Gay Marriage - Scalia's Dissent, Page 69
This is a pdf of the entire decision.
Scalia's dissent starts on page 69.
As far as I'm concerned, he hit it out of the park.
From now on SCOTUS =
S oirées,
C hampagne,
O ligarchy:
T hat's
U ppercrust
S wingin'!
Scalia's dissent starts on page 69.
As far as I'm concerned, he hit it out of the park.
From now on SCOTUS =
S oirées,
C hampagne,
O ligarchy:
T hat's
U ppercrust
S wingin'!
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- 1Posted by irrelevantcommentforpoint 9 years, 8 months agoThe entire issue is a states rights issue and the feds have no authority to even consider its legality.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|