Featured Atlas Summit Speaker: Roger Donway (rdonway)

Posted by awebb 9 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
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Roger Donway is a freelance writer and editor whose work focuses on philosophy, economics, and history. In addition to heading up the Business Rights Center, Donway is assisting author Robert Bradley, Jr. with his forthcoming book "Enron and Ken Lay: An American Tragedy".

From 1997 to 2005, Donway was the editor of The Atlas Society's monthly magazine to which he also contributed numerous articles. He also served as Director of the Business Rights Center at The Atlas Society.

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Q: What do you like best about the Atlas Summit?
A: Meeting old friends and old ex-friends.

Q: What will you be talking about at the Atlas Summit this year?
A: Crushing Atlas: The Takedown of UnitedHealth Group's Bill McGuire

Q: Can you give us a sneak peek of your talk?
A: In 2006, the Wall Street Journal’s left-wing Boston bureau fabricated a Pulitzer Prize-winning exposé about corporate violations of an utterly obscure SEC regulation. One of the greatest victims of that trumped-up scandal, Greg Reyes, described his ordeal at the 2012 Atlas Summit.

This year, I will discuss the case of another enormously productive victim: Bill McGuire of UnitedHealth Group.

Having begun his career as a physician-cum-Renaissance man, McGuire joined a money-losing health insurance company with $600-million in revenues and drove it in just 15 years to a $70 billion colossus, achieving an average annual return for investors of 30%--better than GE’s Jack Welch in his golden years. At the height of his success, McGuire was ousted from his job as a result of the Journal’s witch-hunt, or, as I prefer to call it, rich-hunt.

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Q: What is your favorite Ayn Rand book?
A: Ayn Rand Answers. I attended many Ford Hall Forums and always found her spontaneous answers infinitely more instructive than her carefully crafted ones.

Q: Who is your favorite Ayn Rand character?
A: Mike Donnigan [The Fountainhead] — He reminds me of my father: a good and honest man whose life was devoted to building and construction.

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Q & A

Q: When were you first introduced to Ayn Rand?
A: Summer 1962.

Q: How has Ayn Rand influenced your life?
A: She saved me from my era, the Sixties, and what they have produced.

Q: What passion projects are you working on right now?
A: Elf Poems

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Q: What do you enjoy reading, watching, or listening to other than Ayn Rand?
A: The novels of Anthony Trollope

Q: If you could be the tycoon of any industry, which would you pick and why?
A: Opera and Operetta. I would reintroduce Romanticism, melody, beautiful dance, and joy--which is what audiences actually want but cannot get.

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Roger’s Gulch profile: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/rdonway

Roger’s Atlas Summit speaker profile: http://atlassummit2015tas25thanniversar....

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Past Atlas Summit speaker interviews:

Dale Halling (dbhalling) - http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/2d...

Vinay Kolhatkar (Vinay) - http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/2e...

Kim Sawyer (cksawyer) - http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/2f...

Bob Hayden (irrevo) - http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/32...

Marsha Enright (marshafamilaroenright) - http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/30...

Lawrence Borland (blackrosemd) - http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/33...

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