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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
    and Happy Mothers Day Dad. The least well paid job in the world and the most disrespected and lonely barring the odd Grandparent. Try south of the border where they are more common than cacahuates. Eight hours minimum a day five days a week if it's a full time job. Then home to mind the children then trying to fit in education on a part of a part time schedule and pay for it. those that make it through instead of succumbing to the siren call of welfare as a career field deserve their own Medal of Honor. By the time they have reached anything like a successful career their children are often parents. One local individual just finished the equivalent of college prep high school and is enrolled in training as a morticians assistant. Why? No one else wants the job and it pays well. Double the standard wage of 1000 pesos every two weeks. Now pegged at 14 to 15 pesos to the dollar. In Florida I see same story different pay scale.YET many are passed over for jobs for two reasons. They will leave if the kids are sick. They will take the top jobs if we let them in at the ground floor. Worked for many I know. they just didn't admit to all their skills. Sure enough ten years later they were hiring single parents.
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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 8 months ago
    I know one or two single parents and admire the enormity of the job they do.
    If a child in such a family says that ( or vv as there are single fathers as well as single mothers) that would show commendable great insight.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      I know far more than one or two single parent families. Some have done a fantastic job, some not-so-fantastic - just like in any other difficult situation. Some rise to the occasion, others do not. Regardless. Mother's Day is for mothers and Father's Day is for fathers. Since there are now so many single parent homes, why not have a Single Parent Day?
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