Who Do You Serve?

Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 3 months ago
    As a retired veteran, it's interesting to see the perspective written by someone who's never spent a day in uniform. Military are neither victims nor robots. I take exception to the author's defining away the idea of "volunteer." I hear the statement "It's just a job", but volunteering is part of the act of any profession that comes with significant personal sacrifice. The risk to one's life in the service of others is unique to emergency responders and the military. The fisherman isn't envisioning that his catch is going to feed the hungry.

    The Uniform Code of Military Justice imposes a duty on the service member to disobey any order that is unconstitutional or could be a war crime. That some follow such orders under stressful conditions is part of the flaws that come with being human.

    The problem we are currently facing is that the terrorist enemies we are dealing with are driven by a pathological, irrational ideology that worships death. Even the most passionate emperor-worshipping Japanese was not operating in the same insane region as extremist Islamists. Sitting on our hands waiting to defend ourselves when we're directly attacked, indifferent to the suffering of others is suicidal.

    Another post here notes that Libertarian or free states don't start wars, the counter to that is that they're frequently the victims of more militaristic nations that do start wars. Only Switzerland seems to have avoided this fate, thanks to geography and a highly militarized society.

    It's one thing to dream about the society that might be, and another to live in the real world. Have we stumbled into conflicts that we should have staid out of? Absolutely, with Vietnam being the classic example, but that doesn't mean we should retreat into a shell, singing Kumbaya and asking to give peace a chance.
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    • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 3 months ago
      Thanks Dr for saying what needed to be said. I am in total agreement and also found the article to be just propaganda. Some wars should never have been fought. But the reasons for others are justified by the compassion of not having the ability to sit and watch genocide when one has the ability and drive to do something about it.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      "Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die…. We have orders and we are to follow those orders, and that supersedes everything."

      The Nuremberg Defense given in advance is still an admission of guilt with a simultaneous plea for clemency or leniency in sentencing. It does not supersede everything to anyone that understands the oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. ALL.

      Notice in the oath no member of the military swears loyalty to the President, the congress, the Supreme Court, the people, the flag, the country. Only to the Constitution.
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  • Posted by nsnelson 9 years, 3 months ago
    Sadly, I see a lot of truth to this article. Many (most?) of our wars, I believe, are not just wars (i.e., defensive).

    I heard on the radio recently an interesting claim. Throughout history, wars are only initiated by militarized states, police states, with standing armies. Libertarian or free states have never, ever, initiated a war. Libertarians just want to be left alone to be free and productive. To live.

    Still, being prepared to fight just wars (defensive wars) is one of the jobs of the Government, right? America seems to have started with a system of militias, but soon gravitated to the large militarized state that it is now, fighting wars across the globe, at the whims (and strategies) of politicians.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      Every successful government has lasted about two hundred years at best and all of them follow the same path. Republic of one kind or another the advent of democracy, a change to a one party system and then an aristocracy ending in a dictatorship of one kind or another. Some slower some faster.Some intentionally some sort of bumbling and muddling around. ALL of them end up expanding their notions of self-importance and end up in a good many wars of one kind or another.

      Is there progress. Certainly. The USA was the first to show the world the possibilities of two concepts. First with the Declaration and the Constitution which put citizens at the top of the heap and government second. In theory.An idea never before used or considered. The next great idea will have a springboard unless they are destined for an early demise and take one more step forward.

      The second great idea was helping your neighbor without taking over your neighbors property. Monroe Doctrine. An idea that also shocked the world - then turned into Manifest Destiny.

      Free States turn to a military of some sort capable of defending against those in other stages of development or they succumb to manifest destiny. Let's see there is Sweden which went from a major war monger to pacifists with a huge and efficient standing military and war material economy. Switzerland probably the prime example. Costa Rica used everyone else to defend Costa Rica and are not prepared to fight who else?

      I suspect the military could be cut 30% overall if those who fight are retained and the REMFs take a 70% cut. Based on 24 years doing the job. Some easy and obvious steps but it wouldn't save any money.

      The term for that is ha ha Peace Dividend another name for political BS.

      If it's important enough enough will step forward. If enough do not step forward it isn't important.

      The next step is wishing you had got rid of the draft when you had the chance instead of quitting with the job half done. (Comment on those who quit.)

      In the end it's a cycle that sometimes regresses but once in a while progresses. The missing ingredient is citizens who accept rights AND responsibilities.
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    • -1
      Posted by blackswan 9 years, 3 months ago
      For as far back in history as I've been able to read, there has never been a successful civilization that hasn't been expansionist. Just look at the US. A bunch of settlers from another part of the world came and displaced the natives, and continued to do so until we ran into the ocean. The object lesson to be taken away is that if you don't keep yourself at least as strong as your strongest opponent (or potential opponent), you can expect a visit from a conquistador sooner or later. The idea of a "just" war is total nonsense. The defense of one's self interest, especially at the national level, sometimes requires preemptive wars and wars of conquest. You can't be literal about only fighting in "defense." Often, to protect your interests (survival being among them), you have to be on the offense. Stop looking at governments like you look at individuals. The rules of government are completely different from individuals who live in a civilized community. Governments live in a no-rules jungle, where it's purely survival of the fittest. If we start imposing rules on governments that only apply to individuals living within a civilized society, we've cut the arms and legs off of those governments, and we've set our doom in stone.
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      • Posted by nsnelson 9 years, 3 months ago
        So to be clear, you believe Governments (representing collections of individuals) should initiate violence against other groups of individuals? Because we are afraid they will do the same to us?
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 3 months ago
    All I have to do is see the words Katy Perry and my brain says change the channel. I don't care what she is purporting to front, to me she's nothing but entertainment. If I want serious debate, I don't turn to Hollywood.
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  • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 3 months ago
    I had mixed feelings reading this thread. Yes it's true what is said about governments sending young to battle with no cleat cut reason here of late however the 1st and 2nd world wars there was reason. The dogs of war can leave scars on the toughest of people it can also bring out the best and worst in people.

    As far the military breaking a person down to make them be a killer they have to in order to save their life in combat. Most that go into the military never fired a gun and have no idea about survival of the fit which in my eyes needs to be done being raised hunting for food at a very early age. Those not being raised killing, gutting, and skinning their supper find the act of killing very hard and drive them insane. So yes the military has to be hard on these recruits in order to keep them alive in my mind.

    As I read some of the threads here of those proud of their service it makes me proud I'm an American and there are others willing to put themselves on the line for my freedom and the freedom of those with no guts.
    When the fight comes here on our homeland I will not be alone.
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 3 months ago
      Likewise on the mixed feelings. I think it's undeniable that America has been involved in both just and unjust wars, so as one who loves this country it is hard to discuss the unjustified.

      I think our involvement in both World Wars was justified and necessary, although I know in the Gulch there will be disagreement on that.

      I'm no longer as sure about the Civil War, because of its enormous cost in lives, destruction and subsequent hatreds lasting even now. One would think that reasonable men could have found an alternative to ending slavery, which I know was not the only issue, but I believe it was the primary one.

      The one I am most clear on, perhaps because it was during the years I might have served, was Vietnam. It was clearly not justified nor in our national interest (same thing, maybe). Winning in Vietnam was not going to end Communism, or even deal it a serious blow. (However "winning" might have been defined.) The draft was clearly unconstitutional, and if not considered so, is clearly an immoral violation of individual rights. It was right to oppose the draft.

      But the bottom line of my opposition to Vietnam, as important as the fact that it was not in our interests to be there, is that we were clearly not using the full power available to us to win the war. It was clearly and truly a waste of the lives of those who served there. And the worst form of self-sacrifice: to no purpose. I opposed it, and would again.

      But today, I sincerely believe that radical Muslims are a "clear and present" danger to the US and the civilized world. I believe that we will have to face them sooner or later. I just hope if we do it, we will have real leaders who will rely more on intelligence and technology, but I know "boots on the ground" can never be fully eliminated.

      And once again, I have a personal interest: this time my only son, who turned 16 three days ago. I can't imagine that ISIS (or some related conflict) will not come along, or more accurately, will not continue to increase as a threat, and my son will have decisions to make.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
        As for Lincoln's War, slavery was a side issue that has been used as propaganda to justify Lincoln's illegal unconstitutional acts, and the war crimes perpetrated by union generals Sherman and Grant.
        That war was primarily about Lincoln (and his new Republican Party, born again from the death of the Whigs) passing tariffs that tripled taxes on the Southern states to raise money to pay to manufacturers (supporters of the Republicans and Lincoln) in the North.
        Southern leaders tried repeatedly to meet with Lincoln to reach a compromise to avoid war and Lincoln refused to see them in the days just before the war began.
        There has been a concerted effort for 150 years to hide the truth (as winners of wars have done for millennia.) Read "The Real Lincoln" by Thomas DiLorenzo for factual, well researched and supported details.
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      • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 3 months ago
        I have a 6 year old daughter and I worry also. I am teaching her hunting and gardening also living off the land best I can. She is getting good she just won a bb shoot for her age group this weekend. I'm trying not to raise a pushover.
        Good luck with your son I'm sure you've done well in teaching him good decision making.
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      • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 3 months ago
        The article was a major pile of swill. The author is assuming the he alone has the intelligence to determine what is "right." The system that was set up here requires that we hire representatives to make decisions for us about some serious issues. If he rejects that notion, then he needs to find a country that better fits his position. I'm pretty certain he won't chose Russia or China as superior alternatives, perhaps not even any country in Europe, because they're more constrained than here. Tonga or Fiji might work for him. Maybe. He's basically complaining that he wasn't at the Constitutional convention, therefore he's not beholden to its terms. The clearest way to opt out is to emigrate.

        Being a veteran, I can certainly tell you that it's impossible to wage war with the punks that you see on the street. It takes months of "breaking down" the punks, and building them up into soldiers that enables one to win wars (or at least battles; we won EVERY battle in Vietnam, yet "lost" the war - how do you do that?!?).

        The author is attacking the very thing that keeps the barbarians and savages from our gates. All one has to do is look around the world, and see that the kumbaya that the author espouses doesn't exist. If you're not willing to do what's necessary to defend what's yours only betrays a level of cowardice that makes you a liability, rather than an asset. It also makes you a likely target.

        The basic flaw in the US is the claim by politicians that they can fix anything. Their hubris has been so extraordinary that they presume to tell generals how to wage war, businessmen how to run businesses, doctors how to treat patients, and everyone else on how to run their lives. The fault is ours, because we keep reelecting these knuckleheads, which makes us absolute assholes, especially when we presume, like the author, that what's wrong is the system, and not the bad actors.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
    As a race, humanity is a young, brilliant group just one step up from barbarism. And not even that one step in some places. Our science outstrips our ability to deal with one another so that handing a chimp the red button is not an incorrect analogy. Therefore, a certain kind of person is needed. A person who can kill people and destroy property without becoming depressed to the degree of suicide about it. A person who can be called upon to do the job according to orders. Some day, if humans are around long enough to become mature, they may not be needed. Until then, yay Perry.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 3 months ago
    The author does a pretty good job of putting forth a sensible and reasonable argument against supporting this government of ours as a soldier, but then he makes the same mistake so many anti-war pacifists that are trying to use reason do by letting his emotions take over the argument:

    "This is the substance of what makes living somewhere a joy. This is civilization. This is what lifts us up as beings animated by love and inspiration rather than fear."

    I was with him till he pulled the 'flower child' argument.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      Have to take the sweet with the bitter, I guess, Zen.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 3 months ago
        Well, I guess there's a place for everything in this world. I've just never found where all that 'love and inspiration' stuff accomplished much. Particularly compared to reasoning and rational thinking.
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        • Posted by straightlinelogic 9 years, 3 months ago
          From Ayn Rand, "The Age of Envy":

          "What is the weapon one needs to fight such an enemy? [destroyers] For once, it is I who will say that love is the answer--love in the actual meaning of the word, which is the opposite of the meaning they give it--love as a response to values, love of the good for being the good. If you hold on to the vision of any value you love--your mind, your work, your wife or husband, or your child--and remember that that is what the enemy is after, your shudder of rebellion will give you the moral fire, the courage and intransigence needed in this battle. What fuel can support one's fire? Love for man at his highest potential."

          So the "love and inspiration stuff" had its place in Ayn Rand's writings.

          Another great article, freedomforall.
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          • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 3 months ago
            I'm not sure that's the love the author's talking about, but yes, AR was a romanticist.
            And, for my life and my love of it, I will never live for another or ask another to live for mine.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 3 months ago
    That is very well written. I have asked myself this recently, "Who do I serve?" The answer is obvious. I serve my family. I do it with pride and with no expectation of reward. If I had no family it'd be myself.

    Killing strangers isn't nearly the challenge a man faces by raising his own kids and taking care of his family for better or worse. American's, I think, have a misplaced concept of what is macho. So few men in America tackle the real challenge anymore that our nation is suffering for it. Sure, we can level Iraq. But, look at Detroit...
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 3 months ago
    I have not seen the video, yet the writer does make some cogent points. In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand does seem to avoid armed conflict in her novels. Unfortunatly in in this world we live in today the're leaders who still have this fantasies of empire and psycho's in the name of religion who enthrall their follower's that it great to die for a god. Politicians are no help in managing any type of military. I have read a number of books on the Irag and Afganistan wars where so many mistakes were made. In many of those instances it was the constant change of command by the Prez that these conflicts lasted as long as they had. When I read these accounts it makes so angry. Not only is the Prez incompetent but so are the Generals. I just don't understand why a leader with no military backround should be telling military leaders what to do. I don't necessarily agree with sending our soldiers to war but if the military industrial complex get their head out of the sand and use their imagination to design fighting machines that are close to indestructable likes Mechs, Gundams (Japanese idea of Mechs) or Jagers (from the movie Pacific Rim) maybe we would be ahead of the game.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      "maybe we would be ahead of the game."
      Until they are used in your neighborhood against tea party demonstrators characterized and convicted wiothout evidence by the fedgov as domestic terrorists.
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  • Posted by jimslag 9 years, 3 months ago
    I was part of that racket. I joined in 1980 at the ripe old age of 21. I had been laid off my job as I was living in Denver and Denver went into a recession in 1979. Not a lot out there so I looked at all the services and wanted to learn electronics, so I joined the Navy because they had the best electronics schools. So, went to boot camp in Great Lakes Naval Base, Waukegan, Illinois. Stayed there for electronics school and then off to Orlando for Naval Nuclear Power School for 6 months of classroom, then Idaho for 6 months of hands on training. All sorts of duty stations after that and I have been to places that most people have never heard of. I had not until I went there and had to do missions there. I saw a lot and did a lot that I do not regret but I do sometimes wonder if it was right. Even though I was Navy, I did a lot on shore in places. I helped a lot of people but did harm to others. It was not a wide eyed country boy doing what he was told, I was aware of everything I did. Most of the time in, I was a world policeman or at least that is how I felt. The politicians said where to go and my commanders determined what had to be done to accomplish what the politicians wanted. You guys can take that how you want, but my time in changed me into what I am today, a true believer in small government and even though I defend my service, I believe in some places I was, we had no business being there.
    So we should have a small defensive force and not be a first strike armed force. However, if someone strikes us, as in 2001, then you fight back with all your might and fury, like we did in 1941. Bring the full force and might of the United States Military and soundly defeat the enemy. Not this "Mission Accomplished" BS that the last 2 administrations has put out there. I also believe we should stand by our friends and help those who need it, but we should not pander our enemies and empower them. Mr. Kissinger, although I respect him, needs to retire in quiet and peaceful solitude. The military-industrial complex needs to get a different business model until needed. We did not have it until WWII, then it blossomed out of nothing. Car factories were making making tanks and jeeps, aircraft manufacturers were making civilian planes and started to make fighters and bombers. Other companies did whatever they had to do to contribute. But WWII set us up for what we have today, the Cold War and the Marshall Plan set us up as defenders of Europe, mostly because Europe was devastated as war always does. That set up our constant military presence throughout the world. The politicians loved all that power and sought to create more and more. History is full of empires that got into the mess we are in and it did not end kindly for them. When I was on the ships, I had lots of free time and spent many hours reading the history books in the ship's library. It is amazing what is not taught in school as far as history and it is getting worse.
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  • Posted by mcsandberg 9 years, 3 months ago
    I love that video! It is an awesome demonstration of why our volunteer military is among the best in the world. It really does create strong, resourceful individuals!

    Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be a warning, <i>Not</i> A Newspaper!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
    The question came up will soldiers, or any of the military uphold their oath of office coupled with another would they fire on citizens.

    All it takes is a well written five paragraph field order. Some advance training which eliminates most reserve units.(Kent State and leadership.

    1. Situation. A small but unknown amount of terrorist activists are moving to take over key government facilities and personnel (Executive Buildings, Congress and The Capitol, Supreme Court, Treasury, and other facilities. Key national infrastructure (communications, information distribution, power distribution, transportation routes, financial and other facilities within the next week to ten days with plans to disrupt financial systems adversely affecting the population especially senior citizens. They include both foreign and domestic elements.

    2. Mission. In a quiet and unassuming manner rapidly seize, secure and defend key government and non-government agencies, facilities, and infrastructures and ensure the employees carry out their normal functions and providing as necessary communications and transportation between the different sites.

    3. Execution: This unit has been tasked and will rapidly and professionally take control of (see list of sites) prior to 2400 this date and using ROE (Rules Of Engagement) specified.

    This unit will not violate the Civil Rights of fellow citizens under their care and protection consistent with taking care of and protecting them while allowing free access to telephones, cell radio phones until the crisis and the terrorists are deemed controlled and the matter resolved successfully and conclusively.

    The unit will work with the on site security systems and personnel at all times. Work with does not mean work for. Unit commanders and leaders are completely in charge.

    Previously identified persons of interest will be taken into custody, not interviewed,separated, secured and delivered to designated law enforcement and intelligence agency collection points.....

    The normal flow of commerce will be protected and not interrupted however be on the alert for interference by in house dissidents or infiltrators.

    4. Command and Sign

    5. Service and Support

    the following are samples of what guidance is given might be provided prior to initiating a plan.
    It is quickly written.. I could embellish until the cows came home but it's of little value to this post.

    The point is any soldier would find no fault no matter which building or facility or individual they were ordered to secure. There would be nothing to see. Everything that is out in the open completely normal.

    At some point someone gets to make a public statement. No one gets excited. It's ho hum business as usual. Traffic especially in the major cities is normal. People go to work, home, shopping reinforced by readily available knowledge all is well.

    But if a certain level or situation developed..

    React quickly, swiftly and decisively. Control the situation and remove the component parts.


    Refer all journalists to Public Affairs. Do not give interviews nor answer questions . Exhibit an aura of calm and of purpose.

    Deadly Force is authorized only if taken under fire and only against those firing and when commanded to return fire. Ensure all helmet vidcams are operating and transmitting.

    Should individuals or units of other agencies approach halt them, require a representative to advance and be recognized. report and receive validation of bona fide - before allowing access.

    In these type situation report immediately and if necessary delay any procedures until UÄV or static cameras and other surveillance devices are in place.

    Crowd Control

    The entire scenario is designed to allow gatherings of people in certain easy to secure areas, to allow monitoring and surveillance for identification purposes and allow an exit for any wishing not to continue the activity with certain routes of egress manned for apprehension purposes of those identified as leaders or controllers or those armed. It is our intention to broadcast, In some cases stadium style screens or internet posts may be useful in showing real time photos of those identified as leaders or the actual activities of any belligerents. Peaceful demonstrations or speeches are not to be interfered with.

    Normal flow of business procedures and a picture of the nation's sons and daughters protecting the nation.

    Soldiers and their leaders should be trained not to be unduly impressed with posture of power encounters from LEA or high government officials. Soldiers owe their allegiance to the Constitution and their leaders.

    Given 24 to 48 hours it's amazing what changed can be reported while maintaining complete control primarily through initial swift action and candidly openly reporting and allowing reports of what what the public wants to see.

    Especially if it conflicts with a good football game.

    Please excuse length and any spelling errors.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
    ffa, I have been beat up about this before. . when I
    was on active duty and in the active reserves, I
    served the u.s. which I continued to dream of, which
    I had fallen in love with, when I fell for Rand in my
    teens. . this was not unwholesome. . the country left me;;;
    I did not leave the country. . in my elder years,
    having retired when I was 59, I am leaving the
    country, in my heart. . so there. -- j
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    • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
      That's a very familiar story, john. I know how it feels. I worry that the active military may not understand their duties and responsibilities when the executive branch orders them to act against innocent "domestic terrorists." In your day it would have been a much easier decision to make, I think.
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 3 months ago
      While I empathize and have felt the same at times, butthis country was the greatest that ever existed, and can and will be again. I will never stop believe that, through reason, not faith.

      The current subset of idiots with the power right now can do there best to destroy her, and they may succeed temporarily, but now that they are out there, those fundamental, true and timeless ideals cannot be destroyed. If they are lost, they will be found again, with lessons learned and a better world to be made.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
        Yes, and I hope to see "us" turn back from the brink!!! -- j
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        • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 3 months ago
          I agree. And it's still very possible...the world is a very fluid and dangerous place right now...the EU is on the verge of collapse, ISIS is marching almost unopposed, to the point where you have Arab states talking to the Israelis...and Rand's ideas have been quietly spreading for years, though lately, less quietly. Something big is going to happen, soon, and maybe people are ready again for that "idea whose time has come"...we just have to hang in and keep pushing...
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          • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
            maybe, just maybe, the libertarians will recognize
            that many of their raw desires for freedom align well
            with Rand, and maybe, just maybe, they will mature
            enough to see that Rand's view of human interaction
            was really smart -- and harmonious with our
            nature. . maybe, just maybe....... -- j
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        • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
          For that to happen we must take action, not just vote and pray. The younger generation has no experience with liberty. Someone who has the experience, knowledge, and the wisdom must teach them and lead them. That someone is us.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 3 months ago
    Wow. Great video. I wish everyone went through training like that - of their own volition, not by draft. I bet that, when she goes home, if the dolt ex-boyfriend tries to approach her again, she throws him through a wall. Hmmm...maybe there will be a sequel video?

    I went through Basic in the 70's. I learned to become a military 'automation'...not that it stuck for more than about 10 seconds. The USAF did not let women handle guns in Basic at that time. Damn. I have done martial arts before and since that time.

    It is going to make a tremendous difference in our society when women fight for freedom on the front lines. We have been able to vote for generations, but the other side of that coin is to earn that right in blood. Now that we are out there, we will come back as not-victims (which too many women still are).

    Insofar as the admittedly sad story of the suicide: We are at fault as a culture. I hung around with WWII pilots (my dad's friends) when I was a kid. Many of them had been responsible for the death of hundreds or thousands of people. They had an ethic that allowed them to do this and not become monsters in their own minds; they came home as heroes.

    I hope that the character in the video finds a tough and strong significant otter and has a happy life.

    Jan, jog bra better than ace bandage (have done both)
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 3 months ago
    Just watched the video.
    That was one hell of a way for a woman to get a man out of her system. LOL!
    Otherwise, I do not feel inclined to make a big deal out of it.
    The armed service is called an armed SERVICE for a very clear as pure spring water reason.
    I was drafted into the Marines, by the way.
    Uncle Sam made me SERVE the Marines.
    But once a Marine, always a Marine, they say.
    I was just a supply clerk but I was still "a lean green killing machine" due to a shared training. Never killed anyone though.
    Being honorably discharged with a meritorious promotion to corporal during just two years of service always looked good on a resume.
    An acquired sense of duty SERVED me well (ha ha) when I joined the Alabama Department of Corrections eleven years later.
    That academy in Selma was nothing compared to Parris Island.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
    Nothing rocket science there. All Military take an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, support that is obey the orders of the President and officers (uniformed) appointed over me. Without purposes of evasion.

    Says nothing else and the training we used to get excluded officers appointed giving illegal orders or guilty of illegal acts especially violating that oath.

    It says nothing about anybody or anything else.

    The only question worth asking is when if ever is the military going to uphold it's oath? Which is exactly what Nancy Neapolitano was referring to when she said the US military and retirees were the greatest danger this government faced. while helping to build the protective echelon under the guise of Patriotism.

    I know the oath is the same - so far - but for anything beyond that ask someone in the present day military.

    Now there are those who take the oath along with another one about not lying, cheating, stealing or tolerating. Something that goes out the window when they pin on the gold bar unless that too has changed. If it hasn't they serve the God Mammon and themselves.
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