The City of Detroit began shutting off water access to residents behind on payments

Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 9 months ago to Legislation
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For love of Galt could someone please call these thieves out on their "fair share" unfairness???
SOURCE URL: http://fusion.net/story/141170/detroit-is-starting-to-shut-off-peoples-water-again/

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  • Posted by Ibecame 9 years, 9 months ago
    To quote the article; "This type of plan would tier water pricing by people’s ability to pay," They should call this the "Fair Share Water Initiative". Warning!, Warning! Danger! Will Robinson. Don't go any where near Detroit. Stay "Lost In Space". You're safer there.
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    • Posted by dansail 9 years, 9 months ago
      I was going to say the same thing. The fact that they're considering scaling up/down the price of water based on one's ability to pay is a good way to further push down the tax base in a city creeping closer to a Socialist's paradise. I'd avoid Detroit too.
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      • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 9 months ago
        Interesting that your should mention the tax base, about which you are correct.

        In connection to that: not to say there weren't some white racists in Detroit back in the 60's, but the infamous "white flight" to the suburbs (along with a lot of the factories and businesses) was just as much caused by the institution of an onerous city income tax at that time. I'm not sure what the income tax status in the city is now, but if it's the same, it will severely retard any hope of recovery.

        And also on the issue of "white flight" and racism, it is a fact that most of the neighboring suburbs that whites moved to back then, are now becoming primarily black, and they are moving from...Detroit. Hmmm, I don't recall any articles on "black flight". Are these blacks racist, too?
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        • Posted by iroseland 9 years, 9 months ago
          wow! I had no idea on this..

          State income tax is 4.25 which is not quite as bad as Wisconsin or Taxachusetts But then you tack on 2.4% for the city which right there is now higher than Wisconsin. Then to top it all off sales tax is 6%.. Now lets see what the citizens are getting for their "fair share" and its obvious why they leave..
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 9 months ago
    Hello LS,
    The cities poor management has been unable to repair and maintain the water delivery system which leaks terribly, stop theft of the water or stop the residents from illegally opening hydrants during the summer for fun. Consequently the system loses approx. 15-20% of the produced water. When you add that up with those who fail to pay their bill the cost is considerable.

    I have a business associate with a 12 man shop in the City. He is required to pay approx. $3000.00 per month for his water service. He only uses it for the bathrooms, not industrial use. His consumption can not be that high. He does no laundry or showers etc. The City overcharges those it can to cover some of the losses. Unfortunately those are often the businesses. This is just another reason so many businesses have left the city.

    I live well outside the city and have well water. Many businesses have moved outside the city to my area in order to avoid these exorbitant fees and thus stay competitive and in business.

    The progressive leadership over the last 50 years just can't see the forest for the trees.

    Finally there is a Mayor that is trying to get people to pay their bills.

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    • Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 9 months ago
      Agree with the last two statements. Coleman Young was the response to "white control" of the city and was the beginning of the downward spiral. Today the center of the city is experiencing a rebirth and will probably follow the path of New Orleans following Katrina - push real estate values up to dismiss non-productive moochers from the city. So far it is working in NOLA and areas such as The Bywater are becoming desirable places to live. Dan Gilbert is investing millions in Detroit creating some really nice real estate. What will happen is that condo's will be sold for weekend getaways to attend concerts, football, baseball, and hockey games. On a lesser scale if will mimic The French Quarter where many people have getaway condos. People won't use them as a primary residence at first but in time many will as businesses slowly relocate in Detroit. Shinola watches and Two James distillery are two examples of under the radar capitalism. Yes, Detroit has a long ways to go but I see the beginnings. I traveled to Hudson's in downtown Detroit when I was a kid in the fifties, so I have watched its rise and fall. But know that there is a saying in the Detroit "gulch" Detroiters stick together." There are some good people that are producers who will get it done in Detroit.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 9 months ago
        Hello Ben_C,
        Good to hear from you. Great comments. Yes, there are some signs of life returning. CPR has been given. Time for a shot of adrenaline and perhaps a new state and federal government more favorable to manufacturing and the old city may start to resemble what we once knew. The local populace will have to be re-educated... I am not too optimistic, since it has fallen so far, and our governance has so deteriorated. But, if it is to make a comeback it will likely be a long road. Rome wasn't built in a day and its decline did not occur overnight...
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      • Posted by Jer 9 years, 9 months ago
        Ben, why on earth are businesses starting or relocating in Detroit? It seems fairly clear from reviewing the water situation alone that businesses are in disfavor and will be looted to the extent possible. Why are people beginning anew to risk their capital there?
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        • Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 9 months ago
          Detroit is clawing its way out of the abyss of debt and is redefining itself. I teach at Wayne State University as a guest lecturer every January and each year see more abandoned homes cleared along Martin Luther King Blvd. Lots of vacant lots. Detroit is building a rail system along Woodward Avenue from the center of Detroit to the New Center north of I-94. This is intended to move people along the Woodward corridor to gain easy access to restaurants and entertainment venues. This coupled with Dan Glibert's efforts will attract people with money. The non-paying moochers will be crowded out. The non-payment of water bills was ignored by Kwame Kilpatrick (he is in jail) but now is the center of attention. Water treatment has been ignored for decades and with the decline in population (1.5 million to 750,000) water consumption and revenue are down. The business attraction will first be entertainment. Other businesses will follow in the decades to come. Detroit reached its bottom. Sure, its a risk investing in a dismal setting - but then the greater the risk the greater the reward.
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          • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 9 months ago
            I agree Ben, I was closer to the situation before I moved from The D and settled down in Ontario, Detroit's Canadian neighbor, in 2012. But I saw signs of hope before I left, and I visit friends and family once/month and continue to see improvements.

            Some of the things I see are investors buying up whole blocks of sound but neglected buildings downtown. When I was still there, my niece had her wedding downtown on the river, in a beautiful refurbished area east of the core. I took a walk around during the reception and there was a extraordinarily good-looking office building that, per a plaque outside, was a former brewery. The area was also packed with new and thriving music clubs.

            Other things I see as very positive:

            I never thought I would see this in my lifetime, but Michigan is now a "right-to-work" state. I was just reading about Volvo opening it's first U.S. plant in South Carolina. Also, no surprise there, a right-to-work state. There is going to be a huge push by the UAW to unionize it, but the odds seem to be, and I agree, that they will fail. Just think if an auto manufacturer, or other large manufacturer decided to locate in Detroit, and kept the unions out?

            I have also seen and heard about a surge in "charter schools" in and around Detroit, which are alternatives to the public schools. My sister has been a teacher for 40 years, mostly in Catholic schools before they declined significantly, and she has taught at a few charter schools in Detroit. Along with the looters, there is and has always been a hard-core of moral, hard-working people in Detroit, and they are sending their kids to these schools. I believe I read of one high school where 98% of the kids are going to college. That's a rate that used to be reserved for the private, religious schools, and only the best of those.

            I could go on if I had more time. I truly think that Detroit has reached the bottom, and that the lessons of the bankruptcy have been learned (mainly hostility to business), the union's power is significantly diminished, especially the teacher's. The people themselves want change: a white mayor? Seemingly smart and honest. That in itself is amazing to me and says "the times they are a-changin'"...

            It's a start, and risky, and we can't forget the overall mess the country and all the civilized countries in the world are in, but maybe Detroit can continue to recover, and serve as an example.
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            • Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 9 months ago
              Thanks for you reply. Rule One - never trust the media. I live in Ann Arbor and know where to go and where not to go in "The D" just as I know where to go and where not to go in NOLA or NYC. There is some amazing architecture and history in Brush Park just north of Comerica Park and Ford Field. This will be the initial island of affluence when finished and will be big fun.
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              • Posted by Jer 9 years, 9 months ago
                Ben, Many thanks to both you and MinorLiberator for your replies. I confess I am less optimistic than you folks, primarily because I see too much apathy among the electorate there and everywhere. When that auto mfg company ML mentioned opens shop in Detroit, reports a year's profit and keeps the all-powerful unions out, I will become as positive as you.
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                • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 9 months ago
                  Hope it was clear that I was "cautiously" optimistic, and tried to give some evidence for being so. I certainly agree on the overall apathy on the part of voters nationwide. But the fact that the city with the largest percentage of blacks in the US (83%) could elect a white, seemingly true reform mayor says that something is happening, at least local to Detroit. I hope it's a trend, which have to start somewhere (there goes that optimist again).

                  As far as the "all powerful unions", not so much anymore. The UAW hasn't won an organizing battle in a new auto plant in a long time, and IMO the current population of Detroit could not and and did not grow up drinking the pro-union kool-aid of previous generations, if only because the auto plants had closed and moved out of the city long ago. Besides, my example a "big manufacturing" moving back soon is unrealistic, but I think it likely we'll see small and medium size firms starting up.

                  Also I did some checking on the current status of the UAW, as I knew there had been some big changes in the past few years, specifically a two-tier wage system. In order to survive at all in union plants, in 2007 they agreed that new union workers would start at around $15/hour vs. $28.hour for "veterans" (I actually think the latter figure is understated as I know true long-timers making much more per hour). Of course that type of system can't co-exist forever, and of course the unions, now that the economy is perceived to have improved, want to eliminate the lower tier, whereas the owners want to eliminate the upper. My money's on management.

                  The other fact I learned, which surprised me at first, and then didn't, is that less then half of UAW members now are actually auto workers.. The majority are now teachers, hospital workers etc., i.e., government sector workers, the only area where unionism isn't declining. And even that trend is being challenged by right-thinking leaders (see Scott Walker). I think unionism is dead in the private sector, and fighting it's last ditch battles only with the help of local, liberal governments.

                  Well, that went a little beyond paying for water, and even Detroit, I blame it on the coffee (not global warming)....
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                  • Posted by Jer 9 years, 9 months ago
                    Thank you for the thoughtful response ML. I drove across a major thoroughfare in Charlotte this afternoon where there was heavy construction underway (to build a public transit extension - sigh). The point where I crossed contained a large earth mover with the name of the manufacturing company on its side. It was Japanese: Himatsu or something like that. I got very depressed.
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  • Posted by billcross23 9 years, 9 months ago
    In many ways, Detroit is like having a third world country (or city state) dropped into middle America........and like a laboratory to see what ideas are actually acted on, and what their effects will be in the short and long term
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 9 months ago
      Correct, in the sense that it appears "dropped in" suddenly because unless you lived there or were from there or otherwise paid attention, most people in the country probably didn't think about Detroit until the word "bankruptcy" hit the headlines.

      But if you were interested, the "experiment" started in earnest about the early or mid-60's. If the were such a thing as "time-lapse" movie making, Atlas could have been shot there over the past 50 years...it truly is a laboratory and history of failed local and Federal policies...

      The more interesting experiment, which I and others have suggested, and is too radical/rational to ever be allowed, it to declare Detroit a true free-trade zone, exempt from all taxes AND regulations, minimum wage etc...and then see how quickly it recovers. Provided, of course, that at the same time the safety of the law-abiding citizens was restored, i.e., the actual proper functions of government. Other big cities like LA get more press about this problem, but Detroit is close to the top of cities with out-of-control violent gang problems. If you don't address that, all else if futile.
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 9 months ago
    Having been born, raised and educated in "The D" in much better times, this is an inevitable outcome I predicted in 1973, after reading AS, the rest of AR, and lots of free market economics. (I claim no prescience or special skill in doing so. Reading Atlas and looking around me in Detroit back then was all it took.)

    I left in 1976 to study Econ in grad school, but always kept an eye out on the sad deterioration of a once great American industrial city, and for the inevitable bankruptcy. I had the unfortunate opportunity to witness it closer up, having moved back to a nearby suburb in 2000.

    I actually thought the water shutoff had begun a few months ago (I got out of Dodge again in 2012), but a similar hue and cry probably delayed it. Ah, I see the article actually mentions that.

    But back to the issue: yeah, this "ability to pay" is a horrible, immoral idea. Not to be too cynical, but there were/are already a lot of public assistance programs that would have helped pay these water bills before they got out of hand, but they chose not to pay as they went, and, hand-in-hand, the politicians let them get away with it. Now it's time to pay up. And to be just a tad more cynical (realistic), I still visit once/month and I don't see any shortage of automobiles, cell phones, cable TV etc. in the city.

    I hope the current mayor sticks to his guns. He seems much better than the long string of corrupt mayors (of all "persuasions") that have plagued the city since at least the 30's. The immediately prior mayor tried, but the real villain of the piece is the City Council. They are among the most socialist, race-mongering bunch of misfits that will rival any other Far Left city such as SF or LA. They fought the bankruptcy (which will eventually benefit the city) tooth-and-nail for years, primarily in league (surprise) with the public teacher's union. Fortunately, one result of the bankruptcy and state takeover has been reduced power for them.

    Sorry for the rant, but when something bad happens to someone you know and love dearly, all due to politics and immorality, it makes one angry. I'm sure more than a few people here know what I mean.

    And as far as the UN, MYOB, and don't dare comment further on my city.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 9 months ago
    "Ability to pay"? Straight out of Marx. And the city will go down for good. Just shut down.

    "Have you anything left to loot?" asked Henry Rearden. "What can save you now?"

    "Oh, you'll do something!" shouted James Taggart.

    And in so shouting, gave the game away.
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 9 months ago
    The correct way to fix the problem, you want water delivered to you through the system, pay for it. The "human rights" issue brought up by the UN is nonsense. All these residents have access to water, let them go to the lake and collect water in 5 gal pails and transport back home. Then filter it to make it safe to drink and cook with. All products and services come with a price, if you want it then you must pay for it.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 9 months ago
    Maybe the people who arent working in Detroit and have no money should move to a place where they can work, or perhaps even try some new skills.
    Enough of this entitlement stuff
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 9 months ago
      On the plus side, there is some significant growth in the downtown area (beyond the casinos). I'm a tech person and for the first time had trouble getting work in the Detroit area starting with the crash of 2008. I gave up and moved out in 2012, but I'm still on a few job boards, and starting around the time of the bankruptcy I am now getting multiple opportunities almost daily from the Detroit area, and most in downtown Detroit. I suspect that most of the jobs will be filled by people from outside the area, or from the suburbs with better schools. There are also some "charter schools" in the area, including Detroit, producing some good high school grads.

      But for the most part, the hard core unemployed with minimal labor skills should either get some training (NOT via a public program), or move to a better area for whatever work they are capable of doing.

      Amusing in a "black-humor" way (using the term traditionally, not racially): there was a Republican governor a few years back who both made some welfare reforms, but also (seriously) came up with one interesting subsidy program: a one-way bus ticket out of Michigan.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 9 months ago
    Probably only end up turning water off to "uninhabited" crack/meth houses.

    How close we are to Bombay (Mumbai)!
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 9 months ago
      I wonder how many people in Detroit squat it abandoned houses they don't own, as many people around the world do who live in irregular shanties. I bet it's more than a few rare cases.

      I think we're leaving the world of some countries being rich and others being poor. We have rich/poor people, but they're not segregated as much by nation state. This is IMHO the result of technology and not policy decisions. There's no way to keep some nations rich and others poor, and I don't see that we should want to. This is a tough adjustment for the world. I do not want the undeveloped world of irregular housing and illiteracy to exist down the road from me, but I don't have an answer to make it stop.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 9 months ago
        I would agree that it is driven that way as long as we buy products from countries without civil rights, appropriate "involuntary" environmental rights, and other asymmetric economic competition. Union people buying goods at Walmart is the ultimate irony!

        Not sure we can expect Detroit, or other, to be something other than a 3rd world country unless we 1) fund them out of existence with socialism, 2) exploit and leverage a 3rd world mess, or 3) let them all struggle as animals until they provide value equal to a relevant position in the contributor's world.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 9 months ago
          I'm saying if we only traded with countries that had good civil rights records, this trend would presist.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 9 months ago
            Not sure.

            Taiwan seems like a good example of emerging from a mess. They have decent civil rights, and pretty good economic freedoms. They took right off after WWII. Leveraging a hard working workforce and little socialism. I forgive their "martial law" until 1987. They either had to suppress China's communist influence, or be absorbed. Alignment with the US was an obvious choice.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 9 months ago
              When I said "this trend" I meant the trend of the poor not being segregated from the rich by nation or region and instead living in the same cities.

              It's very important to have civil rights, economic freedoms, and democratic gov't. It makes everyone richer. It does NOT, however, cause the rich and poor to be separted. I actually think it brings them together.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 9 months ago
    The water thieves?? A few years ago the California governor decided to price fix the cost of electricity.Predictably electricity became an unavailable commodity.Then he worked a deal with the other States to fair share their excess. I believe that was before Oregon became a net importer by shutting down production. Next step was repudiating the debt which ha ha ha was passed on to the citizens of Oregon,Washington;,Idaho and others as price increase. TANSTAFFL who arranged all of this BOHICA the various governments of the various states.California still owes that debt. They could have stopped heating their swimming pools or pumping water into their southern desert of LA county.

    Which reminds me, flushed with success the moochers of California then asked for water from the Columbia River via pipelines, pumps and canals to the Shasta Sacramento river systems. Now moochers in the south are building huge pipelines to just steal it from the Sacramento system. Where are the tree huggers when you really need them? Why they are living off of your electricity and your water. Suckers.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 9 months ago
    Where I live in Az., the water company first sends a late bill threatening to shut you water off. If their bill isn't paid in five days or less they come an shut the water off. Then you have to file for arbtration with the company to get the water turned on.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 9 months ago
      Yep... I'm in AZ too. I once saw the city come out and put a lock on the water shut off in a neighbor's yard. Right after he left the neighbor came out of his house with bolt cutters.
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  • Posted by jimslag 9 years, 9 months ago
    I grew up in the Midwest and we regularly traveled through Detroit to visit relatives and friends in Toronto. I remember Detroit when we first started and it was a vibrant prosperous city back in the early 60's. We didn't go in 1968 due to the riots but after that you started to see the changes in the city over the years. The last time I was through there was in 1975 and it was markedly different than what I saw in, say 1965. It is sad what Progressive values do to population center like Detroit, but they did it to themselves. There has not been a Republican Mayor since the 40's sometime, it has all been Dems and corruption that makes Chicago seem mild by comparison. I believe several ex-mayors are in jail, sort of like ex-Illinois Governors. Stay away, far away, I now live in New Mexico, which had it's own corruption called Governor Bill Richardson (D) and pay to play scandal. We have hopefully recovered from that but certain D families still rule politics, like the Lujans and Udalls. Corruption is everywhere and you have to keep a lookout for it.
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