Please allow me to introduce myself.

Posted by iroseland 11 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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First, lll get through the usual stuff. I have been a Rand fan for a really long time. Even before I was handed a copy of Atlas Shrugged I was already living a lot of it. I am not self made yet, I am a work in progress...
It just seems like I could say more about myself. I suppose I could spend some time talking about growing up in Rust Belt America. I learned a few useful things at a young age. First I learned that anyone claiming to be in charge via some unearned right was to be very seriously distrusted. I also saw how well unions could fill unemployment lines. I am a technology guy, specifically a Linux Server guy. I contract, it allows me to go where I am wanted.

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  • Posted by 11 years, 11 months ago
    Hey, thanks everyone.. I figured I would mention this after reading around some.. Since 08, I have been doing a lot of contract work. Most of it has been pretty far from home. That has meant I have done a lot of cross country driving. Now, the part where I sound like a total geek. 8^) I have Atlas Shrugged on audio book ( the blackstone one ) It is my go to when driving cross country. There is something about it when I am driving across South Dakota, or Montana that really hits home. Also, John Galts speech Is roughly the length from Gillette Wy to Minnesota.. I clicked back to the chapter with Hank and Dagny at the 20th century when Diving across Wisconsin..
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 12 months ago
      Welcome to the Gulch. Before the millennium, I had the book on tape and listened to it while driving back and forth from Michigan to Florida. You will find many technology contractors here. It fits the ideology of independent work in an unregulated sector.

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