been planning to, and go from 42nd to 9th! Not sure I buy the FL score. Maybe the dichotomy has flipped, but there are a lot of shooters, martial artists and retired military down there. The 400 lb Walmart bunch must be killing them.
Unfortunately these are not weighted numbers just a straight line ranking and total. For instance "Martial Arts" and "Survival Skills" in reality rank much higher than "Physically Active". The best example I can think of is some people I know that fit the "Extreme Exercise/Health" category, but would argue all day that we should send people to "talk to the armed terrorists" and would "do so themselves if given the chance". In other words Zombie fodder.
The chart like any "Statistic" isn't perfect. But, if this got one person thinking, then I'm happy.
One really interesting Statistic about Florida I found was: They have the highest gun sales in the nation. The two most purchased weapons (are usually purchased together) in order are the small caliber Glock, and 16 gauge Shotgun. Guess who is buying these -- Grandmothers. They are buying the Glock for their children and the shotgun for themselves. Imagine Dagney as a Grandmother.
I don't sell them, I just ran across the numbers and at first I thought the same as you. Seemed odd to me, but they make 16 gauge models strictly for "home protection" that are much lighter than the standard 12. I wasn't kidding, the biggest market for guns in Florida is Grandmothers, 62 to 72 year old women. Would you want to confront Grannies 16 gauge pump?
My ex father in law had a 10 ga magnum. Quite ominous next to a 12 ga.
I did a little recent research on the two. If you look at modern 12 ga cylinder pressures and muzzle energy, the 12 ga is pretty much equal. Wondered why 10's had fallen off the radar.
Probably the advancement in technology. Todays 12's are more powerful and effective than the 10's and they are lighter and more reliable. I have a friend that used to have an old 8 gauge double barrel that belonged to his Grandfather. What a heavy monster.
Modern barrel materials and manufacture let cyl pressures go up to ~14 ksi (if I recall correctly) in 12's. Where older 10's are limited to 9-10ksi. The extra area of a 10 doesn't really overcome this pressure deficit, and the damn thing is heavy, as you noted for an 8.
Also, where big zombie's are concerned, it is shocking how much kick you can take in your hands, vs what is comfortable on your shoulder. Good thing you don't have to aim like trap shooting when shooting zombies, and you can shoot heavy loads from the hip!
I always thought the preoccupation with zombies was really a preoccupation with impending collapse of civilization- had nothing to do with actual zombies (which I think are kind of ridiculously improbable). People have an understandable sense of unsustainability from the way the government has handled the economy and printed money
We're not far behind you. If we could only get rid of Missoula, Billings and Helena we'd be doing better. Probably Columbia Falls too, lots of Cali libs like to move there.
Being a refined Geek, I went to DeVry. I don't know about today, but 35 years ago we didn't party, just the occasional glass of wine was the most I can remember. It was fast and hard, and I hope it still is today.
Haha, fun and funny, but maybe the next list should look at each states' track record on individual rights. Or a producer to looter ratio. That would certainly equalize things. LOL.
I like the idea. Maybe we can find some accurate numbers to go along with that. Especially on a State-byState. That might be useful information. When I worked in the world of large high-tech corporations I managed never to get caught up in a layoff. I was out the door weeks before that happened and one of the things I would look at was the "Administrative Ratio" of the companies I worked for or would interview with. When it reached 72%, I knew the company I was working for was in trouble. Translation: 72% moochers.
Shouldn't this be posted under humor? i don't see much in the article that equates to preparedness, other than ability to use a gun. Where is the measure of what percentage are trained hunters?
Where is the measure of whether the climate and topography can support food production?
I am sure any and all "Gulches" will have a "No Zombie" policy. Half the reason I put this in was for the humor. The bonus is the site does have a good chart with information you might want to consider when picking a place to Gulch.
I think I'm going to buy alot of those shotgun incindiary shells. I can see it now Flaming Zombies.
I'm good. Of course, we have more meth heads, which are the zombies.
Not sure I buy the FL score. Maybe the dichotomy has flipped, but there are a lot of shooters, martial artists and retired military down there. The 400 lb Walmart bunch must be killing them.
The chart like any "Statistic" isn't perfect. But, if this got one person thinking, then I'm happy.
One really interesting Statistic about Florida I found was: They have the highest gun sales in the nation. The two most purchased weapons (are usually purchased together) in order are the small caliber Glock, and 16 gauge Shotgun. Guess who is buying these -- Grandmothers. They are buying the Glock for their children and the shotgun for themselves. Imagine Dagney as a Grandmother.
Definitely got me thinking, but ... hey wait... a chicken...
I did a little recent research on the two. If you look at modern 12 ga cylinder pressures and muzzle energy, the 12 ga is pretty much equal. Wondered why 10's had fallen off the radar.
Also, where big zombie's are concerned, it is shocking how much kick you can take in your hands, vs what is comfortable on your shoulder. Good thing you don't have to aim like trap shooting when shooting zombies, and you can shoot heavy loads from the hip!
I feel so much better knowing this..........
Where is the measure of whether the climate and topography can support food production?
It is good for a laugh, but nothing more.