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  • Posted by strugatsky 11 years, 1 month ago
    I posted the following response on the original site and although no doubt everyone here will agree with it, I'm reproducing it for the fun of it:

    This is a very emotional article that will serve its intended purposes - to help Ron Leach get elected and to press the emotional buttons of low education voters. I do, however, believe that he is being honest in his feelings, although not well educated in economics, as a result, no doubt, of his college indoctrination by the Ministry of Education into that profession. I don't want to get into a long dicourse of why specifically he is wrong, as I am sure that low education voters are not capable of reading or comprehending anything that is more than a paragraph or two; I will only point to one glaring inconcistency in the article itself - 20 years ago, when America was much closer to capitalism, the same company paid much higher wages (in real money), had much better benefits and there was mobility in the workforce, not to mention that work was available and desired, as compared to the new socialist America. So, my fellow low information voters, continue to seek more socialism, more benefits, raise the minimum wage - and you too will become just like Greece or most of Africa. March on!
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  • Posted by Pearlsgarnet 11 years, 1 month ago
    The time for blame is past. Today is the time for action. If your action is to sit on your couch and complain about not having 'enough', that is up to you. I personally make less than $9 an hour. In the family budget I pay for daycare and groceries. I do not blame my employer for paying poorly, I knew this going into it. For my own reasons I work such a low wage job, challenging myself to get by with as minimal an income as is possible. I work hard at keeping monthly bills to a minimum, coupon like a fiend and am a bit of an electric dictator at home. People need to really focus hard on living within their means, whatever those may be. I have never bought a new car, my newest yet is a 2003. No wage is a livable wage without a frugal mindset, at some point, everything is finite.
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    • Posted by rlewellen 11 years, 1 month ago
      That would be a magic trick where I live. I couldn't pay for my own healthcare, groceries, and rent let alone utilities and transportation so the government would end up picking up the slack and taxes will rise.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
    "Given these wages, I would not have a near new car if it were not for my wife's income and my military pension"

    No shit, Sherlock? Please explain who said this job a nutless monkey could do is supposed to pay for new cars? In spite of his heart-rending depiction of the job, it's not your average off-loader who is responsible for not screwing up the cargo plane, but his supervisor... who I bet makes more than $8.50/hour.
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    • Posted by plusaf 11 years, 1 month ago
      And if the company hasn't offered any raises in umpteen years, maybe it's because the loaders haven't been worth any more to the company on a per-hour basis over that time, too?

      A great candidate for innovation and automation!
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  • Posted by $ blarman 11 years, 1 month ago
    And what is the solution to all the griping? A vibrant, growing economy. Supply and Demand is still the rule of economics and explains everything he is griping about. There is an abundance of supply right now which drives demand (and the accompanying prices) DOWN. This isn't rocket science, people, it's Economics 101.

    The problems with jobs and immobility in jobs is caused by the stupid tax-and-spend policies of the government for the past 20 years. You can't have a lasting, strong economy built on debt and paying more than you earn, but for some reason a majority of politicians believe in an alternate reality.

    Want to get the economy going? Reduce government - in ALL aspects. Lower tax rates on both individuals and companies. Implement flat taxes to close all the loopholes. Repeal the Obamacare healthcare mandate. Then watch business take off. It's really not that hard of a concept - except to a politician.
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  • Posted by $ WillH 11 years, 1 month ago
    This is absolute stupidity. This whole “I am entitled to” thing is getting really old.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
      It just occurred to me after reading your comment...

      Does this guy expect UPS to either pay him for an 8 hour day or give him 2.5 hours of make work to do? He apparently expects to be able to raise a family working 27.5 hours a week...
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 11 years, 1 month ago
    I'm offended that he says he worked for "Nothing" UPS has to pay part of his taxes, unemployment insurance, facilities, hourly wage of course, plus I'm sure their work comp insurance rates are sky high. There are plenty of socialist countries in this world where $8.25 an hour would make you insanely wealthy.. while you sit on your dirt floor and die from Malaria.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
    Yeah, this is another one of the military hee-rohs some people here want me to bend knee and worship.

    The day I have to bend knee to someone because they *chose* to put on the uniform is the day I go to war on my own behalf. And not with foreigners.

    "(without relying on my military pension and my wife's active duty military salary)."
    There was a time when no American male would utter that comment without feeling immense shame. That'd be back when we were vigorous and growing.

    This reads like pure campaign propaganda... think John effing Kerry (He was in Vietnam, did you hear?)

    "an average Kentuckian and American simply trying to build a life and future for him/herself and their family."

    The years he spent building his credentials is why he *doesn't* work an entry level job at UPS.

    "Like a growing number of Kentuckians and Americans I worked less than full time though I sought full time employment for this period. I averaged about five and a half hours nightly. America is increasingly becoming an economy of part-time and/or "independent contractors" without benefits, without job security, and for most -far from earning a living wage."

    Ding ding ding ding... "living wage"... gives it all away. He's a leftist propagandist.

    Does this guy know what an "independent contractor" is? To be "contract labor" is not the same thing; and each has its requirements to fit the respective definitions, and as such there's little incentive nowadays to hire "contract labor" except in special circumstances.

    He worked 5 1/2 hours nightly... where was his 2nd part-time job until he got the full time position he applied for? (remember, this is a possibility I face, and many of my co-workers at Wal-mart work a full shift and then go to their part-time job).

    "Starting wage at UPS (and for a year without increase unless the Teamsters can secure a new contract) is $8.50 per hour - only $1.25 or 17% over Minimum wage and NO benefits for one year. As a seasonal employee I did receive time and a half for time beyond 5 hours nightly - thank you Teamsters local 89."

    Another alarm bell... smooching the evil, corrupt crooks known as the Teamsters. So, in fact, he wasn't making $8.50 an hour, he was making $12.75 an hour. How many nights a week did he work? Let's say 5. 5 x 5.5 = 27.5 hours.
    At that rate he was pulling in $350 a week before taxes, or about the same amount I do working 40 hours.

    Let's say the Teamsters weren't their usual corrupt selves, and he only got time and a half for the half hour a day he was over... He'd get $244.44 a week... again, for working 27.5 hours.
    Leaving 12.5 hours to work before reaching 40, or just over two days.
    Each day he has 2.5 hours he could work another part time job and still slide in under 8 hours a day.
    "I worked for UPS in the mid 80's while earning my undergraduate degree in Agriculture Science and major in education."

    "an average Kentuckian and American simply trying to build a life and future for him/herself and their family."

    Sightly different situations.

    "One with an Aeronautics degree who despite now years of experience out on the air ramp in and around aircraft, prior experience as an air crew member in the US Air National Guard (and deployments to Afghanistan) has been unable to gain employment that FULLY UTILIZES AND COMPENSATES HIM FOR HIS SPECIALTY SKILLS, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE.." (caps mine)
    So, it's not that he can't get a job in his field... he can't get a job paying what he wants to be paid. Boo hoo.

    "Another fellow crew member has an Ecology and Environmental Science degree -yet years post graduation continues to work at UPS with no comparable wage and benefit opportunities found to utilize his degree and specialty training." Again, it's not that there's no work; it's that there's no work that pays him what he wants to be paid, doing what he wants to do. And if he's worked at UPS for years, and is still making entry level pay, working part time hours, and has neither advanced or found another job... he needs to take a hard look in the mirror. Hell, this is the age of the ecophreaks... start his own Green company.

    Me, I wouldn't hire him to draw bathwater.

    "Had I had to purchase essential clothing and boots I could easily have had to spend well over $200.00 - exceeding a single week take home pay just to be able to work. "

    My workboots were $26. The most expensive work boots at Walmart (and this is from someone who grew up in construction) that would do the job were under $60.
    As for clothing... I doubt UPS requires uniforms for cargo handlers, and if he has no old clothes in his closet... again, boo hoo.
    Who do you think paid for the boots he wears to UPS?

    I have to drive too far to work... about 10 miles. Who the hell commutes 38 miles to work 5.5 hours? I'm sure some folks do... but don't call them "average".

    Oh, I've had enough of this nonsense.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 11 years, 1 month ago
    That article is another bleeding heart example of progressive thought.

    First of all Mr. Leach doesn't seem to understand the concept of "entry level" job. He mentions a co-worker with an Aerobaautic degree, you don't get paid for that type of degree when you are a basic laborer pulling cargo pods onto and off aircraft.

    Entry level jobs are not meant to be for married people with children but for young inexperienced individuals in order to provide necessary labor and learn a work ethic. Once that has been aquired, then it is expected that one improves his skill levels and therefore rise in the work environment. Business can not function with imposed artificial costs like a minimum wage. There is always a response to artificial wages, usually by discharging employees. All businesses have a limited pie to work from and labor and management enter into these arrangements by free will. If you want more money, increase your skill level.

    Many years ago, I had a front who worked the betting ticket windows at a racetrack. The workers went on strike wanting an increase in pay. My answer to him was that since he had worked at the track for over 20 years, how had he improved his value to his employer that would warrant a pay increase. he had no answer and that was no surpeise.

    Fred Speckmann
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    • Posted by plusaf 11 years, 1 month ago
      Like when I lived in NJ and often used the Turnpike and Parkway...

      Whenever the toll collectors struck for higher pay, you KNEW they were going to raise the tolls, and they did... until they also automated most of the booths and fired those sorry-assed moochers!
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      • Posted by airfredd22 11 years, 1 month ago
        re: plusaf,

        I had forgotten about the toll takers, but another great example. by the way, what ever happened to the promises by the politicians that after a time the tolls would be removed. I've never heard of any toll road or bridge cancelling the toll after they've been paid for.

        how do you know when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.. there's a reason why that's the same truth about lawyers, because most politicians are lawyers.

        Fred Speckmann
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        • Posted by plusaf 11 years, 1 month ago
          Fred, I don't have a problem with any road tolls as long as I have some belief that the money goes for maintenance and building new roads.

          I-540, just north and west of us, has a new section will automated toll collection (NO booths), but I did some math and calculated that the per-mile tariff is something like three or five times what "it should be" AND they're going to make the rest of the northern loop a toll-road in the future, too. Just another source of funds that we don't get to vote on or see financial reports for... As one of My Laws puts it, "the only reason for putting a tax on something is that the transaction must be measurable." Virtually no other justification is ever offered.

          But they do keep the road(s) in pretty good shape, here.
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  • Posted by MikeJoyous 11 years, 1 month ago
    What we need is what we don't have: a free market. No government "protections" of any kind, but a profusion of private consumer services, similar to the way Duncan Hines rated good restaurants. That way if I, say, am an employer and I choose to not use a particular consumer service to help advertise my wares, no problem. I would still need to subscribe to some sort of well-known consumer service that covered my particular field, or people who didn't know me would have no confidence in trying out my products or services. Right now, such consumer services are primarily a monopoly called "the government." You have no choice about using it. Government licenses are absolutely necessary for insurance purposes upon entering ,many professions nowadays.Does a government license guarantee that a particular doctor or lawyer really understand the business? I think not.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 1 month ago
    And the solution is... to go on distorting the market with more government intervention?!?!? No. It is to realize that government intervention is what sent the manufacturing and spin off middle class jobs to oblivion. Fools create the problem then exacerbate it with more intervention instead of recognizing what has been done only made it worse and re-evaluate. 'Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.' Einstein... origin of quote now in dispute...
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 1 month ago
        I believe it is to recognize where mistakes have been made and as much as possible keep a government hands off approach, minimize the mixed market approach and practice as much laissez-faire as possible. It is the approach that made this nation the most powerful economic force in the world once upon a time. We have now dropped to 12th place in the economic freedom rankings according to the Heritage foundation and WSJ study.'s-dwi...
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  • Posted by $ Telecoman 11 years, 1 month ago
    It is because of his Lib Party and the RINO's that he ran into the situation many Americans have to live with now. If we got back to a real free market and Gov out of our lives I bet he would be singing a different tune.
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  • Posted by susan042462 11 years, 1 month ago
    I read the whole article, which was too long by the way. He never really sets blame on anyone, or more importantly gives a solution. If this man wants to be a congressman, he needs to come up with answers to the problems he saw not just relay them. WE NEED fixers in congress, people who have real world ideas and answers to problems we face. This dude is just talk.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years, 1 month ago
    I work two jobs. In the day I'm a mechanical engineer. I graduated from the finest engineering school on the left coast many years ago for that. When I found that, alone, wasn't going to cut it I went back to school a couple decades later. I now spend my nights and weekends working in securities. If I need to graduate from astronaut school to be able to put my kids through college or buy that house on the beach I'll do it. I'll become a brain surgeon if that's what it takes. Given what has happened to America it may just take that if I plan to do it here.

    And, one more thing. I know of engineers who will work for free. That's right. Zilch. Idiots...

    Add to all of this that the new norm in America is to graduate from college buried in debt and you have a recipe to create the most educated slave class in world history. People need to start working harder while also standing up for themselves.

    Sorry to rant....
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 1 month ago
      There is a lot of good work for mech Es in the Midwest.

      I agree about avoiding debt.

      IMHO America still has amazing opportunities for people who approach work with a desire to serve customers and solve their problems.
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  • Posted by iamA2u 11 years, 1 month ago
    At least I agree with you about this. A myriad flaws in reasoning, accounting, and false correlation are scattered throughout. A huge one is that he complains about only 5 hour shifts, but later states the union requires overtime pay for shifts over 5 hours. Doesn't he see the rational response to that rule drives UPS to 5 hour shifts?

    Then, "Another fellow crew member has an Ecology and Environmental Science degree" may actually say more about the value of the degree (or University) or his work ethic than about any value as an employee? I would be willing to bet that were UPS to advertise ALL of these working positions the pool of applicants would exceed the available openings. If so, then the jobs are NOT paying too little.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
    "UPS gave its chairman and CEO compensation valued at $10.7 million last year - or about 200 times the national median income or 250 times the median annual income here in Kentucky."

    He switches from "average" to "median".

    Tell me, how many of those offloading the planes could guide the company without running it into the ground? And if they could... why haven't they applied for the CEO job? The guy with the CEO job did what he had to do to *get* the CEO job.
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  • Posted by plusaf 11 years, 1 month ago
    He commuted over 70 miles one way to a low-paying job? In what? His F150 or his SUV?

    and ... he's got six kids, two college degrees and can't find anyone to hire him where he's worth more per hour???

    Oh, wait... now he wants a Public Service Job...
    must be the last recourse for moochers...
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