Lifetime Welfare Does Exist

Posted by $ Genez 11 years, 2 months ago to Culture
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Take the time to listen to this. This is a great example of why there must be limits to the benefits that people receive. Notice how she talks about the fact that once you get on one program, they offer you more programs. They even act like they want you on the programs. Could that be because they need to justify their jobs? Maybe if DHS, WIC, Food stamps, etc programs were incentivized by how many people were removed from their rolls instead of how many were on the rolls, we'd see some sort of decline. This is infuriating to someone who has worked hard all their life to have a decent lifestyle. It's also indicuative of the culture of some people today. She feels absolutely no remorse or shame at beigng a moocher. This illustrates to me how much our society today is like that in AS.

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 2 months ago
    It could possibly be authentic. Either way, I try not to be infuriated by people shamelessly milking the system. I know there out there. The lost value of them not putting their minds to work blows away the cost of the tax dollars. People milking the gov't for a living are giving up their lives.
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