Siegel: award-winning leech

Posted by nsnelson 9 years, 8 months ago to Education
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Thought this was good. An extreme liberal friend of mine posted this; one of the few times I agree with her. The comments quickly turned to discussion of how tuition is "free" in some countries. They also noted that this "free" education only had a very limited number of slots, and the competition to get in was fierce. I know there are a few programs like this in the US. I actually think it is a good idea, but believe that it does not have to be (and should not be) tax-payer (i.e., coercively) funded.

The discussion also ventured into how higher education should be a "right." I chimed in, and will share some of those comments in another place.

Another interesting comment. Siegel was advocating other people follow his example. One person said that this makes the rest of us, who "slave away" to pay off huge student loan debts, feel like real schmucks. The general consensus was that this guy has a serious character flaw: lack of integrity.

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