Catagory for firearm discussion
Posted by stargeezer 11 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: Feature Requests
How about a place where we can discuss firearms, gun smith work, reloading and the application of these tools. Hunting, target shooting, survival, and concealed carry.
The first thing I thought was missing when I got here to the Gulch was a thread on self-sufficiency, preparedness, self-defense, and 'arms' of all sorts, particularly, GUNS. 8-D
A target with the center still in it points to the loser. :)
Though, in my personal experience, the best way to improve your skills isn't to go drop a hundred dollar every weekend shooting; but to go out and shoot like 5 rounds a day. It's going to be that first shot that counts, and that's usually what needs the most practice, particularly drawing and target acquisition .
Although, that's kinda of hard if you can't shoot in your own backyard. Lucky me.
Of course I build all my own ammo so I can tune it to the gun.
If you aren't carrying it, you might pull off the buttplate and see if the buttstock is hollow. If it is, you can pour some shotgun shot into a ziplock baggy and stuff it in the hollow. Some guys drill the stock to do the same thing. The added weight will help with the recoil and help with keeping the rifle locked into sandbags.
The more solid the position is, the better the accuracy will be.
Now if you are carrying it as a hunting rifle, you can do the same trick, but aim for balancing the rifle right in front of the trigger guard. If you have a bipod up front, you can put more shot in there.
As for load data, every rifle is different and what works for me might give you a 3" group at 100yds. That said, I like Hodgdon Benchmark and load it with a 168gr Nosler Custom Competition at 42 grains. That is close to the max load for that round and might exceed the limits of the RA - approach it cautiously. Work up from 38 grains if you try it.
My rifles that I use this round in have much heavier barrels and receivers than the RA, but it's a very accurate combo in my guns.
BTW, I'd never shoot this load in my M1A1. Doing so would break the action for certain.
Once I get it where I want it I plan on loading some using 150 grain Hornady Interbond and go stick me a pig. I have heard that wild boar is very close to domestic pig in taste, so I am going to find out for myself.
Thanks for the weight tip. Right now I have to stock stuffed with bushcraft stuff, fire starting supplies, etc.
What an excellent idea, Geezer!! Being something of a "shooting sporrts enthusiast" this is IMO very cool!
Somehow I can envision him on that TV commercial (for Capital One) asking,"What have YOU got in your gun safe?"
khalling wrote: "Sigh, unfortunately we are outnumbered on this one M M. One of the qualities that make this site unique is that it 's about shared interest in the movies first and foremost. ... we have added at least one category since I came on board."
What was that new category? Was it conceptually at the same level of abstraction as the others? Nothing stands out to me. I suppose that Videos might be with Movies and Books under Media, but that would force Legislation under Politics. I think that strict outline form might be inappropriate. The taxonomy I see here seemed to be intuitively obvious and "Guns" just stand out as would "Sports Cars."
If we have a shared interest in "Atlas Shrugged" then Guns really has little place here on its own as a special forum. Scott had to remind me of a third instance of guns in the book; none was significant. Francisco just stood behind the chimney firing (pg 924 ppb). Are those automatics or revolvers? Glocks, SigSauers, or Colts? It does not really matter. Guns are not that important.
The other two instances involve Rearden being willing to shoot two police officers to protect Ragnar Danneskjold and Dagny killing a soldier who was mentally paralyzed. Aside from the dramatic fiction, the makes and models were irrelevant.
Again, I point to Numismatics which is far more important to capitalism, but for which no special need exists to create a separate forum.
If six people are enough to lobby for an abandonment of the menu structure, where does it stop? Quite a few people here like beer. Alcoholic beverages receive only passing notice in the book, but do have more visibility in the movie.
The "Atlas Shrugged Part 2" flying a jet is very important to the drama of the opening and closing. In the book, Dagny flew a piston engine plane. We do not need an Aviation category because we have no special interest in flying despite the fact that it is significant in the story and actually shared by some here. (Again, see my post on "Aviation Culture" under Culture.)
I mean, really, if we had an interest any kinds of machineries, would they not be (1) railroads and (2) electric motors?
What justifies a special forum for guns? Again, perhaps it is a Technology. But we already discuss them freely as appropriate.
There are certainly aspect of life more important to AS, but how many issues right now carry the importance of guns and the gun control debate and what that might mean to our civilization to come?
Would you propose they should have thrown quarters at them?????
Certainly you recognize that Ragnar was utilizing guns from the beginning of his part of the strike. While most of us "gun people" would have included more details about firearms had we been the author, this lack of inclusion may indicate a lack of understanding on the part of the Ayn Rand. Not a criticism, just a observation that many people, for many reasons never learn to properly handle firearms. This lack only points to the need for such instruction as can be given in these pages.
One noted fear that many untrained hold is that the inanimate object will somehow cause a otherwise sane person to suddenly become a mass murderer. It sounds silly to us who understand firearms, but this very concept has even been described in the halls of congress. That should not give it any more value than the worship of the moon as god gets, but there you are.
Still others, the more prevalent thankfully, simply fear firearms due to a lack of familiarization. These are folks we can and do help. Help is offered through NRA basic pistol classes for those who have never touched a pistol before to private, one on one classes with certified instructors, like myself. As an Army armory instructor I taught many students who were fearful of firearms. And one of the most basic needs was to recognize that guns are just tools, to be used for good or bad. The final usage is up to the individual.
The propose category would allow a specific place where a foundational database of solid information could be assimilated and accessed by all. A place where specifics of the use of firearms can be cataloged as more and more join us as strikers. There is far more value to the life of a striker in the knowledge of firearms than in the production of beer (although that's important to as a life skill), but the production of beer is a skill that has a fixed bit of data to learn in the life of a striker, firearm knowledge will protect, feed, clothe and warm a striker.
The exploration of "Numismatics which is far more important to capitalism" has value to culture and therefore has a home, firearms do not.
Question: Which amendment of the first ten is not under open assault?
Were you thinking of a different one?
That is one incredible event and is as clearcut a violation as I've ever read. These guys are just missing some swastikas to fully equipped.
ETA: I don’t know squat about firearms or hunting I would love to learn more.
"Firearms?" "Self defense?" or... ?
Oh, and a LeMat..
Santa baby, I'd really like something nice and new... and blued... In fortyfive... would really make me come alive, so, Santa Baby, please come and fill my holster tonite! --giggles--
Think of missing scumbags - that just makes me pissed
If you check off, my list today
Next year those bad guys will all be, DOA...
So I'm just waiting for the category to be established :)
If you are talking about collecting original firearms, the walker has more value.
My primary hobby area is numismatics. What most people call "coin collecting" is the art and science that studies the forms and uses of money. The subject is highly important to capitalism. Here in the Gulch, I have posted articles and links to articles about gold coins, stock certificates, industrial award medals, and similar topics. They go into History or Business or under some other Category. So, too, with guns.
The rubric "Guns" is conceptually less abstract that the other Categories. That is why I never asked for a Numismatics category.
I also learned to fly. I never completed the certification, but half of my hundred hours are solo, including night. I have an article here on "The Virtues of Aviation Culture." Find it here:
"Piloting an aircraft demands, rewards, and exemplifies the virtues taught by Objectivism." I placed it under Culture. It could have gone under Philosophy or Technology. But a separate "Aviation" category would be inconsistent with the design structure of the discussion boards.
We can pass on the spell checks.