My Introduction To Objectivism
Posted by BenjaminGrimm 11 years, 11 months ago to Books
When I was in the 7th grade (1995), a new kid moved to my school. He was reading Terry Goodkind's Wizard's First Rule. Eventually, we became friends and he let me borrow the book. I loved it. It remains one of my favorite books. I talked my mother into letting me join Science Fiction Book Club (I'm still a member to this day) so I could purchase the the two books which were out at the time, Wizard's First Rule and Stone of Tears. I became a tradition for the next few years that on my birthday, I got the new Sword of Truth book. I read this series through both the good and bad times of my life and have always found comfort and wisdom in it. I didn't find out until years later, well after I'd discovered Rand and Objectivism, that Terry Goodkind is an Objectivist and that his sixth book in the series, Faith of the Fallen, is heavily influenced by The Fountainhead. Ironic then that the first Ayn Rand book I read was The Fountainhead. I've been reading Terry's books for 18 years, and I'm still looking forward to the next novel. I would recommend his books to anyone and would love to hear from others who have read his books. Also, what other Objectivist writers/books/works are out there?
Personally, I am not a fan of the fantasy genre. however, it's very popular and so not a bad one to pick if you're writing a message based book.
I will check out on Netflix Goodkind's TV series.
There is one on my list published last year, Living Proof, Kira Peikoff. set in the future
have you ever tried Goodreads? You can plug in Objectivism, and see a list of books that tag with it. also there are discussion groups, people sharing books with one another within a certain theme. I am a member of Small Govt Goodreads, for example
Thanks for the shout "K". One of my things is to provide more of the kind of work that Objectivism needs to advance the movement. While I love Rand's books, I wish there were more of them. There's only one way to get more, and that is to pick up the baton and write them ourselves.
Thanks for the post here. I will check that author out. I don't read too much fantasy, but I do occasionally, especially if it is a tribute to The Fountainhead.
I've never heard of Goodreads, but I'll be sure to check it out, thanks.