Venezuela; 40% Congress woman because now it is law
Posted by sender47 9 years, 8 months ago to Government
Hello Gulch, long time since I wrote, have been busy with accommodations and classes since I got to Japan, Will try to post with more frequency.
Getting to the link
Couldn’t find another article in English about this news, but well it conveys the facts. (not in accord with phrases like "might be good for gender equality", yeah let.s keep making laws that make more difference between time maybe they will put age and height quotas for the national assembly).
A little more of the upcoming elections (if they happen) (yeap that is "president" Maduro in the 4th paragraph basically saying he will not accept unfavourable results)
In other order of ideas things keep getting worse... but hey! they are scratching the "buy day by ID last digit... because the biometric system is everywhere now,.The revolutionary government will not discriminate because of your ID number.... but because you are you (read with extreme sarcasm)
and... Guess which country has a new home in Caracas? Hope beloved north Korean leader will pay a visit in the branch of the sea of happiness called Venezuela.
A lot of things still to comment, like how the sacked another mayor, or took control of the office of a municipality in opposition hands and tossed a journalist through the window of the second floor... Or how armed gangs and police had an exchange of fire... for like 9 hours... using grenades and other military type armament (the gangs of course, the police has only 9mm), te police had to retreat, and after that several policeman where indicted for entering a "Peace zone" (zones declared by the government to be under the good care of their "colectivos"). And so on.
Getting to the link
Couldn’t find another article in English about this news, but well it conveys the facts. (not in accord with phrases like "might be good for gender equality", yeah let.s keep making laws that make more difference between time maybe they will put age and height quotas for the national assembly).
A little more of the upcoming elections (if they happen) (yeap that is "president" Maduro in the 4th paragraph basically saying he will not accept unfavourable results)
In other order of ideas things keep getting worse... but hey! they are scratching the "buy day by ID last digit... because the biometric system is everywhere now,.The revolutionary government will not discriminate because of your ID number.... but because you are you (read with extreme sarcasm)
and... Guess which country has a new home in Caracas? Hope beloved north Korean leader will pay a visit in the branch of the sea of happiness called Venezuela.
A lot of things still to comment, like how the sacked another mayor, or took control of the office of a municipality in opposition hands and tossed a journalist through the window of the second floor... Or how armed gangs and police had an exchange of fire... for like 9 hours... using grenades and other military type armament (the gangs of course, the police has only 9mm), te police had to retreat, and after that several policeman where indicted for entering a "Peace zone" (zones declared by the government to be under the good care of their "colectivos"). And so on.
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- 1Posted by Lucky 9 years, 8 months agoThanks for the update. Looks like you are ok but Venezuela gets worse.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|