Obama's remarks on Charleston Shooting

Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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"President Obama On Charleston Church Massacre: This Doesn’t Happen In Other Advanced Countries"

Has he not heard of Charlie Hebdo or is France not an "Advanced Country". I'm sick of the asshole!!!!

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  • Posted by $ number6 9 years, 6 months ago
    or Norway ?

    The problem is he will not discuss how his race baiting and race dividing tactics may have influenced the racist idiot nutcase.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      The problem is that he knows that people like us who try to use our reason to correctly identify the truth have become such a small minority we can be safely ignored.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 6 months ago
    To pretend that Obama is either objective or the slightest bit honest is to deny that A = A. He is not nor has he been since a youth. He is out to destroy this nation by any means he can because he despises it. His education as a Constitutional lawyer only reinforced his hatred of excellence, and why? Because he is a narcissist to the extreme and he can't stand the thought of anyone being superior to him in any way. He doesn't applaud excellence, he abhors it.
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    • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 6 months ago
      You didn't build that! Spot on.

      He is said to be a "Constitutional Lawyer". Back to the issue of his college transcripts or lack of. He also has been said to teach Constitutional Law. Is there anybody that will testify to actually being in a class taught by this fraud? If it is true that he even just studied the Constitution, that makes it all the more egregious what this tyrant is doing. Treason.
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  • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 6 months ago
    Any one notice Obama didn't cry injustice when an entire family was beaten to death and burned in the DC area. Where were his cries then.
    Lookout next week executive order on gun and or ammo.
    My the victims in NC rest in peace.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 6 months ago
    When I see or hear his royal majhacktravesty despot's lips moving, I generally switch to another station or channel.
    Now if someone like Rush or Megyn Kelly is talking about how stupid something Stupid said, I may sit through a clip of presidential blather.
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  • Posted by Bethesda-gal 9 years, 6 months ago
    Any time Obama starts a sentence with the phrase "I don't know all the facts of this case..." he should learn to stop talking right there. The last time he said that he had to have a beer summit because he spoke stupidly by saying the Cambridge police "acted stupidly". The whole racial and police issue has continued unravelling since then.
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  • Posted by IIGeo2 9 years, 6 months ago
    I want to say that this criminal needs to go straight to th head of the line for execuetion and it needs to be a firing squad perfectly legal and meets the crime.

    But the underlying issue that most do not even consider is that there is a flip side to affirmative action or the appearance of such. There are far more under educated white males then any other group, there are far more whites in poverty. This becomes a firtile ground for race baiting haters who exploit the frustration same as the Al Sharptons but just not granted a public venue. White supremacists who dare go public are quickly targetd and rightfully so BUT we need to extend this special enforcement to all people who seek to divide us.


    But the problem with our one sided President is he has done his best to alianate the 53% that would have supported Romney, and for the record he did not say "he would not try to reach them" he just said that "they would never accept his message". But I bet we would not have 19 trillion in debt now and ISIS would never have happened.

    Pray for the family of the victims and hopefully justice is swift, a week in general population should fix that!
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  • Posted by JoleneMartens1982 9 years, 6 months ago
    Anything to get his way! I feel so bad for the families of the victims. How do we still have such a low IQ in this advanced society that racism is even still a concern??
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      Because the Socialists have worked very hard to dumb down the population for the last 120 years or so. Racism is an evil emotion. Socialists need to have class struggles going on all the time to mask their tyrannical intentions. Thinking, independent-minded individuals are not racist.
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  • Posted by MelissaA 9 years, 6 months ago
    ok as someone who lives in charleston, this hits VERY close to home with me. i actually grew up in the church next door and remember admiring the women's pretty hats as they walked into the church next door. Anyway, I am disgusted by the president's response to what has happened. At a time that our president should have presented words of comfort to our community he decided to to use this massacre to push a political agenda mere hours after it happened, before people have had time to grieve or even properly process what has happened. I found this to be in very poor taste and quite frankly sickening! I am personally offended by what the president has done.And on top of that to blame the evil that occurred on the weapon more than the perpetrator has left me speechless and appalled. A terrible evil happened and the guilt lies with the man who committed this crime pure and simple.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      I could not agree with you more MelissaA. President Obama has never shown that he has any normal human feelings at all. And yes the evil done in Charleston lies solely in the warped mind of the shooter.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 6 months ago
    This creature needs to politicize everything, never letting a tragedy go to waste. In a country of 350 million plus, the events he refers to are miniscule. However, with social media coupled to the speed of reportage we have our noses rubbed in it faster than rational thought can be formulated. By Monday, every detail of the event, including everything there is to know about the monster who caused this horror, will be known. From that time forward, the various media will pick at it like vultures until its bones are gleaming in the sun.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 6 months ago
    It is my belief that ALL of these random shootings are put up jobs to further the desire by the government to start confiscating personal firearms. Notice that when all is quieted down and life so to speak is going on a shooting for no obvious reason takes place. This shooter just like the guy in Colorado will not see the inside of a courtroom for years to come. All of the shooters are basically separated from friends and family. So 0's remarks were certainly anticipated with greater urgency. Those who die are just collateral damage, because the government in its quiet way is at war with the population of the USA. Also note that a recent study published showed that areas where people i.e. honest citizens of the USA who live where concealed carry is legal have a lower crime rate.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
      Of course. Hillary said it best. Never let a good crisis go to waste. That's the left wing fascist socialist mindset. Still going to vote for them? Any of them? Shame on you;.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 6 months ago
    He or 'It' is an idiot with no conscience, therefore not human in the same sense as the majority of us or humanity for that matter; not to mention that 'We' the people, do not think as a collection or those in 'think tanks' that only hold the same faux piece of the whole puzzle. We, the majority have or have the potential to be, 'Masters' of our own Minds and may or may not choose to come together as a community in consensus. At this point, the community is in consensus that 'It', IS an idiot and needs to be removed along with those in alignment with 'It'. Period!
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