Wake Up Call

Posted by BenjaminGrimm 11 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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Many of you have probably already heard about the story of the 17 year old girl who committed suicide after being raped and having the photos of this act circulated via social media. While the story is disgustingly tragic for a plethora of reasons, something the girl's mother posted on Facebook really struck me as extremely profound, almost a watershed moment. It applies not only to her daughter's death, but in a much broader sense.

She said: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

For me, this translates from a personal level to a national level. It made me stop and wonder what more could I do/say/participate in to spread Objectivism/logic/reason/rational thought? What opportunities are we missing or simply not creating due to the atmosphere of our community/country? I know that Objectivism gets a lot of bad main stream media coverage (mostly from a lack of knowledge, it seems), so how do we turn this around? We seem to be one of the last outposts for our beliefs, an endangered species, even. It seems up to us to do something. This will be on my mind until I find a new way to contribute, a way to make an impact on more than just a personal level...

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  • Posted by MrSelfish 11 years, 8 months ago
    The inevitable collapse will go right down to 11:59 PM, with society then, quite literally, coming apart at the seams. Desperation and anarchy will rule.

    There can be no other possible scenario as the collectivists have the People by the throat.

    Following this armageddon the producers will reemerge.

    Rand will be shown to have been prophetic.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 8 months ago
      I agree. There is no other logical conclusion unless LOTS of people wake up and get actively involved. So far I don't see that happening on any worthy scale.
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      • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
        Which is exactly my point. It's up to us to get people involved. How do we do it?
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 8 months ago
          We've been mulling that very thing over for a while now in here. So far it seems the only thing we can do is not shut up. Speak freely, loudly, and often. Don't miss an opportunity to point out a flaw in someone's logic, news stories, gun control issues, taxes, education....any variety of topics. We're so afraid of offending others, hurting feelings, being seen as a big mouth (as if every topic is taboo) and it's time we stopped shutting up for these reasons. A lot is at stake and we should be yelling it from roof tops! Most won't listen, but every once in a while one will. :)
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 8 months ago
    Hello BenjaminGrimm,
    Years went by for me, decades actually, and no one talked about Rand any more. Today there are movies, book sales are up, and congressman and the media are talking about the material. This is not enough but it is encouraging.
    If we ever needed the firm, steady hand of reason...
    Speak boldly.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      Speaking boldly has always caused me trouble, but it hasn't stopped me. You said it perfectly, "This is not enough". I know one person can't tip that balance, but I intend to make sure I'm pulling my weight.
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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 8 months ago
    I'll be curious to see what you pick. for myself, I believe in galting, so I did. I was so unhappy in the US, working all the time to pay a destructive government my hard earned income. But also, I wanted a more constructive avenue for sharing my ideals. If you don't have to work for that extra 50% your feeding the beast, there's time to focus on other things. My husband and I wrote a novel, looking at the destructive nature of government and hold individuals accountable. Often one thinks, but it's so big -there's no way to get justice once the government ruins your life. My hero finds a way. :)
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      So you have moved out of the US? Unfortunately, I still have an underage child so that isn't really an option. Has the novel you and your husband wrote been published?
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 8 months ago
        we're in the agent hunting phase. do not have a tortured protagonist-might be awhile :)
        If your child is the only thing stopping you, that's a shame. even if in H.S. the experience of living in another country is rewarding (mostly) and depending where-much cheaper. Regardless of your stance, keep it in the back of your mind. I also would consider planning for it. even if you decide not to do it. Because if you find you will choose to shrug, the more options on how to possibly accomplish it you have, the better. just sayin
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        • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
          My son doesn't live with me, so what I meant was in leaving the country, I'd be leaving him behind as well. Considering the huge gap in his mother's indoctrination of him and my continued attempt to steer him straight, I couldn't bring myself to leave and remove my influence from his life. If it weren't for him, I'd seriously consider leaving.
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