I have never been bothered by corporations
Posted by Zach055 11 years, 1 month ago to Government
I have never been bothered by corporations, but when I was in public school it was hell. I say that all public schools should be shut down, and all laws requiring kids to attend school should be made null and void. Schools should be run by corporations and teach capitalism, rather than the socialism that is being taught in schools today. The reason why poor people are poor in the first place is because of the government. When they get a job, they pay payroll tax, when they buy something, they pay sales tax, and on April 15th they pay income tax. The government imposes literally hundreds of taxes, and if the government would stop existing on all levels, there would be no poor people, no taxes, and no politics.
Maphesdus makes a good point here. I love corporations also. However, when they form partnerships with government, look out.
On one of these threads - I think one that I started, but don't remember - I outlined my proposal for voucher system. Private education, but publicly financed via vouchers.
My son currently goes to a charter school that is pretty hard to get into. And, Obama regularly threatens to cut Federal funding of charter schools. He does that because they are a threat to the bad status quo and not in favor with the teachers unions, for the most part. It is hard for him and his ilk to tolerate success (you didn't build that!)
If we were to assume (incorrectly) that the problem was whether the schools were funded with tax money or not, then naturally that misguided assumption would lead us to try and remove tax funding from public schools. But since the actual problem is not where the funding is coming from, but rather the goals of the administration and the type of curriculum being implemented, removing funding would be a counter-productive action, and would not further our goal of increasing the quality of education.
Even if we eliminated public schools altogether, and had only private schools, the problem of government imposing outcome based education (i.e. Common Core) would still remain.
We must correctly diagnose the real problem if we want to actually cure the disease. If we try to implement cures based on a misdiagnosis, we won't be able to actually cure anything, and may in fact make the problem worse through our actions. Good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence, if they are misinformed.
I like your thought process to a point, but the truth is that the government must collect enough taxes to support the military to defend the nation from those who would take what we have, the police to remove criminals from society, and the courts to protect the rights of the individual.
I do agree with you on education for the most part, and that is another reason I love home schooling.