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  • Posted by ogr8bearded1 11 years, 10 months ago
    How disabled do you have to be that you cannot do ANY work? *cough* Stephen Hawking *cough*
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    • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
      To the government, any chronic illness most likely or an amputation or.... etc. With all of this you probably can get disabled and welfare at the same time. If a person has a phobia of doing any thing then they will be on well welfare.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 10 months ago
      I'm not sure Dr. Hawking considers himself "disabled". Sure, he can't do an awful lot of stuff most folk can, but he has shown the world that even with the anchor of ALS around his neck, he is, indeed, a producer - actually, it was because of him I actually *understood* particle physics... and re-energized my love of the sciences. I think were he not, ALS would have claimed him long ago, instead of his disregarding it as irrelevant and forging ahead fearlessly.
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      • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 10 months ago
        Right - I think that was ogr8's point. If that guy can be productive in his's really quite a contrast when you compare him to people who call it quits with far less impairment.
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  • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 10 months ago
    I remeber vividly in 1993 when many of these ADA regulations were really being put on the fast track. I was getting hammered in a business that I was working on for compliance and I was fighting against the regulations aggressively. I ended up winning, but it cost me many thousands of dollars and delays in the contract. I also lost a lot of sleep as I had to read many of the regulations myself as no engineer would cross the line in my defence. It was after all a "good cause." Who could argue against disabled Americans? I fired more than one engineer who told me to increase the cost of the project so I would be in compliance to the ADA new regulations. Of course the higher the cost of the project, the higher the fees for approval.

    20 years ago I knew it was a scam designed to create more government entitlments. It burns my gaul evertime I go to dinner with my wife and struggle to find a parking spot when there are 4 empty lots right by the front door for disabilities. Then I see the same forces who advocate for the ADA acts who stand against stem cell research which could FIX most of those disabilities. Government doesn't want people off disability. They want disabilities to such an extent that I'm starting to wonder if the many wars throughout the world are really intended to create more people drawing disabiity. Of course that sounds nuts, but it looks that way.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 10 months ago
      I thought it was conservatives who were against stem cell research? I agree that this is valuable research
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      • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 10 months ago
        Oh, they are, but nobody in government wants to fix the human body with advanced science. Think what that would do to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the ADA if people could grow new tissue like legs, fingers, kidneys, and cure cancer like the Dr. in Texas has been able to do only to be prosecuted by the FDA.

        Government wants human beings sick, broken, and dependent.

        But the technology is right there in front of us, which many people don't know about.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
          Exactly. My mom has type 1 diabetes and we found out in Mexico that it fixes type 2 diabetes. If the US had the same research going on I am sure we/they could find out shit loads of cures for things including type 1 diabetes.
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          • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 10 months ago
            Check this out. I bet nobody saw this in the news.


            If anyone has cancer call this guy. He is for cancer what John Galt is to the electric motor. He has discovered that the body makes anti cancer properties in a body's urine produced by the kidneys. Cancer occurs when the body loses its ability to stop making this chemical--as a body ages. To stop cancer just get the chemical from urine that does have the chemical in it. Of course its more complicated than that, and he's not asking people to drink urine. But his fix is a major breakthrough that the FDA has given him a 15 year battle of prosecution over.

            All problems are solvable, especially if government gets the f**k out of the way. I think Galt used less colorful words, but its true. Lots of people die and get sick all the time so that the medical system can maintain control over illnesses.
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            • Posted by khalling 11 years, 10 months ago
              OMG! this is what my book is about. and the stealing and the ruining of a man's life. and the thousands aof lives a year this could save. I can't believe it. well yes, I can.
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              • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 10 months ago
                Really! Isn't that something. Real life is stranger than fiction much of the time.
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                • Posted by khalling 11 years, 10 months ago
                  I have no idea who dinged you overman. I think it's a glitch and I will give you back your point. seriously, I didn't even ratchet up the drama to be as bad-life sentence-the rest, we pretty much did and the vigilante justice part :) which this story doesn't have that's in the press at least. thanks for sharing.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 10 months ago
        It is valuable research. What killed it were certain religious groups that were anti-abortion for any cause. THeir argument was if they allowed Stem Cell Research, then women would have an excuse to get an abortion and not care. Of course... I know not one woman who had an abortion and has not thought about it over and over for the rest of her life.

        Bottom line - it was about controlling women - telling them their body wasn't their own, and someone else could make them do something - and using "Dead-Baby-Guilt" to do it....
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 10 months ago
      When I was a kid (waaaay back in the 60's) , the place I worked for put a wheelchair ramp out front - not because of some damned gub'mint regulation, but because there was business out there that he was losing by not having one.

      Needing the gubmint to tell you to do the right thing is like having an earphone in your ear while swimming telling you not to try to breathe underwater...
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  • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 10 months ago
    Since we are experiencing this prolonged high unemployment, how is it possible that we have so many people becoming "disabled"? People normally get disabled on the job. All these unfortunate people must be getting hurt while looking for work! :-)

    Seriously, I don't know what's behind it. But after spending about 10 minutes looking at the data, this doesn't appear to be a recent Obama-era phenomenon. Like the article says: "March was the 194th straight month that the number of American workers collecting federal disability payments increased."
    I've seen an explanation offered that this is just the result of the baby-boomers moving into the "easily becomes disabled" part of their life, which seams plausible to me.

    But again, like the areas social security and medicare are trying to help out in...this is not supposed to be made my problem. These are obvious foreseeable risks that can be insured against. How about everyone just agree to take care of their parents and not expecting "society" to do it for them?
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 10 months ago
    I used to make a very good living doing Sub Rosa investigations for workman's comp fraud. 1 guys back injury was so severe he couldn't drive his car to work, but I had video of him bowling. Another injured his shoulder and couldn't work but I had video of him in a dart tournament. Private insurers would prosecute the fraud. Then again, for over 20 years I have reported a person committing SSI fraud. I even did the investigation for them, sent it in though my Congressman and no investigation has ever been done and the payments continue. The government wants this to continue.
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