Progressives Only?

Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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Here we are $18 trillion in debt and Obama is proposing neutral gender restrooms for government buildings.
Just government buildings? Ah, what's a school in this day and age?
Could this be the start of something much more?
All of a sudden I recall growing up in the segregated South.
There would be 3 restrooms, one for "men," one for "women" and one for "colored."
Back then an extra restroom was an extra expense only a Democrat could love.

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  • Posted by gaiagal 9 years, 3 months ago
    Let's see, a 10 year old girl is supposed to suppress her discomfort in order not to upset the 30 year old man who THINKS he is (or should be) a woman? Oh, but wait a minute, the young girl needs to learn that gender is relative to what a person desires and not determined by genetic make-up. The girl should not feel any sense of discomfort because it has been legislated that her feelings, if she let them be known, will interfere with the civil rights of another. The girl's discomfort is a manifestation of prejudice and prejudice must be stopped.

    This is going to be so good for all of us...we need to accept that feeling uncomfortable about sexuality and sexual identity infringes upon the civil rights of others. This will make life so much simpler and better for all. Things won't get complicated, or muddled, at all. Nope. A pedophile who happens to be an adult male who identifies with being a female while still being attracted to (underage) females using the Ladies Room is a disturbing thought for only the ridiculous, uncaring people who, due to prejudice, believe that gender is dictated by a combination x and y chromosomes that occurs upon the fertilization of an egg. It's probably politically incorrect to imply that the male's sperm dictates the gender, so I should probably say "upon the meeting of the sperm and the egg." I'm sure Lena Dunham would approve.

    The absurdity of a president signing an executive order that includes restrooms in any way while so many other, more important matters, need attention is mind boggling. Oh, wait, my bad...nothing else needs attention: Common Core is great, ISIS is totally under control, Operation Chokepoint keeps us safe from bad people, health care is so much less expensive now...and accessible, the IRS is a benevolent department, and, with our robust economy, helping law-breaking, illegal aliens is a kindness we can well afford.

    Truth is simple.

    When things become complicated, when obfuscation becomes the norm - it is to hide behaviors, desires and/or plans that would otherwise not be accepted.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
      Back during the 90s when I was assigned to a state prison's back gate tower (I operated 4 different gates with buttons), the sally port officer and I had a terrible time not laughing out loud as a sheriff's deputy escorted a handcuffed big hairy fully bearded man in a pretty pink dress to and from the restroom (after a state prisoner was dropped off, I think).
      Imagine a 10-year-old seeing such a sight in a female restroom at the mall. Her becoming upset (thus hurting the precious feelings of the bearded bimbo) has a simple solution in the brave new Progressive utopia. Sue the parents for having failed to adequately indoctrinate the child.
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      • Posted by gaiagal 9 years, 3 months ago
        This should be a humorous remark...except it isn't. Think about it. It's logical. Children will have to be taught that this is perfectly acceptable, even laudable, behavior. Anything else would be discriminatory. If a child under 18 does not tow the pc line...the parent's will be held responsible. :(

        Did you see America's Got Talent? There was a comedian dressed exactly as you described the prisoner - down to the beard. He was thin though and actually looked better in the bodycon dress he wore than most women would. He was also wonderfully irreverently funny with excellent comedic timing, I loved him...but I don't want him in the Ladies Room.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 3 months ago
    Obubblehead just won't quit. The remaining year and half, he is going to pull out all the stops to fundamentally transform this country. This is more of how to degrade a rational society down into a morass of confusion and depravity.

    If this has to happen, the thought that there should be a 3rd bathroom for LGBTQA is the way to go. With regular fumigations.

    These types are really disturbed and misguided people. A bit of a real story/experience too close to home. I had a close friend from about 6th grade on. He was the lead guitar guy in our High School Band. We were terrible. I ended up moving out west after college and he stayed in the Amherst Mass area - a bad influence. We visited every once in awhile if I went back east or he went out west. And then he got sucked into Scientology and became further confused. And then in the late '90's I received a large packet from him. I had a bad feeling. Indeed the cover letter revealed it all. He was always meant to be a girl. All his life he had been confused about this. Even after marrying and producing two kids. The packet contained copies of the medical tests proving his hypothalamus was too large or something and that he was a female trapped in a male body. The doctors were actually selling this "science" to him. He had already undergone the Adams apple modification, the hormone treatments to grow protuberances, and plucking the facial hair out. The next step was the big snip. I tried to reason with him - no go. It was soon done.

    And then on a trip back east, our High School Band had a reunion. I had a lot of whiskey to get through that evening at our bass guy's house.

    We really lost touch. Two years ago I heard from our bass guy. My old friend had committed suicide. Carbon monoxide routed into the car.

    Now, so I don't get accused of hate speech or some such, I really feel sorry for these confused folks. It is a brazen ignorance of A = A as it gets. They need help, not encouragement. And it really hurts to have watched my old friend succumb to this crap.

    And it is this destructive encouragement of Obama and the like that needs to be condemned.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 3 months ago
    Why not Men, Women, and LGBTQA? This solves everything.
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    • Posted by Sunjock13 9 years, 3 months ago
      When all the smoke clears.. L G B T Q and As are only Men or Women (no third option was given, unless blessed at birth with either both or none)! While there roles or preferences may vacillate, their genitalia for the most part remains the same and can be scientifically classified.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 3 months ago
        The Socialist's agenda and Science are mutually exclusive.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 3 months ago
          That's humorous because of the absurdity. Comparing socialism and science is like comparing peanut butter and dollars; they don't even try to do the same job, so there's nothing to compare.

          In other words: yes, a person's genitalia can be categorized (though that's not "science" because there are no theories to be tested about it). The only real question in the subject is how the use of bathrooms should be allocated, and that's a matter of taste, and that's true whether or not you think it matters enough to be a moral question.

          Similarly, the debate about whether someone should modify his/her body not to be the sex it started as, is also a matter of taste. But that one has an obvious right answer -- you own yourself, so remake your body as you will. This is obvious to libertarians.
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  • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
    I've been thinking, which can be dangerous for a dino.
    Maybe Obama should provide TWO transgender restrooms.
    That way, men who want to be women will not be sexually harassed by women who want to be men.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 3 months ago
      How about one continuous bathroom? Some will lean to the left, some to the right. Perhaps even an up and down option...
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
        that's a needful option. it fits the old but recently up and down system. The new aristocracy can pretend to be in an airplane and the fly overs can look up and say. Look at all the a--holes.

        I bet somebody was laying odds this comment would appear. You win!
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
          If there are as many space aliens as some seem to think, they must fly over to look at a-holes on a consistent basis.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
            One day ask I have proof there is intelligent life on other celestial bodies. Seriously.
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            • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
              I have an open mind about there otherwise being a huge "waste of space" (for no ET's) spoken of a character played by Jodie Foster in a science fiction movie I can't remember the name of.
              I thought that flick got silly when she spoke with her dead father within some other worldly something (do I remember a sea shore?).
              Anyway, I do not look down my nose at rationally reported UFO sightings. A UFO is merely an "unidentified flying object."
              And there's such strange stuff to see on Youtube.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
                Here we go. The Proof. Astronauts go to the moon. While on he moon they notice intelligent alien life forms. Funny thing is when they leave so the aliens. They realize the alien life forms they noticed are now on the space craft heading back to earth. But when they land still thinking how to explain all this the intelligent alien life forms have of course disappeared.


                When an astronaut is on the moon they are intelligent alien life forms.

                I love that story it's one of my best.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 9 years, 3 months ago
    In France restrooms are commonly “co-ed.” This is something that takes some getting used to for those of use who have been raised with sex-segregated relief rooms. Big deal. I even visited a segregated location and found the attendants who handed you a towel after washing hands was a woman. Perhaps we U.S. folks have too much Puritan still flowing in our culture. As the Three Musketeer said: "One for all and all for one." Right?
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
      One restroom would be cheaper than Obama's notion of three.
      But an attendant with a towel and hopefully some martial arts expertise would cost money.
      Even then I'd be reluctant to send a half-grown kid in there all by his or herself.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
        Not a bit. They'll keep sending the checks and devaluing the buying power regular as clockwork. They just won't count it. Congress did it first helping to balance the Clinton budget. It was and is called off budget accounting. It''s all play pretend. They pretend to pay us. We pretend it's enough to live on. Welcome to Mother Russia. Now for the proof. If the budget was balanced with a surplus how did Bubba end up with a 1.4 trillion dollar debt increase? Actually it was more than that he kited some of the payouts forward in his last budget year of which nine moths was actually the first year of the follow on administrations budget. Then sent Chelsea to school to for four degrees and put her in charge of the family checkbook.
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      • Posted by Esceptico 9 years, 3 months ago
        They do it all over France. No problems I ever heard of.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
          The French must be better psychologically adjusted sexually.
          I recall seeing an old B/W photo of a woman calmly conversing with a man doing a #1 while for the better part enclosed by a "pisseur" (approximate spelling) on the side of a Parisian street.
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          • Posted by Esceptico 9 years, 3 months ago
            Yup. Been there. Done that. It is quite an experience the first time when occupied next to some stairs leading from inside the restaurant to the patio portion and having a lady greet you with a friendly "bon jour" as she climbed the steps. All in what one is used to, I suspect. For them it was perfectly normal.
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            • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
              An IMO new dino thought: The French have managed to culturally separate sex from simply having to go.
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              • Posted by Esceptico 9 years, 3 months ago
                I never associated sex with having to go. Interesting mental exercise. The French don't have a word for "horny" either. They never wait that long.
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 3 months ago
                  Love it!

                  The French do have phrases variously using adjectives like: "hot", "wet" and "pig-ish" to describe being aroused. "chaud lapin" is one for men, literally meaning a hot rabbit.

                  No, I don't speak French fluently, but when I was a 19 yr old "chaud lapin", I had a 27-yr old French Canadian girlfriend, who commonly referred to me as "mon cochon bleu".

                  I've been to Paris may times, and heard about these, but never seen co-ed "toilettes". Perhaps they are in less traveled areas, so as not to offend us prudish foreigners.

                  Japan has them for sure. I agree with you, no big deal. Femme and homme both peter (can't figure out how to put an accent on the second e, but if you lived in France you understand the verb).
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  • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 3 months ago
    Have you noticed that it's almost impossible to find a public toilet anywhere? You have to visit a restaurant (or some stores) in order to get relief, so what's he talking about?!?
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
      Should there be a closet between the restroom marked for "Men" and the restroom marked for "Women," that said closet shall be, in full compliance with O's royal executive order, remodeled into a restroom marked for "Progressives Only."
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  • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 3 months ago
    This entire conversation reminds me of my visits to college campuses some 15 or so years ago. On campus tours my wife and I were taken aback when the tour guides offhandedly referred to the unisex bathrooms in the dorms. All of the parents were stunned. But the guides assured us it was no big deal. Later our kids reconfirmed that it really was no big deal. Live and learn, I guess.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 3 months ago
    It's all about eliminating natures differences among girls, no boys, no moms or dads...eventually just trans-human entities, no longer conscious with no conscience and no longer human. In effect, Humanoid...just like them!
    [In my book I call em; Parasitical Humanoids]
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