Massive Knife Regulation Needed NOW!
Posted by ogr8bearded1 11 years, 9 months ago to News
<sarcasm mode on>
Knife attacks in our schools is reaching an epidemic proportions and something needs to be done about it. These things can injure and even kill many people and they DON'T EVEN NEED RELOADING!
Not only this current happening, but two other cases over just a few months and maybe more.
When will something be done about these dangerous items?
<sarcasm mode off>
I think I'm going to try those new "bladeless" knives. Maybe some libs will believe that one and I can sell a billion of them for an obscene profit!
Imagine that... an infinite ammo, killing device without federal legislation… well not yet…
<Sarcasm mode yet to be regulated>
You don't need a four inch blade to cut tomatoes!
We need regulations - no blades longer than an inch without a permit!