Even Rand couldn't anticipate...

Posted by H6163741 9 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Wow! This just hit me - The looters in Atlas were ALL appointed or self-appointed. (I'm not counting Mr. Thompson.). I guess even Rand couldn't fathom that people would actually be stupid enough to vote for these idiots.

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  • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
    I realize Rand was aware of the election process, etc. I just think she overestimated the intelligence of the American voter.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 6 months ago
      She spent a career explaining the role of philosophical ideas in determining the course of a culture and the choices made by individuals. She did not overestimate the "intelligence of Americans". She clearly and straightforwardly explained why the content of their basic ideas must change and how. Almost anyone has the basic intelligence to do that, but not, given today's education and other cultural influences, the knowledge and understanding.

      People today are no more inherently less intelligent than they were at the time of the Revolution. In fact they typical have shown the ability to grasp much more advanced knowledge in some realms due to economic and technical advances, but are steering it with the wrong philosophy. This problem is much deeper than saying Americans are too dumb to vote the right way, especially with the limited range of choices they are given and the malignant ideas they are being bombarded with to influence them in an intellectual vacuum.
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  • Posted by Ibecame 9 years, 6 months ago
    I have been reading a lot of Ayn's non-fiction, and its just my opinion, but she did seem to be aware of this. But, these "appointed" people get these positions through political and financial clout (and other means). They are huge campaign contributors. What you see and hear about are the elected "officials". Those in the background are rarely heard or seen. Like the Kings Vizier they haver the real power.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 6 months ago
      Yes she was certainly awareness of corruption in government and the pervasive problem of brute force, but far more important is that she explained the intellectual causes behind it. It's a lot deeper than silent campaign contributions and political appointments.
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  • Posted by ewv 9 years, 6 months ago
    Ayn Rand was well aware of and wrote about elections. She emphasized that the dominant philosophy of the country is responsible for its politics, not political "appointments". She showed how the morality of self-sacrifice and irrationalism have led to the kind of government we have.
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