Gold Bashers - Just for you!
Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 8 months ago to Economics
I'm sure most of us here don't bash gold's value and that's not why I'm posting this. This article offers insightful information about gold versus fiat currency. Enjoy.
I still have no exposure to precious metals, but I may be adding some soon. The reason is this expansion has been running for 4 years, whatever's left of it may be priced into stocks already, and bonds have insanely low yields (unlike the last two expansions I lived through).
I still remember, though, seeing an article in '95, which I can't find in an Internet search, titled "Stock are up. Rates are down. Now what?" It's possible (unlikely) that we're living in '95 and not '99. This feels like '99 to me though.