I'm seeing so many interesting questions and people in the Producer's Lounge, but wondered if Producers are posting their profiles, names, what they do, etc. anywhere? Or is everyone anonymous in the Gulch? The Eggman (aka Steve Eggleston)
We don't have "profiles", most of us don't use our own name, but we mention what we do, where we live etc during conversations. Some have facebook pages or blogs. LetsShrug (aka LS) lol
I couldn't agree more, Steve. I personally don't hide behind a screen name, and I don't really care that much for those who choose to do so. Screen names wipe out accountability.
khalling, officially in the gulch for real and reason, my husband maintains a blog: hallingblog.com (State of Innovate) all things intellectual property.
I live in the Pacific Northwest. Work as a machinist for a large company. Have a small CNC machine shop in my garage where I manufacture products I design.
Iroseland == Ivan Roseland, I hide in plain site... As for producing, I am a contractor. Usually its various kinds of web infrastructure. These days it has been making Oracle EBS servers sing. I am heading into the home stretch on doing something amazing for the Electrical Engineering staff where I work. When I am done they will have a fully armed and operational integrated dev and simulation environment. 8^)
LetsShrug (aka LS) lol
my husband maintains a blog: hallingblog.com (State of Innovate) all things intellectual property.