Is one percent enough reason to act

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago to Legislation
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I took the trouble to research past the always suspect agendas of the left when seeing them used as a source to find out where they got their information and was it factually represented.

The source was Cato Institute. The other answer was No. For starters some sources state the material gathered had been a two year effort. More like twenty two or since 1993

What effort? Law enforcement killing citizens.

To cut to the chase it turns out the amount of police involved in criminal activities as a percentage of total LEA mirrors the amount of general population involved in criminal activity. In all categories of crime That published in 2010 in Cato's on going gathering of statistical data.

1993 congress passed an act requiring information be gathered. Since then and other than Cato not much has been done. So question one is

What happened to three Presidents and their admininistrations (Clinton, Bush, Obama) and the congresses that passed the bill? Lazy? Money spent elsewhere? Cover up? Who knows?

So let's look at what is fact. One percent of the nation and one percent of the police enagaging in criminal acts of all types.

Think of a free way. Thousands of cars and maybe one in every one hundred drunk drugged, car is unsound, or the driver has road rage. Think of the police. One of the two major reasons to have government. Sort of heightens the impact of one percent in my mind.

So yes it is a problem but far from being a problem in shootings though that is more sexy to Hollywood and certain media types. I would call it a serious problem about which not much to nothing has been done.

Of course you could keep voting for the same politicians. After all one in a hundred are mighty long odds - if you only drive on the freeway once.

My thanks to Cato Institute for their well put together and easy to find information. They are the major think tank of the Libertarians.

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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 9 years, 8 months ago
    Since 90% of current "crimes" would not be crimes at all in a properly delimited state far less than 1% of the population is involved in any actual criminal activity. Those with guns and ordered to enforce unjust laws are more suspect and for very good reason and their percentage of persons that do not properly respect individual rights and freedom is bound to be much higher than in the general population. It goes with the territory.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 8 months ago
      That's one way of interpreting it. I'll go with Cato Institute for now and stick to the ''same in every category crime'' finding there years of research have produced. One slight difference. It's higher in sex with minors for one than the other. Knock out the one category which ever it is that does away with 90% I couldn't identify it from information provided it changes the figure for both general population and police population by virtue of changing the definition. That having nothing to do with the issue of police killings versus general population killings when ALL victims are counted in each determination.

      Ergo sum criminal killings of general population victims by general population are the same percentages as criminal killings by police. one percent. Still too damn much as there has to one or more common factors such as choosing those who serve and protect, training, local mores and values such as arming police with substandard weapons while the general population having the right to bear arms gets almost any caliber desired.

      I'll stick with CATO Institute and the Libertarians research and demand to know why the Government wasn't doing the research and applying knowledge gained for 22 plus years. In doing nothing violating another law. At the same time hammering the Second Amendment Right To Keep and Bear Arms and be included in the ranks of the legitimate State Militias (real one''s not the Michigan and Idaho variety) in an attempt to disarm the general citizenry and ...oh running guns out of the Attorney General's office.

      And therein lies the dirty little secret of the Government Party in Power and the propagandizing if not distortions of the left wing media.

      Figures can lie, liars can figure and statistical figures can turn into whoppers!

      Turning to current crimes not being crimes I would target two one of which is changing like it or not. Legalized marijuana and not counting certain levels of misconduct under the Three Strikes Laws.

      I solved the first one by exercising my civil rights to choose another State and the second one by supporting a change in the Three Strikes Law. I really don't think puffing a toke falls into the same level as murder, mugging little old ladies for their welfare money, or raping 12 year olds.

      As for the police. The rule is two wrongs make a right and it should be two wrongs make two wrongs with the police held to a higher standard than the public - for any level of misconduct or criminal activity.

      And demand better statistical data and interpretation which right now, other than Cato is at the level of balanced budget with a surplus.

      Perhaps the government should give Cato a contract since Government has failed so miserably for five and a half terms of three Presidents and who knows how many Congresses - although it's legacy building time so I see little hope in that.

      To conclude I see little evidence the general population respects individual rights and freedoms and suspect the percentage is much higher than one. Else how do all these Democrats and Republicans get elected?
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