Donald Trump announces he is running for president calling the United States 'a dumping ground for everybody else's problems'

Posted by Poplicola 9 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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It is refreshing to see someone who isn't ashamed of Capitalism and his personal success entering the Presidential Race and voicing the thoughts so many of us have.
SOURCE URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3126728/Donald-Trump-announces-running-president-calling-United-States-dumping-ground-everybody-s-problems.html

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 8 months ago
    I certainly don't agree with Trump on everything, but it is refreshing to hear someone be proud of his/her accomplishments without apology. I especially liked what he said about how the US has let other countries walk over the US in trade negotiations. With Trump, at least you know that A = A, which is a far cry from most politicians. I have grown weary of listening to the daily narrative where A is not equal to A.

    Being independently wealthy definitely has its rewards. You know that he will not be beholden to anyone, which was one of the most pleasant aspects of the heroes in AS.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 8 months ago
    He has siphoned off hundreds of millions of government funds for his fancy failures.

    Another in the sterling line of GOP looters like Rumsfeld (another Donald!) and Mitt Romney.

    Trump as president is more disgusting than Hillary. (Ok, equally disgusting.)
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      I would deeply appreciate your reasoned arguments as to why Trump is more disgusting than Hillary or even equally so.


      * has created countless real jobs
      * built towering structures incorporating lavish public spaces
      * proven that he can rescue failed government projects
      by completing the long delayed renovation of Wollman Rink
      * given vast sums to worthy charities
      * seems genuinely dedicated to moving people from welfare to jobs
      * would do whatever is needed to end the wholesale invasion of our country by moochers, criminals, and potential terrorists


      * would fight for open borders and welcome the moochers onto the dole and voter rolls with open arms
      * failed to defend our people in Bengazi while they were under protracted attack
      * presided over the rather undeniable meltdown of the Middle East under her tenure as Secretary of State
      * would campaign on race baiting, forced redistribution of wealth, and greater government control of the economy

      More importantly, with respect to Trump, what is the basis for your claim that "He has siphoned off hundreds of millions of government funds for his fancy failures."

      Are you intending to imply that Tump engaged in any potentially criminal activity or took any actions in his business dealings that were not in full compliance with any applicable laws and regulations?

      What is the factual basis for your assertion that Trump, Rumsfeld, and Romney are looters?

      Please fully document all of your claims so we can evaluate our Presidential options on an Objective Basis.
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    • Posted by $ Terrylutz3682 9 years, 8 months ago
      Freedom formal-your position on Trump is well known from previous posts.
      I support Trump. We need a person to run our government like a business. We need a businessman not a politician. By self financing the majority of his campaign, he will not be beholden to the so called movers and shakers that have got us into this mess. Unlike all the rest he will tell you like it is and not use PC talk like the politicians do. Why not give the guy a chance to give his ideas on making America great again.
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      • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 8 months ago
        Government is not a business. In legitimate business you trade value for value to be successful. In government you extort money and redistribute it to your liking. Government is more like the mafia than a legitimate business.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 8 months ago
        "HIS" ideas? What ideas? Having confidence (and arrogance) to insult anyone with intelligence enough to see through his line of BS? His opinion of his own negotiation skills is certainly unsurpassed.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
    Trump gave a moving speech. Moving that is, to anyone who believes in the Free Market. But then, I remembered others who gave moving speeches that mobilized nations. Most of them were not good guys. However, look at the record. Every time Trump did something outstanding, he did something marginally or outright unethical. He managed, though, to do two steps good (for him) for every step bad. His greatest asset is his belief in himself and his ability to boldly do things that other people are too timid to try.
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  • Posted by jimslag 9 years, 8 months ago
    OK, OK, Trump may not be the guy, but it will be entertaining at least. I cannot wait for the first debate and see how he will take down the pretenders, like Huckabee, Santorum, Pataki, Christie or Graham. I think Paul and Cruz can stand up to him, maybe Carson and Fiorina can also. Not sure about Bush but we don't need another globalist. Let the games begin.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 9 years, 8 months ago
    Now that I have thought about it, this is an unprecedented opportunity for America. A real in the flesh business magnate who has been doing battle in the real world. Not the typical politician's token business background or the prodigy of elitists families that has been groomed for politics.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 9 years, 8 months ago
    This speech hit me out of the blue, have to say I was not prepared to take Trump seriously. But that was before I listened to his ideas about America.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years, 8 months ago
    So he's rich, and he likes to fire people. I really
    can't see him as a Hank Rearden. I think Trump
    is just a big show-off; he seems like the re-incar-
    nation of P.T. Barnum.
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  • Posted by rusty99 9 years, 8 months ago
    Donald is obviously a successful business man. But have to question his thoughts about Oprah as VP? They could combine her show and the Apprentice.
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  • Posted by Stormi 9 years, 8 months ago
    The idea of Oprah as a running mate, right there is enough to send me running in the other direction. She was a huge Obama supporter.
    Trump has been close to bankruptcy how many times? Did he pull in his belt, no he let the government declare him "too big to fail." Who took the hit and paid the price - all the small businesses who ate the losses.l
    When he wanted land for a casino and could not get the owners of an apartment complex running it successfully to sell, what did he do? He used Agenda 21 tactics to convince the zoning people he was better for the city, and had them condemn the building. It is hard to respect his version of capitalism.
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  • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 8 months ago
    Even though I can't stand Donald as a person I'm hiring the person for a job not friendship. If he or any other fits the job then they get my vote.
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 8 months ago
    I would certainly vote for Trump if he make it through the primary. Whatever he builds he creates jobs. He is greedy. He is out spoken. He doesn't do Political Correctness. I will admit that there is a side show quality to him. But he makes money and BEST OF ALL he is NOT your average Politician!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
    Be nicer if he wasn't a card carrying left wing fascist socialist corporatist even if it is just a convenient Ted Turnerish cover. Thumbs down - he made his money exploiting loop holes in socialist economic.He did not change his stripes from supporting government control of citizens or anything else acceptable. If personnel success and voicing our thoughts were all it took Perry of Texas would be front runner.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 8 months ago
    He is doomed because he carries the republican brand. It makes no difference how many agree with his assessment of the situation, it will all be for naught.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 9 years, 8 months ago
    Gotta Love Trump’s Message, But Is His Brand Actually Hurting His Chances?
    By George Rasley, CHQ Editor
    The evidence that Donald Trump shares the ideas and values of the conservative movement is scant, but Trump’s message that everyone is beating us and, “The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems,” is so true, so obvious and so appealing that it resonates with practically everyone outside the professional political class who are largely the cause of these disasters. What's more, unlike many of the other Republican candidates, Trump understands brand management, and if he manages his brand correctly, in the Republican establishment's worst nightmare, he will be a contender.
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  • Posted by GaryL 9 years, 8 months ago
    Hard to believe here that we can be just as dumb as the liberals. It should be very clear that the politicians, from both parties, have a proven track record of pure bloviation and never fixing a dam thing! By the time they get to DC they owe their souls to every devil out there and I don't care which one you think is clean.
    Trump might not be my final pick but he sure will take these politicians to task during the run up and that can't be anything but good! I believe he would actually follow through on any promises he makes unlike the rest who say what we need to hear and then do nothing and fold.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 8 months ago
    Please read the text of the announcement 'speech'.
    It is an embarrassment of unsupported BS promises. (That part is typical for a politician.)
    Sounds like Trump thinks the job of POTUS is identical to acting a part on The Apprentice where no one else is allowed to speak and the audience is filled with people with IQ's below 80.
    His promises sound like they were prepared by someone with such an IQ.
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    • Posted by Turfprint 9 years, 8 months ago
      I have a 100 percent different take on him and the speech. No mousing around and direct in my opinion. Like Myles Standish with his canon barking uncompromising logic to the heathens.
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      • Posted by RonC 9 years, 8 months ago
        Donald Trump has created more jobs than many small nations. He has availed himself of US bankruptcy court a couple of times. Without the provision of the US bankruptcy laws, debtors would still be sent to prison until the debt was made whole. The US bankruptcy laws are the codification of "creative destruction". Either restructuring to create a workable model or liquidation to destroy and start over. There is no sin in bankruptcy.

        Second, in "the Art of the Deal", Trump's strongest point is to structure deals with the upside on your side of the table and all or most of the downside on the lender or partner's side of the table. Wouldn't it be refreshing for a President with American interests in mind negotiated agreements that gave us the "Lion's Share" of the upside?

        Progressives have an economic model that call for population control, euthanasia, population reduction, etc. The only way to prosper with a static pie chart is to reduce the consumers. Capitalism offers a way to create a larger pie through innovation, productivity gains, and re-employing the idle. IMHO Growth is a better economic plan than population reduction and control.

        I still believe government standard time (GST, the slow moving process of legislation) would make Trump crazy.
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