Obama's remarks on Charleston Shooting
Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 8 months ago to Politics
"President Obama On Charleston Church Massacre: This Doesn’t Happen In Other Advanced Countries"
Has he not heard of Charlie Hebdo or is France not an "Advanced Country". I'm sick of the asshole!!!!
Has he not heard of Charlie Hebdo or is France not an "Advanced Country". I'm sick of the asshole!!!!
The problem is he will not discuss how his race baiting and race dividing tactics may have influenced the racist idiot nutcase.
He is said to be a "Constitutional Lawyer". Back to the issue of his college transcripts or lack of. He also has been said to teach Constitutional Law. Is there anybody that will testify to actually being in a class taught by this fraud? If it is true that he even just studied the Constitution, that makes it all the more egregious what this tyrant is doing. Treason.
Lookout next week executive order on gun and or ammo.
My the victims in NC rest in peace.
Now if someone like Rush or Megyn Kelly is talking about how stupid something Stupid said, I may sit through a clip of presidential blather.
In the immortal words of Samuel L. Clemens, let us close the curtain of charity on the rest of the scene.
But the underlying issue that most do not even consider is that there is a flip side to affirmative action or the appearance of such. There are far more under educated white males then any other group, there are far more whites in poverty. This becomes a firtile ground for race baiting haters who exploit the frustration same as the Al Sharptons but just not granted a public venue. White supremacists who dare go public are quickly targetd and rightfully so BUT we need to extend this special enforcement to all people who seek to divide us.
But the problem with our one sided President is he has done his best to alianate the 53% that would have supported Romney, and for the record he did not say "he would not try to reach them" he just said that "they would never accept his message". But I bet we would not have 19 trillion in debt now and ISIS would never have happened.
Pray for the family of the victims and hopefully justice is swift, a week in general population should fix that!
In the immortal words of Samuel L. Clemens, let us close the curtain of charity on the rest of the scene.
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