"Real World" Ads for Atlas Shrugged

Posted by EitherOr 11 years, 1 month ago to Entertainment
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Before Hunger Games: Catching Fire came out, they ran a realistic fashion campaign to promote the film.

I decided to try my hand at a few Atlas Shrugged themed ads, as if they were printed today. They were pretty fun to start, but I got distracted with work and didn't finish. The "design a Ragnar logo" contest kicked my butt back into gear, and I finally finished (and added a new Ragnar-themed ad). They are meant as magazine-size. Thought sharing them here would be more meaningful than posting on facebook. :) Short descriptions and images below.

1. Rearden Metal golf clubs: as a result of the Fair Share Law "the largest industries, Rearden's best customers, were denied the use of his Metal. But golf clubs made of Rearden Metal were suddenly appearing on the market..."
**I finished this one first, and did post it on the Gulch a while back.

2. Taggart Transcontinental services: Text is based off a British Airways ad. Definitely meant tongue-in-cheek ;) Timeline would be post-Directive 10-289.

3. Video game: for a generic first person shooter (Call of Duty-styled) game. Text announces new downloadable content for "Project X" mission - programming of which was funded by the government. Small print notes that players will be monitored for habits and political views.

4. Danneskjold Repossessions ad: If Ragnar was around today I don't think he would join up with Somali pirates or the like, but rather become a computer hacker vigilante, in the vein of Anonymous. So I combined my logo design for the Ragnar contest with the classic Matrix code and Anonymous's slogan ("We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.")

5. Wyatt oil: set before Wyatt disappears, at the height of his success. based of ads for IBM and Exxon Mobil.

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  • Posted by hockeydad 11 years, 1 month ago
    Bravo. When Warner Bros was promoting Batman a few years ago, they set up a website titled Gotham Times. In the "Times" were articles that provided content to catch people up and to wet your appetite.

    If these ads were used, because these movie posters are flat out amazing, who wouldn't want to read more?
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    • Posted by $ 11 years, 1 month ago
      I missed that Gotham Times site, thanks. I remember reading about a marketing campaign that was a kind of scavenger hunt led by the Joker, maybe part of the same campaign.

      Yeah, I'm definitely a fan of subtle or underground marketing, that makes people feel like they are discovering something new or special. That's the best way I've found to introduce people to the book!
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  • Posted by $ Center7978 11 years, 1 month ago
    Very nice job. I like them all. Those not having read the book my not get many of them, but they may very well pique their curiosity and make the go to the site. Nice job. Thanks for your efforts.
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